Monday, December 16, 2019

Blog Entry, sometime in December, not yet 2020 but gettin close. We casually address the subjects of Trump, NY centers of wealth and intrigue, and with due little seriousness, The Impeachment Imbroglio


This morning on National Public Rodeo:

Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY):

"....conspiracy theory....conspiracy theory...I've gotta go, Steve."

NPR word-reader and most serene interrogator, Steve Inskeep:

"FYI, Senator Schumer had informed us prior to the interview that he could only give us 7 minutes, and that is almost exactly what he gave us." 

...All i can hear when politicians intone the Hallowed, Gavel-time Words, "conspiracy theory," quite that many times in one brief, boilerplate segment from news media, is the sound of flesh-eating eels slithering in a horde towards unprotected cribs. The cribs in this case symbolize the soft, pewling minds of the greater portion of the public.

Obviously the Impeachment Intrigue is a rats' nest is a rats' nest of Everything.

It begins with the premise that DT is to a more than cliched, nominal degree an "outsider" in the vicious game of NAP, or National American Politics. He's not completely Separate from the game, but is more of a regional player whose milieu is rapacious Empire State real estate development and Gambling Kingpinnery; a man whose thus engendered wealth, influence and family history are themselves Inseparable from Criminal Enterprises of the Highest and Oldest Type: International Mafia and the many things of which It is capable. Please believe me when i say i've done a fairly responsible amount of research into the life of DT and his forebears. Also i'm a NY kid and man, and growing up there through the 1980's and on, one was constantly exposed to the image and towering news-making prowess of The Donald. He is, as a man and very public figure, a very well-known quantity, you know. Even if he's incredibly canny, opaque, and in the end quite guarded, calculating, and expediently manipulative as a personality.

There is a sub-premise to this very important but troubling Political Reality of Origins and Secret Character as concerns Trump and his family's dodgy, twilight-and-margin-realm empire: Trump is connected to Italian, but it seems even more especially, to Jewish Mafia and to certain factions within the above milieu that put him uniquely at cross purposes, logically, to other factions. One of the single greatest questions that anyone faces when trying to make sense of Trump, is which specific factions he is allied with. (The Epstein case with its weird knottiness does spell this out quite well: he and Trump had what appears to be a serious and legitimate feud, centered at least around some quite revealing yet shadowy real estate shenanigans, but nobody is talking about that feud because, one supposes, it can only have the effect of making the demonized Trump look better.) It can then be very confusing and ultimately disappointing, just for instance, to anyone who is foolishly biased against world Jewry or is an outright anti-semite, to finally have to admit that Trump does not enjoy monolithic support from "The Jews." Indeed, it's a fact that some very high-profile Jewish influencers and politicians are stridently against Trump and are verily his most visible, vocal opponents and critics. I would describe Schiff and Schumer specifically as Jewish power elite who represent an old vanguard of financial and political authority of the east coast blue-blood bloc. Schiff is a carpet-bagging expat from his family's power-center of NY, who wanted to be a screen-writer, and the less said about his Left Coast pals and their private tastes, practices and criminal acts, the better. Suffice it to say, that at least imho, one doesn't develop deranged bug eyes encased in massive pouches like Schiff's, without having seen and been sanguine about some nasty things.

(Interlude: just this morning my intelligent and moral coworker and i had a brief discussion of "deep state warfare-level politics," in which i was morbidly pleased to remind him of the Shooting of Steve Scalise by a remote-controlled Type of man, on Donald Trump's first birthday in office. No mention of this event cuts mustard without also mentioning the symbolic Grenfell Tower Fire on that same day, in London, city of symbolic happenings and governance, generally. 7-7, COUGH AHEM LOOGIE. This interlude was necessary bc i am trying to express the idea that no analysis of modern politics in the Gloves Off Trump era---which is merely a follow-up act to the already bare-knuckle modalities of the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama retinue of deep state political nonsense and murder-porn-figures---i say no such analysis completely cuts the mustard or is worth your time unless you proceed from the Primary Admission of Fact that All Politics is Mafia Intrigue, at its core. It has surely always been this way, what's more. It's just that in the information age we're exposed to more data, proof, and whistle-blowing, leaks, etc. The lewdly illustrative case in point and the dangerous microcosmic take on this is of course the arranged and quite brazen, attempted MK-murder or at least painful message-sending to Steve Scalise on DT's First Birthday In Office, to repeat myself. I'll say briefly that the proximate reason for targeting Scalise had to do with the asset-seizing Anti-HumanTrafficking Bill he had co-authored/sponsored, along with the other congressman who was at the "Soft-Ball" game that day. Even my non-conspiracy-minded co-worker was forced to remark, "Yea, strange that nobody talks about that attack anymore." But the fact is, in an organized and technologically mad, sped-up society that is governed by intrigue, murder-politics, and the secrets and dictates of the ancient mystery religions, one can never actually trust the news media to talk about what is important. They're an important cog in the great machine of deception and maintained authority. Even so, one of The Most Important cogs or departments in the whole miserable institution.)

So, consider the above forgettable stuff about Scalise, or even the Congressional Train Derailment which you may not recall unless being reminded, or even the fella who burnt himself alive in Zodiac Park or whatever near the White House, yes consider all these things the next time you're tempted to ridicule "conspiracy theorists" who keep going on about deep state warfare and conspiracies against the executive branch faction launched from within other branches of government. Consider the near-murder of Scalise and the sending of DT's personal doctor to Walter Reed Hospital to treat Scalise, when you judge DT's actions from that point on. It is literally all conspiracy and factionalism and secret attacks and counter-attacks, and in 2019, it is worse than childish to resist this compound-thesis. From this point until the election of 2020, i feel we can count on even more of these intelligible displays of mafia politics. I'm sincerely a bit sad to confess that my position is a naturally, undeniably conceited one: i'm proven right about this thesis on an almost continual basis. The recent events in London and again in Hawaii, and in NJ, and imo in Florida, probably, too, these are just more irritating and deadly chapters in this perpetual game of correctly smelling rats where there only are rats. I used to refer to September 11 Studies as being a futile game of whack-a-mole, in which there is so much separate, categorical proof of Inside-ness, in the end, that all research and proof-citing become redundant, and obnoxious, and provokes one into a mood reasonably described as hortatory and inclined to lecture. Again and again with myself and a handful of friends, i've debated what are The Top 5 Proofs of Inside Job-ness of Nein-11. It's a hard debate. Well then, an analysis of all global politics since then is just a prolonged game of whack-a-rat. The stench of massed rodent corpses is now overwhelming, leading into this next referendum. Popular culture provides many of the corpses and ritual icons, and this is because pop culture, in its debt to dark occultism, is exactly the same as "Politics." Popular and Polis, same.

It's my view also that no digest of the Matter of Donald Trump is sufficiently thorough or valid unless it considers his position in the September 11 Boondoggle of New Woild Orda Politics. What does he know and when did he know it? Plenty more than you or I, in those early moments, days, and months, you can be sure. He came out and said it in very Trumpian style, too, right after the "attacks." He hedgingly but yet directly casts doubt on the logic of such oddly, neatly collapsible towers, iirc, in a telephone interview. (I wasted 5 precious minutes trying to link to this audio file. It's clear that a google-chaff-blasting effort has been made, to obliterate a generalized or easily accessible record of this interview, and i'm under no obligation to find linked proof for the reader. The audio record exists, many independent-minded people have heard it, do your own research.Yes he said many tasteless, typical things about that day and the mass media has generously catalogued these statements, but that telephone interview has become comparatively scarce on the internet.) Trump knows real estate, and he knows NYC and its underbellies, and he knows Towers, after all. I would wager all my coins and ones and zeros, too, that he's not totally ignorant of ritual magic and alchemical themes, either, or the role of Hollywood in laying the magical corner- and key-stones of the events of that 2001 Tuesday, so long ago and far away now, whose final meaning relates as much to occult cosmology and millennium turning as to the desire to invade Iraq or occupy the gas and opium fields of central Asia. All of this happens to matter, even if not to Chuck Schumer. Jeffrey Epstein also matters, but not in the penny ante way we're instructed.

In welcome short, you are not only behind the curve if you don't subscribe ultimately to the Conspiracist View and Interpretation of History and Contemporary Politics, you are probably nowhere near the track to begin with. May God forgive you if you side with any given politician on any matter, and cannot make a steady, reasoned, researched argument for Why you've done so. To make any sense out of NPR or the logic of those who are paid to present ideas in mast-head Print or on TV, you need to go and do more or less annoying volumes of your very own research.

More optimistic Redon

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Driving while Nominally Human

in the rain,
in the pouring low visibility rain,
while precariously driving
your motorcar,
that is a very good time to check one's cellular phone,
with laser focus, without a care,
even immediately after
one has turned
through a four-way intersection.
because, because baby,
life is short
and you don't wanna miss out
and you don't wanna be alone,
or behind the curve,
and you need a spike of endorphines
and you're young,
made of unbreakable matter,
and have never known
anyone who had a serious accident
or died in a wreck,
and really, it's probably impractical to
actually masturbate
while steering.

little cell,
little sell, where are ye gwan

i am motoring along.
One of these old-fashioned people,
that's me,
concerned about death and
needless accidents,
fretting still in my quaint, worrisome middle age,
over the social contract
and the contagious anger and shame
i feel at witnessing all
this sociopathic, narcissistic behavior
that has grown by titanic leaps and bounds in 20 short years
since these devices began to wrack and ruin
our already miserably self-absorbed
model of society.
Since the internet
and cell phones 
and 1001 Streaming Services
and murderously well-refined first-person video games
burst from the depths
of the MIC,
fully prepared to murder and confuse everything
with their buttons
and the infinite cozy womb for the
savage ego
which they all provide.

i looked to my left.
a college student, female, doing
what we have all come to expect from their
selfish, feckless breed:
Poorly conducting her car in the rain
while looking at her phone,
even though she only has approximately
3-4 seconds to do so,
if she is to be at all careful or sane about
the process,
having just merged through a sluggish
four-way clusterfuck
of civilization,
or at least of modern living.
We learn by
grotesquely repetitive example,
that these 3.5 seconds are
an irresistible temptation for the youth of today,
and also for the 35 year olds.
That ninety degree turn
is too valuable
a span of time to waste
on merely driving.

I say to Femalehood:
we menfolk accept that you are
more gregarious than us,
more social,
more inclined to burbling like shaken
soda pops
into whatever sound-transmission device is near at hand.
We accept that your social chops
bind society and the family together,
and that the limitless gossip
in your hearts,
this eternal tendency to talk
about social matters,
and even to talk shit in
a rather uniquely bottomless female way,
is not altogether
bad or reproachable.
But even still,
enough with the cell phone use whilst you are
driving upon
the roadways.
It's an unnecessarily costly, homicidal
act that can only be
explained as a vanity
now indistinguishable
from sociopathy,
in late 2019.

But then...
I look to my right,
and see a 58 year old man, driving
under the same wet, dicey conditions,
gazing into his precious phone.
A national craze of death-wishing.
Into the shredder,
and between the cheeks,
the contract goes.

as individuals we
are ever more
steadily reduced to shit.
People are lame,
people are unspeakably lame.
So that in the end we must simply cringe
and whisper it,
or scream
about it at the top of tired lungs,
in the clammy privacy of our own automobiles...
or do it like me, and mutter at
a level close to singing,
stringing together harsh invective sentences,
as if anyone cared.
People are lame,
bring on the comets and the reset
and the next season

there is neither enough time
in life
to examine or appreciate its beauty,
nor to develop a sound method
of dealing with human society
as it sinks
blindly into its mass grave

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Jeff Epstein, Jimmy Savile, and the Case of the Clueless and Tardy Media Frenzy

The Surviving Twin Trades Sun Disks with The Halloween Babe. Even then the crisp, lively reptile eyes were apparent

Survey says! We can agree here that Jeff Epstein is largely irrelevant, a sort of Sir Jimmy Savile but not as horrific and definitely more smashable, however you might choose to smash him. Savile was similarly, posthumously exposed: well after all his immaculate damage, murder, child-raping and corpse-plumbing had been done. And what Charnin, this excellent statistician-type of man argues may in fact overlook the real possibility that JE was allowed to live, and could now be on a larger, safer island, even more fully stocked with scarcely nubile females, maybe in the inner earth. The overall story, of The Suicide-morphed-into-murder-speculation by even the concerned and dodgy, havering medical examiner must therefore be looked at (at least for conceptual kicks) as an extended psy-op with motivations we can only surmise with difficulty. You don't get much more irrelevant or harmless than Dead, and also while dead, you can be extremely useful as a false scent and colored herring. You can do so while living, too, if you're as agreeable as a Rose McGowan or a Michael Baden, for instance.

It seems to me that continued reporting on Prince Andrew has the rather forward-facing, obvious aim of hanging the poor old welfare recipient out to dry. He is the foil and the dupe left holding the perkiest funbags, but at least he had a capital time with willing, reasonably under-paid but feted young ladies, so don't cry for the Prince. If he were not being methodically left out to be nibbled to death by the tiny piranhas of the establishment presstitute corps and by the dull public opinions these hacks monitor and manipulate, then i can't imagine why the Daily Mail would have access to this story about he and Maxwell meeting at Buckingham right after the feds ramped up their investigations into the Epstein combine. Of course, leaks do spring and servants cannot be trusted. But the coverage of Randy Andy's involvement in all this just seems conspicuously constant and almost drip-fed; I'd expect further digging into his personality, specific bloodlines and personal history to reveal that he is the genetically expendable and helplessly simpering, mincing nebbish that he appears to be, and there you have it. Imagine a member of the Windsor syndicate being trotted out to be interviewed over these embarrassing horrors on even a pre-recorded news television interview! Not a member worth keeping, to be sure. And imagine some major corporation-journalist in the colonies being captured on a "hot mic" babbling about Buckingham Palace killing or otherwise kiboshing the Epstein story. Imagine the bad luck, timing, or corporate ownership ties, there. Oh these infernal microphones and verbal slippages, it's all so unbecoming. 

Not Entirely Sexually Trafficked, will be back by Wednesday or Friday, Mom
I only scanned the first half or so of that blog, but read with impatient interest the list of cumulative variables in the Epstein "death case," labeled as P's. Charnin does really keen work and has compiled a lot on the statistical improbability of witness deaths surrounding the public execution of JFK.

As always, the real story that creeps around forever behind the more palatable and presentable tale of Lolita Island where the Florida ingenues and Stephen Hawkings and Bill Richardson were all decidedly not coerced by any rationally adult standards, is the timeless story of Evil and bloodshed and blood-drinking, as well as intelligence operations managed by various States, including the US, Israel, Britain and Russia, too, maybe. Your guess is as bad and big-breeched as mine, probably. We had better stay in our lanes. 

But even so, think bravely of Epstein's little island in terms of the iceberg analogy: the island has a massive underside to it, basically a mountain, that can potentially be accessed via tunnels and impressive infrastructure to include elevators and great, big incubators for keeping the scores of perfect little Epstein progeny alive just as Der Sugariest Daddy had envisioned, humming along in their scientific dictatorship of a cryo-infancy. We are not supposed to question whether or not Epstein and those higher up in his ecosystem ever stooped to kidnapping and human trafficking, or drug transshipment. I suppose they would never have thought of such scummy lowbrow enterprises because the pleasure of owning islands and virtual rendition planes and fake passports?! was quite enough for them and they were quite satisfied as it was. (It's of value to my moral, logical and philosophical interest in this irrelevant story, that JE's explanation for this incredible scofflawing of international law was that he as a Jewish man was afraid, in light of September 11, and so he needed a false identity as a Saudi) All the 15-yo's were paid, if quite poorly, reportedly, but after all they got to hang out in mansions and take "free" tropical vacations. Islands and Florida coastal real estate and private planes and fake passports and dual citizenship are no good for those other more beastly lines of human and drug trafficking work and attendant "Compromising Ops," anyway. Someone would notice. Be very brave and notice. Aleister Crowley was almost surely an asset of British Intelligence for some part of his life, at least. Sir James Savile was known by no few number of people to be a literal psychopath, while enjoying the patronage of the Crown and the British State. No truth like his "comes out" only after his death. To say that "September 11 was a love letter to Aleister Crowley," as flowery and nonplussing as such a statement is, is not far from the truth. It was either a love letter or made with great pains to appear as if it were. There's a familiar patina of Look No Further over the whole Epstein bauble.

I get this well-tickled and -fleeced feeling, too, out of all this irrelevant and sheepish Epstein piffle. Like every good, semi-literate conspiracy theorist or "Truth Seeker!" in the post-Nein-11 wasteland of our sick and morally crippled globe culture, i was kvetching about JE many years ago. Everyone with any kind of clue knew, just as we knew about Savile for several years before he croaked and left us to clean up his satanic pukepile of an anointed life and legacy. We knew only because of the internet and the honor and privilege it affords curious people of finding one another, and allowing us to discuss publicly unconscionable ideas there. Another idea which is unacceptable under the current cultural and neo-theological regime is that in this JE saga, and indeed in many other very important matters and geopolitical conundrums the world faces, there is an implicit and almost universally unaddressed question of a Hebrew nature. There is a singular, carefree Jewishness to the Epstein story, with its involvement with the deeply interesting Maxwells of England, and its peripheral and very compelling connections to Florida Mogul and mob-funded casino playboy/media magnate, Donald Trump. Indeed the question of the Trump family's connections to Israel and specifically Israeli mafia, (this is sometimes, even often, what is really signified if not exactly intended by the euphemism of "Trump and the Russians," if you didn't know) is laying quite nakedly before us, right on the golden table. We are simply not supposed to be interested in such specifics or their various implications, because when we innocently are, we are apt to be called bigots or worse. But you know how that goes. If you have a consistent and upright moral world-view, dear pal, you'll never have to worry about being a bigot, only being called one by fools or dishonest people. 

And look here, at a necessarily macro-level, whenever you're dealing with NYC mobsters and Manhattan real estate tycoons, you are then also dealing with the Mother of all current, intransigent geopolitical drama (and semi-magical deep state warfare, while we're at it): September 11, 2001. Yes i insist that in the backdrop of anything is usually the most juicy and necessary story. In this same blind spot of total non-interest in the genetic, national, or theological question of a very powerful and exclusivist, somewhat extra-territorial minority population, exists also an ignorance of most of our history as human beings, for what it's worth, and just to be topical, an ignorance of the empyrean and ultra-relevant metaphysics of Stanley Kubrick's work, as well as of Why Donald Trump has any connection to Nikola Tesla at all, or Why those several gay choir members from Obama's Chicago Church ended up shot in the back of the head leading into his initial election. The wounds in each case resulted in death. In short, I am an equal opportunity misanthrope and skeptic. I am not an anti-semite, and anyone who suggests such a thing can only be laughed at and regarded as needing some sympathy and a bit of kindness. They have perhaps never heard of Larry Silverstein or Sabbateanism, or certain antisocial pronouncements of the Talmud, or the extensive history of false flag operations and how many nation states have repeatedly benefited from them. Some of the darker aspects of Egyptian and pre-Babylonian magical systems and what they imparted to Kabbala probably hold no interest for such stubborn name-callers, too. It's possible also that they have never had explained to them the complete intellectual and spiritual non-starter of any form/concept of racism or bigotry against any other ethnicity, creed, or color. Anyway but importantly, i resent and reject ever being told that i cannot ask any given question in any given way. Any question at all, provided i am moral and conscientious of the well-being of others.

In further but i promise pithier short, one has to have achieved high levels of being either a bastard or a fool to be racist or truly bigoted, and thankfully that's just not me. What we are dealing with on space-earth at any time-space, in my humble blog-writing opinion, is the primary question of Evil, and not the infinite, time-wasting, mundane human triviality of sub-labels and categories, of narrow and arrogant blame-leveling and rushes to judgment. Every tribe has a sacrosanct and largely unquestioned, temple-keeping priesthood and i feel the blame lies mostly with It, throughout time, and with their rare counterparts among the lay public who have sick minds and who lust for power. What we sort of stumblingly call "devil worship" actually does exist and has always been here. Then there are the archons and the forces incomprehensible to most of us... and therein lies the eternal rub and desolation of (part of) our (mostly clueless) condition. These are my opinions and i have hereby written them down in permanent digital form, because i have both the time and a vestigial civic spirit.

 "The indictment says that both guards effectively confessed their failure right after the 66-year-old Epstein was found unresponsive with a noose around his neck in his cell at 6:33 a.m. on Aug. 10."

The names are always worth looking at in any story having such broad and animal appeal. (Fundamentally the JE saga is about Power, Sex, and Death-skull Grinning Age Gap Factors, or the grotesque poisoning of youthful innocence by wealthy old men of privilege; One More Reminder: it is Not about Human trafficking, vast Honey Trap intel-gathering Operations, or murder, or the very interesting dispute or even feud between Epstein and Trump, which for vulgar reasons wouldn't play well as an "angle" in "mainstream media" with its demonstrated bias against DT) I say the names are important because it is my personal belief that "magic" is at play in most all of modern politics. Naming and "spelling" are power, and they are magic. I wish that i didn't feel i had to explain this anymore, but in fact i suspect that the truth of this axiom is rooted in abstruse metaphysics that are quite beyond me, anyway. Names, numbers and signs/symbols. It's half-interesting that one of the two guards who "slept and allowed JE to remain unmonitored as he died" is named Tova Noel. This, even for African Americans and their noted whimsicality in naming, is a somewhat unusual name. It's like a portmanteau of the first two Abrahamic faiths. Tova being primarily Hebrew, meaning "good" or "pleasing, beautiful." "Noel" is from French and of course means nativity or birthday, it comes from a word meaning "birth." So Jeffrey Epstein allegedly died under the watch of a guard whose name means "Good or auspicious Birth." The other guard has a last name of Thomas, which is amusing in a case that is defined by the high level of doubting it's caused. A Rasmussen poll shows that 42 per cent of Americans believe that JE was murdered. These are numbers reminiscent of the good public sense and dubiety following the deeply well-organized public execution of JFK. 

The very idea that JE was previously found all messed up with bruises on his neck in his cell in July is weird. Normally a hit on a man in prison does not get botched quite like that. The psychotic, steroided, corrupt drug-dealing and convicted murderer cop placed in his area right at that time surely could have handled JE if that was his assignment. And iirc, JE's team maintained that it was not a suicide attempt... but i have to say when one is gamely trying Not to see ritual in each and every major public event, it's unhelpful to have little wrinkles like this one, of the botched death. Like a headlined premonition, a mission statement, or something perhaps symbolic. Or just a message.

I have this annoying literary tic where, when i've managed to corral the perfect storm of private energy sums and urgent sentiment required to write at all to begin with, i end up going "I could go on and on..." and then i wrap it up. The very serious problem is that i actually can go on and on, and more generally that in making cases as ribald, hyper-critical and pessimistic as my chosen cases tend to be, one literally Has to go on and on. Because the case must always be cumulative; explained less fully or in piecemeal it makes so little sense. Context, dreadfully, is everything. Much of the JE case only makes approximate sense when considered in the mutant post-modern context of the Gloves Are Now Mostly Off period of this Donald Trump and mass shooting hoax era. The era of undisguised satanic pop culture and the lime-lit Bruce Jenner Deconstruction Apotheosis. The public is being treated at almost ever exponentially higher levels to an ersatz description of reality, to a synthetic narrative. Fake bloody news, etc. So we have a gangster/TV-host president with impenetrable family history and global mafia ties, who is widely, constantly hated for just being a pussy-grabber who plays coyly to white nationalism. Those two last qualities are bad enough, I agree, but I'm saying there is an oceanic depth of mystery, wrong and badness worth knowing something about, beneath and enveloping all of that. Sadly i have been paying attention, and the Obama imperium really honed my ability to watch the hands of the dealer, but more importantly, taught me to research the dealer's family and upbringing, and who originally funded the casino. Really it's not very hard at all, with the power of this internet. The only surprising thing about this JE serial drama is that a giant door knob was not installed in his cell to make it all go down smoother for the cranky, colicky public.

My Point is that These Men are Priests of Popular Culture. Taste-makers and Infiltrators of households. Excuse the stuffy use of the word "homosexual" here: probably this graphic was made by an older British person

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

For They All Had Itchy Ears, and Hied Thus to the Internet, for its Dependable Function as Echo-Chamber

Monsieur Gilliam, Europhile, has very fine attention portée aux détails, and indeed seems up to his ears in the Business of them

As i am quite a fairly big boy with a big boy's surplus of time, i read a couple of articles on "power laws and scale-less systems," the efficiency and data-distribution policies of the brain and in particular the visual cortex. Link below. I accept that that article and its subject matter are difficult to understand for most people, including me, and may not be worth your time. It takes a bit of work and focused reading, depending, maybe, on how much science journalism, remorselessly idiomatic academic literature, or philosophy one takes in their diet. Google is as ever your friend in attempting to read abstruse material outside your ken or "pay-grade." But apart from neuroscience and brain-mapping being interesting material for even lay study, this article deals with ideas you can apply to your own life, or at least your own areas of curiosity. I consider this all in relation to Media Studies, and as a potentially helpful answer to questions i mull about crowd psychology and current social engineering efforts. There are also dreadful A.I. implications for these findings, and they'll of course come to a dreadful fruition, within most of our lifetimes. Anything that allows The Terminator or Google or Mug-Mag to make more perfectly human-like determinations is probably bad.

Various trivial details attendant to the events of September 11, 2001. Observe the Observer. Observe how much Hollywood insisted on playing with the props, both globe and monolith.

As far as that media studies suggestion of mine: To what extent can our minds, when consuming news media in the aggregate, distinguish between propaganda or scientific thought-manipulation on the one hand, and rational, discretely objective data on the other? Leaving aside the drab consideration of whether the individual is intelligent enough to understand what legitimately constitutes "objective data..." How can we perceive differences between supposed Narrative logic and actual Forensic Logic? Between the passions of a given, individual news story, and the contextual dictates that should govern how we conceive of and interpret a broader collection of similar news stories? I'm quite sure that help is needed from a green screen and willing toadies such as all of the NYT, Wa-Po, and WSJ columnists, and all the tele-pundits on the spectrum from Anderson Cooper to Sean Hannity, to get so many of us to be overwhelmed by Narrative as opposed to guided by proportional, case by case forensic logic.

In other words, what dark neuroscience is responsible for seeing to it that the majority of Americans do not know about the sorcery of Hollywood in foreshadowing and also blatantly hat-tipping towards the imminent September 11 Mega-ritual? It seems that some form of denial is in effect here, at this point. It would be interesting to know the hard statistics on the number of people who eventually became aware of "the notion of" this occult ceremonial reality but then simply rejected it and opted to do no research into such a mind-halting and fascinating subject. And for the rest of the public who remains categorically unaware of the Mega-ritual aspect and all that it says about Hollywood Culture and underbelly, (and thus about corporate America) as well as occult religion, i will have to suggest that a certain amount of less responsible denial is at work, or put another way, of mind control. One can call it "cultural mind control" or one can ascribe a more direct, methodical, prescribed agenda and blame to a culprit behind this. These are differences without much distinction, and getting very tedious for their semantics, imo. Culture is certainly not always organic, and this is the main point.

In other, other words, what clever misrepresentation efforts have been required of the combined apparatus of news media, state/government primers and officials, and law enforcement, to in the end find so many people in the USA ignorant of just how many of these many "mass shootings" are fake? They are in fact Gladio-style synthetic terror operations that hobble out of some factory looking very unsure of themselves, reeking of trite narrative scenario-flaws and memes, and pinned on patsies with glassy eyes or that old auto-termination feature. We should all be very well-schooled in what a false-flag mass-shooting looks like, except for that the high-strung, emotional narrative-hogwash of the Obama Period, i truly believe, crippled and hollowed out much of our detective instincts and common sense. Indeed, from 2000 on, we had to endure 16 consecutive fucking years of practical CIA and black magic bonesmen-type presidential rule, and nothing that came from or occurred during this period should surprise us at all. One can even view the totality of "Pizza Gate" as another lewd operation to distract the public and also get them attacking one another, all while placing preferred occult themes of child prey, sacrifice, and sexual abuse before the public imagination for over a year. The very fact alone that Alefantis appeared on prime-time news TV and in a privileged op-ed in the Wa-Po to acquit himself indicates less to me that he was being protected by fraternal care and communal self-interest as that he played a role in a long-game production that from its beginning involved the cooperation of major news media organs. What's more, as with the Q phenomenon, it isn't especially sound reasoning to place much faith in any (decentralized or quite anonymously driven) info-distribution effort simply because it is from 4-chan or Reddit, etc, and not from an established agency, network or paper.

In the deluge of media coverage over all these poor dead celebrities strangled by doorknobs, (about whom some credibly open-minded people debate whether or not they actually died or were given the golden ticket; it's necessary in this particular meta-neural and epistemological-type discussion to note this) how did it become just a power-law-obedient, decayed-trickle data point, that the matter of such connected phenomena is on its damn face ridiculous? That the murders are a patent absurdity which demand public inquiry into conspiracy? But you get no inquiry, and we express no interest, let alone outrage, and in some sense why should we, down here? Just more door-knob and elevator deaths, isn't it awful and in some ways just delicious. Even in spite of the valid research and speculation into Hollywood star-whackers, occult ritual murder, and the specific relation some of these stars had to questions about child and human trafficking. All of which information flows freely at all times through the internet and the zeitgeist of "alternative thinking and research."

It's obvious now that an entirely new industry has developed in response to the likelihood that many of us are getting very close to waking up to such Trivial Details, and rather simultaneously, at that, given the special form and practice of the internet. The new industry is a hybrid of cranky psycho-analysis and the meat-headed sanctimonies of those who receive fine paychecks to remind the public of how ignorant an ever-growing number of them are. How many times now does a Parkland-style op need to be followed up with fiery denunciation of "conspiracy theorists," and how many think pieces have you personally read over the past 10 years which describe the pat, suspiciously convenient and hackneyed "scientific/psychological" reasons for why more and more people are becoming conspiracy theorists? All that seedy, poor-faith, logically unsupportable rubbish about unstable people who need to overlay Order onto a world of Chaos, by creating conspiracies where they plum do not exist, massa, yessuh.

Trivial Analog Detail of the Looming Variety, flanked by three sets of twinned objects

Perhaps then, we shouldn't be so horrified by the idea that some external force, agency, steering group, or disembodied phrase of your choice, is attempting to prevent us from seeing the details. The messy details. Perhaps these forces have long known more about the workings of the crowd-mind and the distinct ego-brain than even the scientists they are funding at this or that Howard Hughes medical research center. Trivial, spattery, nuts and bolts, vagina- and penis-magic details like dates, and anniversaries, and zodiac data; street and people names, the numbers on hotel doors, address signs, etc. Ephemera like premonitory Kubrickian monoliths cropping up exactly at major sites of drama and suffering, right ahead of schedule. Small data points like clusters of especially anti-Christian wrong-doing right near sacred occult holidays celebrating witchcraft and death worship. To put that generically; i know how some people resent insufficiently precise language, and love Samhain.

As hovering and expansive as earth problems are, i'm more and more coming to view the question of specific blame as a waste of precious temporal units. And really there does appear to be so much blame to spread about.

Details, details, Simpsons. German edition of Non-11 Mega-ritual Duck Tales Comic Special; it says the same thing in Roman Catholic and Amerikan

Apparently, God is Into Details

To my way of supposing, this subject of (relational/proportional) power laws and the ?brain/mind?'s way of conserving energy in receiving stimuli, may also bear closely on the mysteries of divination, prophecy, and ESP. In keeping with my current biblical spirit: part of our consciousness may be wired only to accept and interpret the abundant wheat of material existence, while a lesser or less currently discovered domain may deal in the more mystical chaff and data: those less confined by physical laws or concepts. Chaff here being not at all worthless, but rather, undesirable to our would-be masters. It seems increasingly probable that whoever designs news coverage as well as the actual, visible format of news delivery since around 2000, seeks in the first place to manipulate and gloss over facts and viewpoints that are undesirable to them, and often directly contradictory to the collected conclusions and analyses of mainstream society and The State...and in the second place to feed us distracting and swooshy red and blue graphics that bedazzle the logical mind, it is Said. I feel that it's proven. The ethic involved in the distracting and binary combative format, and graphics displays, and constant ticker-taping of on-screen news programming, is arguably (and arguably, by definition and intent) Unethical. It seeks to lower the defenses of the rational mind while news-organizers slip into it these lunatic mythologies like Dylan Roof, Stephen Paddock, the idea that the moon is not some mysterious artificial construct, James Holmes, Adam Lanza, et al, and the entire events of Charlottesville and Nein-11. The immorality behind the larger, collectively broadcast effort (from CNN to BBC to FOX, symbolically speaking) of blandly manipulating/decontextualizing the narrative construction of a given psy-op or major news story, or even the "isolated" election-cycle murder of a pretty white woman by an immigrant, or the solstice gang-murder of a young man on camera, by machete: that larger, cultural, power law effort also lowers your critical intellectual defenses, but does so over the course of your lifetime, and at an almost exponential pace, it really does seem. Since around 2000.

Anything that can be done to degrade our intuition, our rational faculty, and our powers of abstract, more mystical thought, is not only being done, but ritually attended to and encouraged, and studied both with public monies and resources, and without them.

Very old and detailed sheep's liver model

The Babylonian-era tablet pictured here is a model of a sheep's liver. For practice. Everyone knows how much a freshly and ritually killed lamb's liver can tell about the state of society and the future. A well-known microcosmic bit of bloody heurism, in which the direction of lines and degree of node-possession in one smaller life-form can indicate larger shifts or eventualities in the life of the designated priest's society, or of its King, which is a very big life-form said to have become practically extinct. Helpful links suggest that this business of Power Laws is conceptually linked to that of Fractals, so. A fractal can serve as an analogy for the Hermetic Maxim.

This is a fractal

So are these, again, apparently
The Bureau of Printing and Engraving is surely baffled by this random accumulation of sequential details in their products. It's absolutely just a rumor that this Bureau has contained many generations of Freemasons in its employ.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Disconnected but still germane musings

(Famous non-devil-worshiping occult text free to read, here.  Comte de Gabalis, written by a 17th century Frenchman.)

Why was Lord Krishna's skin blue and why was he so worked up about "demonic politicians of the world?"

St. Germaine appears to be a real and oddly recurrent figure. Maybe he is indeed the mysterious person who inspired the so-called (F)ounding (F)athers with the idea for the national sigil, or seal. There's a tale---difficult to ever find recounted---of a cloaked figure in the night, appearing at the tent of the revolutionary leaders in the field when they were designing the seal. He had a suggestion. And that is why there is a massive stone monument above the beaches of Normandy which displays not the Stars and Stripes or Lady Columbia or what have ye, but rather the Egyptian Fancy of the Great Seal of the anglo-saxonic New Age of Atlantis Experiment/Prophetic Real Estate, which symbol we recognize as the peculiar obverse of the A-merican "Thaler" Bill (PBU Tracy Twyman), with its hypnotic pyramid. I can suggest a great campaign of high supernatural conspiracy, only, as explanation for why hardly any Americans are aware of this D-day monument, and so have never seen what it looks like. Yes the D-day monument that you have not seen and which is virtually impossible to google an image of, depicts a giant National Seal with its tireless eyeball and Egyptian power plant. It has to be mentioned that "D-Day" (44) was launched not only on the conspicuous date of 6-6, June 6, but in my personal view, the boats themselves seemed to have a scheduled launch of 6am. Hat trick, there, and not too surprising if one is familiar with the more occult history of Warfare, of the dates consciously chosen to wage battles for this or that auspice or heavenly preoccupation. The connotation of 666 is what it is, but it's wise to avoid a direct correlation to conventional "satanism," here.

There does in fact seem to be some sort of hollow earth, blimey. How, if at all, can this be reconciled with the cosmology of flat earth, a theory i personally have no opinions on and regard as about as interesting as whether or not Elvis survived beyond 1977, the year Star Wars was born, into a questionable deathlessness of a different kind. I've heard from one source and couldn't quickly corroborate it, that Lord Krishna, whose skin was blue like a dark cloud, came from inside the earth. Separate legends of the various witnessed creatures from the inner earth hold that their skin is blue.

That a former intel analyst for the US military has all but single-handedly with his mind unearthed the Nymza/Sonoma Airship Club True Wonder of History, is interesting. That a STEM wunderkind with international connections and breezy manners abroad is carving out a web-niche for studies in Tartaria, Flat Earth and beyond, is also interesting. My personal impressions of both these men, fwiw, is that they are tottering on the verge, at least, of an annoying egotism. It's quite noticeable in both cases, but doesn't necessarily damn them, imo. I do tend to think of actual egomania as being the unfortunately common trait of very intelligent people, spooks, aristocrats obviously, and those with huge and privileged secrets. Also those with large or marvelous bodies. As a direct aside, those who choose to fly airplanes are often egomaniacs, i've been forced to consider. I agree that we live in the age of various revelations (not exactly in the biblical sense, but i can't personally be sure), revelations of method and ritual iconography and ritual political event (hollywood is in fact one long, uninterrupted ritual, magical system, and eminent, ingenious tool of social influence and control, all at once). I agree with this view of things and of our time-place in history, and yet i also know that prevailing powers always seek to manage the dialectic and the flow of change. I have to assume there are still spooks out here playing pied piper, with Alex Jones being only the most obvious. History and clean reliable logic dictate that there are junior Alex Joneses among us, existing for the most part or solely on YT, or in sparse published works. What's more, we have the lesson of Tracy Twyman and to some extent the learned noblemen, Dee and Crowley, to show us that some ppl on the hunt for rare and ancient, powerful wisdom can be led astray, wholly consumed or controlled, etc. Some of the potentially more messianic figures i'm imagining here, (as more idle, abstract speculation-musing than anything) who want their work to be known, may not be totally what they seem or in control of themselves. One is reasonably convinced that some elements of the alternative research community exist as agents of a propaganda war: a propaganda of rabbit holes and strange modes of curious, esoteric inquiry that in the end just waste people's time or neuter their civic, political, and social potential. It all functions almost as the video games and pro sports leagues for the very curious intellectual class which tends to be motivated by wonder and mysteries and the big moral philosophical ideas. And there is a lot of shill-calling going on: a pathetic but possibly revealing amount.

"Passion has the power to steal intelligence away."
~~Some old Gita book

What was done to this young woman to make her so angry about the weather? Is she homeless or unfamiliar with the inconstancy of weather systems? Someone tell her just to wait a bit.

To this day some people worship the ideas and mystique of both Dee and Crowley. Crowley is naturally much better understood than Dee. It appears fairly certain that John Dee took his quest a bit too far. He bequeathed to the world an indecipherable language meant to conjure duppies, a very pregnant sigil, diaries, James Bond, a brilliant C.V.; some literature pertaining to mathematics, the wild alchemical philosophies of his age, and his conjured dialogues with discarnate beings; also some very strange artifacts, and the story of the most infamous wife swap in non-biblical memory. I've not read any John Dee at all, and like you understand nothing of his Enochian djinn-latin, but i still find it sad and creepy that there are young people wandering around decorating their croqs or laptops with the Dee Monad, gravely practicing cartomancy and being mystical singer-songwriters in some cases, when the man himself was brought basically to ruin by his complete surrender to the instructions of a celestial intelligence that ultimately broke off communication with he and his reluctant partner after ordering them to "cross match" with one another's wives. Which they did, contrary to their own horror and shame, or the Will of the wives involved. Plus Queen Elizabeth I was a ghoul, imo, and at any rate what matters most to me about Dee is his position on the chattel slavery matter, signicant to the court and somewhat new then. Shamefully i've read something about this question but am having a memory lapse. But the sorcerous wife-swap... which produced for Dee's wife a child....This resembles Sabbateanism or perhaps something else foul, which doesn't bode well for any prospective followers or sciomancers, imo. Or maybe it was just a very woke or sexually fluid angel-demon. I think throughout time, some people prove adept at being taken for rides. I once rode the Alex Jones loco motive straight through a period of about 3 years, beginning with his "infiltration of the Bohemian Grove." Anyone who doesn't in 2019 possess enough correct instinct or common sense to recognize AJ for a charade-character and officer of the "controlled opposition" is in terrible need of a gulag and some reading or internet lessons.

All of earth politics (social and Governmental, both) is deeply embedded in and informed by the ancient mystery religions. James Shelby Downard was one of the first to say this in print, afaik, without pulling the immense punch of this reality. The Babylonian surrush or mushussu existed once, and really who is to say it doesn't still. The V for Vendetta mask is a physical incarnation of the power of occult forces to run the entire gamut of the show: (Thesis) x (Antithesis) = Synthesis. Each "protest mask" profits Warner Brothers, lol. And all taxpayers in the war-maintaining nations have blood on their hands. The scale of guilt can be argued philosophically but the basic fact doesn't change. And i can say sincerely that my interest in war, historically and uniquely as an American, has led me to question or inquire what other people think of it. Even before the Opium and Gaspipe Invasion or Iraq, and the more open Imperium they and the 2001 Megaritual began. What i've discovered is that most people are remarkably unfeeling bastards who don't care or moralize about war as long as "their" military is on the attack, far away, with the images of casualties made legally scarce or inaccessible.

Why are the blazing star of sirius (the pentagram) and the obelisk (Ok, and the octagon yes, yes ok the Octagon) the three most ubiquitous symbols on the planet, the most powerful images in many cultures today. How could it be that So Many disparate countries in the world have the star of sirius on their flag; in what way can this be explained.

The mining shaft super-drama in Chile?

The random murder of various "little stars," or Celebrities, in conjunction with certain themes, calendar dates, and occult symbols.

The Elisa Lam saga.

The murder of a young video gaming hero at a John Madden event celebrating the newest game, in which the murder victim has just been immortalized with his own avatar, as a "coach." Jordan Maxwell might remind you that a coach is above all not just a fit figurehead of fine manhood, but a vehicle, a thing that carries something, like a message, or a soul. I think that like Prince, one can in the end be their own psychopomp. I think that Prince's murder must be included in the late plague of "little star" deaths known collectively as "the doorknob murders." Prince's door was an elevator. A door is a bridge of sorts.

The cartomancy of death and the apparent, actual mind control which manifested itself in the John Allen Muhammed beltway snipers spree. As with Michael Aquino's psychological-warfare projects in Vietnam, a card was deposited into the ritual or memeplex. The Tarot card of Death, in this case. The car the two snipers had repurposed for their killing spree was a "(C)hevrolet (C)aprice" and we arrive back, perhaps, at scary, sacred mathematics and gematria, if you catch my obvious, repetitive American drift.

"We know that you want us to speak some rudely chintzy Manchurian Candidate gibberish on live TV about some duck caught in a noose, etc."

Q: If non-11 was a rather poorly concealed ritual, then what about Katrina and Haiti? Seems like the Working Class got wondrous-bad triple-whammied during just one presidential administration---a quite fishy one at that, if Moby Dick can be called a fish---in just one fairly small geographic area, at that. Almost seems like some Fire, Water, and Earth majik there. Almost in their demographics, the collected black death evokes Jonestown and the year-long ATL child-killing carnival.  

The Super Bowl half-Light ceremony. One half of audience in light, the other in darkness. At the height of the eight-year season of artificial race-tension and gun control ops which were the blatant signatures and objectives of the Obama administration. After the half-time show starring the potentially possessed dark gnostic witch queen, "Queen Bee," or Bey, in which she played cavalierly with these now-favorited themes of racial animus, rebellion against not quite the State but rather its Badged Enforcer Class, and a generalized social tension. All while gamillions of far-flung people watched through their various kinds of scrying mirrors. Products which, it's not for nothing, have become almost miraculously cheap, transportive to the senses, and very large compared to their earlier versions of just some ten years before.

The horridly scripted and perhaps to some extent hoaxed events of Donald Trump's first birthday in office. The Grenfell Tower fire, in London, and the very rough treatment of Trump ally, Congressman Scalise, by a loosed MK-monkey at a Softball game in the Colonies' capital. Mass ritual event. British testimony-blabberers on TV after Grenfell were notable for two of them being shills, blatantly. Actors. Needless to remind, Trump is synonymous not only with Towers, but in a resonant sense with the WTC event.

Why is FB, and Myspace before it, free. How can this be. The owners could be fabulously wealthy based simply on eking pennies out of the average individual human hunger for mirrors and button-pressing, love/approval, and just basic social curiosity. Just pennies from each of us, everyone would pay. Spring it on us now and we'd all pay and FB owns everything posted on it anyway, iirc. Why are all these intoxicating and constantly produced and improving video games now free to play. What is the scope and end of Fortnite and how could such a well-designed, Cryptic, and totally consumptive game possibly be free.

Painting by Matthew Lineham

Why this global obsession with the Red in its fixed cosmic opposition to the Blue. 

Why do different temples all through time, world culture and geography so often have entryways formed of Three doors or porticos?

What is up, some of us feebly wish to know, with this ancient Saturn Worship and Sirius fixation, and with Good Master Alex's game and trenchant study of Kubrickology, and with the Saturnian Megalith which stood sentinel or whatever (2 times, counting the augury installation some year before the event, in a Seattle park) over the ceremonial blood-letting of September 11, 2001, meant to usher in a new cosmic age, for lack of a better way of saying it, or for lack of my understanding, to be sure. 

What was Tartaria, even, or the Admiral Byrd expedition to the arctic. To which colossal size does a lie need to grow before it's accepted as an article of faith or of the editorial page of the NYT. I find it difficult to conceive of 237,000 miles to the moon, or the number 6 million, even, or how a mathematics system based on 10 or even 60, for that matter, ever originally came into being. Not without direct intervention, not absent the meddling of some great Charles Darwin in the sky, or the earth.

I think the differences between men and women are generally  less interesting than our commonalities. I've come to believe in a soulful, yearning but no less scientific kind of way that the key question confronting anyone who wishes to confront "the Bible" and especially the whole arc of the Hebrew, pre-Hebrew and then all Abrahamic faiths together, is Not to what extent a certain smallish amount of substantial historical reality can be gleaned from "allegorical, symbolic" texts, but rather to what comparatively marginal extent is the material of these texts Not real or substantial. We've quite likely got it backwards, in other words, enlightened subjects and eager pupils though we are. There is probably loads of frightful direct evidence in these texts, of strange lost "realities," that would hold up under any good and perfect microscope, is my suspicion. Giants and flying crafts and cosmic warfare with great calamity again and again, is what i'm thinking. Sensational! The same goes for the Vedic texts.

There is no room for atheism in an enjoyable universe. this Age of scientific supremacism, of Undefeated Reason, scientific method und inquiry, why are there still debates about enormous cryptids inter-mingled with human populations all over the world? Debates about aliens or whatever you choose to call them, as well as the giants who clearly exist and used to exist in greater abundance and size: a mass, connected debate which we'd do much better to understand by recognizing the plain evidence from the wealth of historic records to the existence of such creatures? Debates about whether Elisa Lam was even a real flesh and blood girl, and not a cipher for an occult epidemiological experiment or some wildly improbable horseshit like this, as it appeared very much to be? It's all very confusing, but particularly to a well-educated person.  

Disney, anyone? Let us all meet at the 33 club.

How many different forms of mental unwellness and anxiety are there, really. What is autism and why is it now a literal epidemic. Why are those not stricken with clinically diagnosed autism coming more and more to resemble those with the disease. I am asking a serious question, here, and not being snide. It may be an autism helped along by a youth spent gazing into big screens and personal displays, and in their hearts withdrawing from the larger chaoses of modern living, its weird fakery, and from the greasy social deathmarch that social media and online life have increasingly become, but it is what it is, and it's getting more normal, and normalized.

As always, with our large brains and excellent memories for the truly important things, we could go on and on and on and On 

Hey look it's 77 Gary Glitter gettin paid