Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Shall I Carry On in an Abysmal Vein of For Realism

They will say she was merely Passionate

In the US Congress of 2019, we sadly must conclude that it's become acceptable to march about looking openly insane, provided one is heaving vaginal-minded truth-bombs at the Old Guard. We should try to proceed fairly here in this petty analysis, from the start, and not just because we always have to keep our socialcriminal records in mind now in this age of elaborate tallying and monitoring systems. So we bow to the possibility that Alexandria Hyphenate Avatar is not in full control of herself, science-wise, or alternately just sociology-wise, which difference we may get to discussing, in due course. Yes, it is possible that AOC is in the vanguard of test-tube change agents/politicians, (like BHO and this Kamala Harris figure with her gauche, behind-the-mike verbal negro-isms and affected brogue, and her suspiciously familiar serpents' eyes) and that the intense, batshit visage we now know Alex by is rather like the imprimatur or the hallmark of her particular division, or school of discipline. She has been trained particularly as an agit-prop specialist, is the feeling i get. A pin-up model---and i say that mostly seriously and without smarmy sexual chauvinism creeping into me, where it could never get a hold---i say a pin-up model for the new age of Lucifer-curious, molotov wokeness.  

(it doesn't please me to say it at all, but i get the redolent impression that AOC occupies a burlesque mode of politics. She is a rough, kinda metaphysical corollary to the phenomenon that has taken over news television: the female newscasters who are exclusively attractive and veering towards the bimbonic, with all those scarily plunging necklines and flesh-displays. Hubba hubba, just the facts.)

She embodies hashtags Me Too and The New Green Deal, !, after all. You could go so far as to say she is the spokeswoman of the zeitgeist of Forced Change For The Good of The Greatest Number, We Assure You, Yea though ye walk in the blighted valley of death-cult capitalism, ye shall no longer fear the state because of how many young colored folk with vim it can yield in a given election crop. A standard-bearer for this Comeuppance to Pasty Patriarchy which is almost certainly in name or acronym only, and is concerned mainly with population management and eliminating the precisely optimal number of human fools from both the workforce and the planetary grazing grounds of our betters. AOC performs a similar manipulative function to Bruce Jenner, but in the political sphere. The sum of these two people's message and purpose is much more about the transfer or mutation of power among clever power-mongers whose capital is actual human bodies and human souls, than it is about human genitals or freedom or economic rights, or the right of even the supreme Golden Medaled Alpha-Super Male to say "i want female secondary sexual characteristics and for you to revise your conception of pronouns and civic mores, and you can't stop me or even safely argue because frankly the State Owns All the Tar and All the Feathers." In blessed short, AOC was engineered by Bertrand Russell, with help from the pre-babylonian devils who operate the steam- and skunkworks beneath the Fabian-occupied basement of the Tavistock Institute, and she is hot when she dances.

There is so much Room here to talk for really also about Bernie Sanders, but we should control ourselves, while we are being so fair. We also do not want to offend anybody, as always, or their complex and unquestioned politico-religio-sensibilities. The spirit of our age is surely to be found in Defending, anyway, in being defensive. Defensive warfare, defensive driving, the sublime art of being nearly always on the verge of being butt-hurt, and these generous modern States that defend against everything icky, on behalf of its easily triggered citizens which it reveres as god. I know that it would not be fair or seemly to speak of Bernie Sanders as the totem of The Secular Socialist Jew Who Reminds One Regularly of the "Jewish Role in the Civil Rights Movement" in a sort of Flamboyant and Almost Guilty Way, Somehow.

Still, i suppose we are getting into just why AOC and her prating "socialist" elder among the old left-guard, Professor Sanders, are ultimately so noxious and fraudulent, to my thinking. (One perhaps significant difference between her and BS is that when called upon to concede to her proximate masters in her surely glorious but graduated future towards ever higher office, she will not have to be punched in the face, as Bernie did. She will agree with any mandate from the central committee, passionately. Because these younger generations are much, much better-heeled and they have already such a tendency to a nominally marxist sociopathy. I am being frank here, yes, but still fair, always fair.) I feel we should admit that AOC is an avatar of an occulted or hidden-hand Political Movement more than just an individual, screechy bug-eyed champion of a hip, gender-obsessed minority that is completely brain-washed if they are not simply self-important know-nothings who should be focused on other, more meaningful issues than just those sanctioned by the politburo. The unmarried Vicar of Vermont is much the same. AOC represents the Fire in the Fat Belly-Minds of Modern Men-types. She is concerned, always passionately and with those tremendous eyeballs a-gogging, gorging on everything they behold, she is concerned you know with Big and radical Ideas, but not so much those that address acquisitive warfare waged by mercenaries, or the related piracy of a modern central banking system that is governed by bloodline cartels. She is definitely down to throw down in Charlottesville, without ever bothering to question how it is that people are now allowed to have mass brawls in the public squares of a respected college town that had Nothing Except Preparation for the smoldering event yet did (the patent reverse of) Nothing to Prevent bloodshed and a now-legendary civil unrest. AOC is down with methodical discord, you could eventually say. We shall see. 

She is all noise, like a music-box, and just as mechanical, and she burbles away singing platitudes that were programmed into her. So she is very much like a good many of her average contemporaries who do not inhabit Congress, if we are being real. Or, as i said earlier, she may not be scientifically programmed in a lab, per se, but closer to an organic model of change agent, and the brain-washing was more or less self-directed. If you don't know any true social justice warrior-types, you may not realize how authentic-seeming they can be, or how convinced they are of the originality of their strident, generally myopic views on everything. Please understand i am saying this as a solidly left-wing adult cis white/black/mulatto male, if i were forced to choose sides. I believe with all my privileged yet still woke heart that Farrakhan was right, furthermore, and that for lack of a better term, the fucking white devils bombed the 13th street levy. Of course in this age of fake news and fulsome, unconsidered and uninformed opinion-sharing, you may think i'm being glib but i am not. If Katrina was the work solely of Mother Nature then i am a Kardashian's laprapper.

Much of what i feel about AOC, and i don't feel much, is based on my emotional, instinctual reaction to her and the same in others. This may provide some small insight into the plan actuating her sexy, spicy arrival on the divided battleground of things in the USA. She's meant perhaps to press many hot buttons and operate on the mass limbic system. She has an alchemical role to play. Therefore, her obviously crazy eyes were given a pass and she was unleashed onto the scene. Her task is admittedly hard and maybe they couldn't do any better. In any case, she is the sharp counterpoint to the Bloated White Man of Ofay Capitalism, the avatar Donald Trump. I have to assume that the reason why AOC has such an undeniable shine to her glowing skin and smile is because she has been rubbed so often and thoroughly by bankers, Fabian technocrats, oilmen and war profiteers.

. ..All fake news, all the time: this is not sustainable without equally fake and pliable, robotic politicians that possess seemingly animatronic passions that never stray far at all from the plantation. I have not had nearly enough alcohol this morning to address in any useful or competent way the subject of AOC; certainly not enough to address Bruising Bernie Sanders. Allow me to dip into a bit of free verse.


meta-shit is gonna Change, boy, and boy do i have a plan
of direct action. 
I am Brow-beater,
hear me nasally whinge.
Watch me caper and gambol, prettily. 

Gentle, aggrieved citizen,
Alexandria is here now.
Rest your divided, restive mind.
AOC has come to assure you that 
the modern State likes wiggle room, it is agreeable
to the notion or argument of socialism and
system-wide redress of certain past 
as well as oddly recurrent wrongs
which have herewith been enunciated and sanctioned
for discussion.

(STFU right now if you intend
to be on about systemically intransigent wars of aggression, or about 
september 11, 
or intel agencies
all the child sex and murder rings of 
any worth or profitability,
or those missing Trillions
from HUD and Defense budgets,
or the imminent threat of black goo and 5G.
Harmful vaccines and the explosion of crisis actors
are not germane to this colored revolution.

None of that stuff advances The Struggle
of the working class or the transgendered
against the hordes of cis-white males,
or the plight of the willingly couched actresses of Hollywood.
Specific, moral arguments such as those
do not help secure more funding for planned parenthood,
or their gender reassignment drugs,
or any other of the population reduction measures.
The State is not all about that drama.
Just sit down and STFU, we got this.)

she is here upon us now
to assure us that The Wiggling Modern State
can do the merengue as well as the salsa, enshallah!
The dam thing has a plan
and that plan is to do the dam thing, yo,
and the plan knows no prejudice
and cannot be jaded bc the plan is the most
right-on shade of green known to 
the new transically forward-looking, 
singularity-minded race of humankind. 
The State doesn't apologize for being attractive and fresh and vital.
It can be coquettish if it wants to, 
it does not mean it is asking for 
the sacred obelisk.

vwoosh, pow, zammo, these newer politicians must have 
super politician powers, i suppose, 
if they imagine such a grand, nebulous plan
is at all actionable, like some very good 
piece of military intelligence
before going to war.
Maybe their super ability is to sell
each month or term a cliffhanger issue
to a gullible, puerile public that is desperate 
for any scrap of super-hero hope, even if it comes from Chicago,
or Hawaii,
and the path of that hope is littered with dead gay choir-members. 

while the children keep disappearing in unrecorded record numbers
and Celine Dion worships the devil
right out in public, by 
dressing babies in her 
morbid, murderous, child-abusing 
line of jumpers and such.

it is all connected
and all the sports leagues are rigged
and we should have heeded the warnings of Alex Emerick Jones
and the mournful croaking of the gay frogs of planned parenthood
and of your municipal managers.
we have to pray that ...that in compensation for the systematically kidnapped children 
and the infinity of murder-drones
that a Sanders-AOC white house would manufacture in order 
to monitor all the domestic renegades and
to blast to death the last handful of the 
scurrying international rats of
ISIS left behind by Imperator Trump, 
our kinder, more socially-inclined leaders  
would dismantle all the robots being designed and installed to replace workers 
at every level of society, but especially the peon-classes. 
The drivers and cashiers and sellers of hamburger sandwiches:
that is, the very broad constituency of these 
categorically more benign and sympathetic 
politicians from the coastal lands, 
who we assume and pray have
no single, actionable skeleton in their closets because 
they are either owned completely down to their dirty souls,
and so don't be silly, decent reader,
you know how blackmail works,
or because they are androids or clones spawned from laboratories
and secrets do not apply to them.

Tis a little-known fact that JWB is AOC's grandfather, and her great-grandfather was The infamous Spaniard and mass-murderer of indians. Beware, beware the hidden cis white male hand, and at all time the Spaniards

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