Friday, October 2, 2020

Sweethearts On Masquerade, Raise Yo Fist


Listless, and a bit suffocated by how vapid and unclean modern reality has become, i lay in bed in me newest silken jammies and scrolled me news-feed:

"Wisconsin Covid-19 deaths and hospitalizations hit records as cases soar"

 (...WI: currently a flashpoint of everything scary. Everything is record-hitting and soaring and police brutality. Get out of WI while you still can.)


 "A family of 7 lost their home in Washington's wildfires. Then they all got Covid-19"

(...When it burns, it incinerates and infects, i guess. Possibly all the grown-ups with jobs as copy and headline editors were burned to death in these fires. Now their flippant teen-aged babysitters have the job.)

Unsurprised, i see the chief top news item is about this measly coronavirus (update, 1:25am EST: the covid has now infiltrated the corpus of the POTUS and also of his wife, reportedly). Yessir this allegedly dire flu/respiratory disease which is no longer just perceptibly, but now Blatantly the New Non-11: in other words, if we wish to enter Heaven, where surely only honest and sentient beings are allowed, then we must all agree that Covid-nonteen is a fresh new system of existential terrorism and extortion, branded and deployed by the lunatic Super Powers of the world and tolerated by their miserable vassal states who can do nothing else. But yet and wonderfully, it still remains a global pandemic with a very poor reputation, indeed, among actual people, among the great proletariat. There, it exists on a sliding scale of credibility between, on one end, something as silly and unbelievable as The Story of Those Three NYC Towers Collapsing in 2001 Just Bc an Aero-plane struck Two of Them, and on the other end, the veracity of the words of a murderous schizophrenic who is on the lam. In short, we have known for some time that the Novel Coronavirus 19 is approximately as real as the POTUS-slaying magic bullet of Dallas, Texas, or the April 4, 1968 alibi of Jesse Jackson. It is every bit as real (judged in this sense for its "reality" not by whether it Exists but by the excessively flipped-out, alarmist, and economy-slaughtering severity and scope of world governments' responses) as the official story explaining the deaths of Kobe Bryant and his bride, Princess Diana.
When trying to consciously feel better about The World, I used to prate that because of Nein-11, 2001, at least all the simpletons and the rabidly disingenuous sophists had been drawn into the open and could be easily identified. They were the ones who believed the official story. Or could not be bothered to supply a logical alternative, presumably bc they had things to do, or diplomas to earn. But Finally there was a litmus test for basic intellectual competence, and maybe for a political consciousness that went beyond the usually mindless and egotistical act of "voting," or arguing about voting. But those egregious lemmings didn't wear a mask to prove and demonstrate just how gullible they were. Just how freely committed they were to attending the New Millennium Lobotomy-Ball and Blood Goblet Raffle, and performing the steps of that old Ba'al-summoning masquerade dance. These days, it is just so tragic and bizarre to see young men and women at the peak of their virility and disease immunity, walking here and there outside all masked up, their eyes just barely gleaming above their diapers, like cell phones in low power mode. It makes a non-lemming sad. Yet the sight of these modern and more thoroughly traumatized lemmings offers the advantage of being able to physically determine just how effective, how dominant the hustle and mind control program has become. Now it's matured into a full-fledged paradigm. 
At least half the college students i regularly observe wear their masks in the wide open, sparsely trafficked air, when they do not need to and when it can only disturb and distress others, and remind them of the great gloominess of the whole global production. No reminders are needed at all, by this point: everyone can agree on that. You might wonder what happened to the fearlessness and independent-mindedness of college-age youths. I myself do not. 

"If I told you their names...I don't think you'd sleep so well."

Headline: Just a great big satanic Plandemic hatched by the premier evil faction skulking inter-generationally behind the world’s pettier, competing sub-factions. A real sort of endless global terror-horror show it is said to be....despite its very shabby death toll. Shabby unless we are talking about poorer elderly folk who were forcibly shut into their Care Homes to fester in close quarters among their dangerous medical preconditions all together, intimately, with a great number of these deaths occurring in The Empire State of NY, where the world's most iconic but mysteriously vulnerable Towers once stood, but which seemed to be quite healthy and durable until that Day of the Official Story, yes, true. 
Shabby mortality rates for sure, and unworthy of the name Pandemic, unless we are talking about apparent death tolls in poor and underdeveloped countries with comparatively shaky mortality recording practices, and fraught health care institutions which rely on the patronage and marching orders of those in the developed countries, as well as on perpetual international banking credit and their attached austerity plans. Unless we are talking about northern Italy that was hit so hard early on, for some reason, and where The Black Nobility surely still reign. Combined with all these legitimately terrible forest fires and the persistent Red-Blue/conspicuously racial animus engulfing the West and most especially its flagship, The Gutty America, the picture that emerges, even if carelessly photo-shopped, is bleak and frightening for the whole planet.

Even many of the job-having primates still employed in the standard, gibbering, moribund, moronic “news media” have begun remarking openly that the world seems preoccupied with "Apocalypse," the word, but also the concept it embodies, of some dreadful imminence. 


General Greta, Patron Saint of Uber Eats and Only Fans, Fierce Leader of the advance wave of the Covid Menace Paradigm Shift and Front-line War of Attrition, Vaccination, Austerity, Scarcity, and Travel Badging. She will Brow-beat and Quarantine you and other skeptics to Death, you Vermin

People have for a while been calling the previously mentioned, lurking mega-faction “The Globalists.” 
Around here we do not believe in The Global Mud Flood, necessarily, but we do have faith in Logic


Yessir people love their fumbling, pigeon-holing short-hand. They need to flail about with clunky language and attempt to make sense out of the obvious, giant evil madness of their current condition. The condition can be described as serfdom on a morbid, slave-breeding bordello of a creaking, carbon-heated world, and cough also the SCIENCE of it all is just overwhelming everywhere you look, so. The tidy, determinist science of cancel-culturing doom and social unrest, for instance. It's alla pendulum, see. The youth of today is The Most Youthful Ever, and super-informed. They're about that fairness and polyamory and dismantlin the Capitalism. They adhere to The Science of the studied, academic perfection of dialectical materialism and the esteemed fad of Slumming Among the Disfranchised, and adoring the Disfranchised's aesthetic and artistic forms regardless of how shamefully ugly and grossly, commercially contrived they may be, and ultimately only truly profitable to the Producer/Owner Class in CA and NY. Despite how regressively animalistic, sensualist, and low vibrational the forms obviously are. Being in this way just an aesthetic/cultural variation on the Theme of Perpetual, Year-Long Organized Sports/Alpha Male Worship. A (altogether conspicuously racialized, Black) "Body Positivity" that is much more navel-worshiping Monomania than Positivity, and which (very profitably for Whitey) smokes out and strangles the pneuma or soul or higher idealism.

This-is-what Woke-modernized sexual objectification Looks Like. If you do not know what "WAP" means, ask any 10 year old.

Science for instance. Like the scientific, measurable, reproducible certainty of a surge in reactionary white Karens everywhere, and the scientific/sociological, inevitable-historical reasonableness of all the widespread cultural affection for these droning and depressing rap-hop sounds. Like The Science of the Unquestioned Predominance of the circular, endless seasons of sphere-dominating sportball all over the globe, and of the fusillade of Games and Shows and Streaming Divertissements, a feverish, curated interest in which products has begun to replace the personalities of many young people. But so rarely are we ever any damn good at making these attempts towards a sense that is not reinforced by the wisdom of the sacrosanct whore's madame or Temple Priest of Science. It's all "Islamic Blowback" and "Justifiable Rage of The Black Underclass Against The Police." It's all sexual fetishism and Identity Mania supported not only by revisited chemical-psychological analyses, but also by the obscene practices of Planned Parenthood when they dispense gender reassignment drug cocktails, and almost always in neighborhoods of color. It’s no wonder so few of us can make any sense at all out of the past four years, with all the well-organized distractions and all the children on drugs and the parents behaving like children and all the regular rumors of Plague and social fracture. With the effects still being felt from the vicious trauma of the 8 years of the Very Black Hat Obama Administration and their program of high-tinsel "mass shootings," and their fiendish nursing and goading of race-tension...

None of this is very organic at all. Notice how people Love to use this adjective these days: "organic." In this Age of Grotesque Hoaxes/Synthetic Modalities and Events. It's similar to how young people reflexively, habitually say the ridiculous phrase, "I'm not gonna lie" just before giving the most basic of opinions. They're groping for sincerity, authenticity, but also for the right to be paid attention to bc increasingly, everyone is such a distracted and self-absorbed and judgmental mental case. These fashionable words reflect our hunger for objective truth and a viable, vetted, collective reality of substance, because these things which are so spiritually essential to us are now not just scarce, they are hunted down and exterminated. IMHO. 

Katrina: I would much sooner call this a targeted regional Pogrom, and also Weather Warfare, before calling it a "natural disaster." Wbu?

I personally spent between 15-25 hours researching, analyzing, and writing about the events of Charlottesville. It was not a "race riot." It was a wilful organizing of a race-tension Spectacle that closely followed a script of Cold-War Era "Operation Gladio" style programs. It was equal parts unnecessary, and Conscious Failure of state responsibility, and pure fake-ass theater. It was so very highly instructive, perhaps especially as a primer for understanding that there do really appear to be Opposing Factions at war in places of power and high governance. "Racists and anti-racists" on the ground in this old college town were merely pawns, bit players. VICE news media, the several obvious documentarian shills placed with cameras at convenient angles and locales, and the several Known Confidential Informants seeded throughout the "opposing camps" of ANTIFA and "Patriot Proud Boys," etc: These were the critical actors and players, in addition to the regional politicians and the conniving ACLU. Nothing like that unmitigated street-brawling should have ever occurred in an organized society worth its name, especially when the event was widely and fully expected to happen, which was the ostensible reason that VICE was on hand to make their fine little documentary, and why and how combatants/activists on the Left were paid and bused into the scene. The crowning incident with the alleged death of Heather Heyer by the Dodge Charger Steve McQueening in and out of the "kill box" one-way street scene: that was simply hysterical, psychotic rubbish and falls apart under the slightest scrutiny for being the nakedly professional job that it was.
You could learn more about contemporary American Political Theory and Practice by studying the events in Virginia for 10 earnest hours online than you could by earning a whole Poli-Sci degree at the University itself. Charlottesville was a staging grounds for Proxy Warfare, and the fact that the vaunted Institution of Journalism asked None of the critically Obvious, Ethical Questions about how and why it all happened like that---that is, with the authorities standing down all day long---is some of the best proof I've seen in my life of how totally worthless and bankrupt that dead Institution truly is. Journalists tend to be an incredibly obedient, vain, and stupid breed of person; and the younger the journalist, the worse that condition. This means that as a democratic society, we are quite fucked if we're going to rely on the so-called Fourth Estate or Independent Press. The work being done on the marginal internet, and by individuals who don't operate under a mast-head, is the only legitimate work of public inquiry, of the check against the abuses of state power. It's that simple.

Now if the chief top news item in the trough isn’t about the dread rubbish plague of Now and Forever/Just Mask up and Face it, Selfish Traitors, then of course it’s about “Imperator Trump,” The Grand Vizier of All White Devilry, whose racist wickedness we’re constantly told the modern world has never seen the likes of.

As if old Hitler and Leopold and The Bush Cartel and Cointelpro, Jonestown, Katrina, the ATL Child Murders, Nein-11 and all the mind-controlled assassins and mind controlled serial murderers, and ritually snuffed out pop entertainer-celebrities, and the Hollywood satanism and organized pedophile rings/culture didn’t exist, none of them, ever. The evil incarnate that is The Hollywood Biff of the Back to The Future Franchise, namely Donald J. Trump, Great But Unremarked Upon-Friend of The Levant and The Near-Orient and Various Mafias In Between, is The Biggest Thing. He is Pharaoh himself so do not get it twisted or whatever. He is trending big always. The smoke is bright and colorful, and the curtain nondescript, I suppose. And yet....when seemingly All of Hideously Corrupt and Even Evil Corporate Media seems arrayed against The Donald, can we not begin to see him as...somehow, in some way potentially redeemable? This is just an idle thought that I happen to have put many hours of thought into, so please do not hate me. I do not See Color, you see, and that includes The Donald's outlandish Orange. I also have no taste for low-hanging fruit and By God they are shoveling that shit at us at an epic pace. The only more anodyne or facile thing than saying "I hate Trump" is saying "Black Lives Matter," even when you're not being threatened by a smelly mob of skinny-jean types.
...So what I'm saying is who really wants or needs a cursed motherfucking news feed.

These brainless covid reports. Like routine wellness checks on the mentally ill to see if we haven’t become sane yet. A new finicky set of unimpressive numbers every day. 
"Johnson Family Nearly Gets Coronavirus All Inside Their Bodies: Here Is a Number Set Describing How Many People in The Johnson Family of Kenosha had Developed Covid-like Symptoms Shortly Before They Went Bankrupt and Began Their Only Fans Page and Then Their Cat Died But it Was Unrelated, Probably Coyotes"
Now when I see one of these Daily, Hourly, lurid but anemic “perpetually surging death toll” Headlines (according to a new, or just repetitively pointless, or simply dishonest metric) from the MSM/Reuter’s/AFP/Thought Control Organs of Taste, all i can imagine is an annoying, sugar-bloated, not very bright child constantly chattering to Me, the sensible but weary parent, about how there Really Is A (ravenous) Monster Under the Bed and in the Closet too, and that the Obvious and Sane response is to prevent anyone from traveling to or from every country in the world. But also, bc the monster is so big and supernaturally deadly, that I need to surrender X-number of my basic existential and political rights to happiness and emotional well-being, and the exercise of my nature as a loving, social primate. To give up my faith in a credible Science or in professional classes, as such, who deserve my respect. To surrender my faith in good faith political argument among well-read, earnest and even better-read, intellectual citizens, and in Society itself. And also I must accept a mandatory monster vaccine, probably, with strange new technology in it or whatevs. Fucking kids these days. How closely the majority of them resemble their parents.

All very embarrassing and obnoxious and inimical to a healthy life (but especially to those of children and the elderly) and then there’s the Operation Gladio Race Tension Program that eats away at my faith in everything, and certainly in the intelligence of the average stooge-citizen who has been methodically trained to love and believe in strife, chaos and drama, and in the academic Gods of Headlines and Received Medical Wisdom. Yea this race tension Program where The Communiss have been cleverly replaced by The Other Racial Group, and every third or fourth white girl under 35 has been more or less conditioned to be a self-avowed Snow Bunny, and no white fella of the same age can ever stop prattling in a black brogue about this rap music (and the nihilist/materialist/macho popular culture which forms its suspending architecture or seed bed)... I say prattling about this "rap music," a grossly commercialized sound-form that functions like loathsome and enervating pornography targeted at the very soul of society. Good job America. It is all connected; the things i've written in this paragraph are well-considered and happen to matter, they aren't simple peevishness, etc.: "Culture" has by focused, decades-long design changed, warped, and infected our "Politics." It is all clearly the methodical black magical social engineering of anomie and of Division and Control. We're being trained as radicals and to be obstinately devoted to what we perceive as our Beliefs and Camps, and we've been taught that yelling is cool and badly overdue, and that violence is now finally a valid means of effecting one's political/moral ideas. But the empty pot makes the loudest noise, I hear, especially when it is ritually banged all day and night long. 
There's a kind of cynical, broadly anti-human Root-Racism operating here in front of us---but in deeply disguised, misleading, red herring shadow form---that makes a person just want to give up and go to bed with mommy and her jewels, and dream of the bygone eras when telemetric mind control was not yet perfected, and social media hadn't been cooked up yet in the cauldron, and Anderson Cooper was still a precious baby boy, and The Weather Underground was still heroic, and none of the Panthers were yet known to be or thought to be compromised, and all the Klansmen wore their rings and robes politely in public so that you could identify them.
Anderson Cooper, Brother, and Maltese Mammy 

The Changing of the Cooper, for Him Drawers are Full of Shite

Finders Keepers


Friday, September 25, 2020

Oh The Soul of Basketball is in Peril


As insidious as Pro Sports' nakedly cynical intrusion into Gladio-Style False Division Politics is, it's no more shocking or ugly than when Nike or Greta Thunberg and her dark satanic mammy do it. All of this stuff is a fine example of corporatism, Corporatist Politics by means other than conventional, direct finagling through (co-opting of) government forces/cannibal monkey politicians. And while we are here let's remark that there's something terribly Lewd about that obvious ritual used to kick off the Great Rubbish-19 Plandemic of 2020 and beyond: the ritualized death/sacrifice of Kobe Bryant and the 8 others, which rather clearly mimicked the aerial death of the female R&B star and 8 others shortly before Nein-11, 2001. I forget her name. She had also been permitted into Hollywood via that vampire movie, which is another generous connection and point of legit inquiry. Oh yes her name was Aaliyah, and the movie was "Queen of the Damned." Queen.
Anyway, the "King Kill" ritual involving Kobe was equally involved with the talkative Senator Lebron James, who many have speculated is the illegit son of a former Cleveland Cavs NBA player, which would be just more of this subcontracting Command and Control Praxis that brings us people like Bill Clinton, the illegit Rockefeller whelp of Arkansas, and many other royal offspring throughout time. (for an example of what sordid P.R. fate befalls one who is not cleanly descended from the patrilineal line, observe what is going on in the life of the virtual bastard, Prince Harry, and his dark TV and B-movie minstrel-bride of The Americas) Probably everyone here knows about the Rothschild speculation as concerns the spawning of Hitler, in this possible vein. So: Kobe as King is replaced symbolically and materially by Lebron, "King James," who has coursed along in an even more anointed status kind of way since the helicopter crash that shouldn't possibly have happened unless the fix was in on on Kobe, which it clearly was, and which is obvious to anyone who's done some hours of examination into the Kobe/Corona Ritual. 
Incidentally, it's doubtful that the rituals involving Kobe and the other slain pop culture figure from 2001, named Aaliyah, whose death inaugurated or foreshadowed Nein-11, were executed via aircraft if The Heavens were not in some way a Meme to be noticed in the whole affair. Or so it seems to me. There are probably some pregnant psychological underpinnings to aircraft calamity and trauma such as these; maybe they connote some air of inevitability and are meant to prod at our genetic fear of weather or The Gods above, etc. Plummeting aircraft as Meme seem to reliably short-circuit the rational functioning of the minds of the public: it somehow keeps us all in terrorized line and focused on the flickering on the cave walls of earthly life. 
Now look at Lebron burbling away at the helm of the NBA, and note all the journalism claptrap rhetoric about how he is the de facto King and Leader of the Players' NBA. He has not stopped piping since the Safety-and-Control-First Bubble Playoffs began and for some time before then, too, as the BLM conflagrations of uncivil society were getting underway by their clearly methodical, central-committee-organized design. (It occurred to me only yesterday that the Breonna Taylor death seems TAILORED to incite a more or less Perfected Symmetry of Political Acrimony and Disorder, thusly: even i with all of my fundamentally leftist and pro-black credentials am forced to admit that it is a fairly weak standard to bear for the Left and Fed-up black people, this Taylor incident. It presents a fairly reasonable argument or position For Both Sides of the "Debate," in short. As i understand it, her boyfriend shot at the police, claiming afterwards he "thought they were intruders," and the police shot back at him, and their bullets penetrated a wall and killed Taylor as she lay in bed. Come on now. A talented script-writer for a hack-serial TV cop drama couldn't devise a better or less intellectually soluble situation to express legitimate outrage on Both Sides, almost equally. And it's worth noting also that it's quite probable that many people who are outraged by the death and the incident do not even know the precise and apparently undisputed details of the incident. But that's not too important bc all of our Race-Tension dialectical politics are intended from on high to always be monochromatic, simplistic, and fundamentally concerned with maintaining divisions, and not with logic or subtle jurisprudence, or Fair-minded analysis. Yes the Taylor matter is kind of specially fucked up, if you ask me, and seems to be uniquely designed to encourage a stubborn, intractable cleaving to the battle lines On Both Sides, Leading so closely into the Election of The Great and Distracting Figurehead, who may or may not himself be a designated player in a murky, long-form esoteric ritual, as well as a time-traveler. Very few of us know even a third of it all, this sweeping epic we're caught in.) 
My main point here is that we can now see a through-line running from the synthetic Culture Crises of Race Matters and "systemic institutional racism," to the corporate edifice of Disney itself. Because Disney in Orlando and more broadly in their dominated state of Florida (itself an economy run on illicit imported drugs and human trafficking and State Black Ops sites, as every woke person knows) is essentially in control of the current NBA Master-Knows-Best Bubble Playoffs, with its bizarre and even obscene display of Digitized Fans looming over the court, all jangly and Disconnected and pixelated. (Personally i perceive a nasty, anti-social message in this "digitized fan" development, too. It is unnerving) Disney, then, is sponsoring the BLM movement and the Olympian Lebron James is now transformed into a Luciferian Titan, and is given the microphone at every available chance, and nobody smells the sulfur except the crackpots in the margins, "on the internet" where sadly, every single bit of legitimate political-philosophical work is now in fact done. The whole spectacle is completely fucked and weird-looking from start to end. It looks like a massive dead thing covered in red and black ants battling away. Battling over rotten meat whose racial characteristics nobody can even determine at this point. Perhaps Bill Gates knows, as he is one of the foremost thinkers on the subject of Race, or at least, on what is best for Africa. And if anyone has seen the Japanese? commercial that Kobe did a few years back, where he and Kanye---playing the Devil-Figure---fight it out on top of a skyscraper and then Kobe throws a bomb-basketball at Kanye's helicopter and it explodes, then they may agree that many of these scenes were written well in advance of their staging, as with Non-11 and many others.
A now very clear through-line exists, running from State to Corporation to Organized Sport to Cultural Entertainment to Public Event-As evil ceremonial magic complete with human sacrifice, all of it in this case connected to Covid-nineteen, and the theme/meme of Royalty, or Control. And let's not get into whether or not Kobe is Still Alive, etc, bc this is a pointless non sequitur, however bedazzling or interesting the whole Golden Ticket Island, or Mars Mansion speculation may be. 
It's in this haze of fact-checking and rational observation that i can now also look with some modest pride on my past, consistent observation that the NBA and the NCAA (conspicuously in that case involving various Jesuit Universities, and i made this case very clearly in some ultra-significant FB posts and also mini-essays, bc the case is easily fucking made) have been using some secret system of physics or who knows, space-time manipulation, to affect the trajectory of the basketball as they see fit. I kept wondering Why the scales had been dropped so obviously during the past 5 or so years in this way. WHY were they making it obvious, in the Playoffs and March Tournament no less, obvious at least to people who really knew basketball and its specific physics? And to this or that attentive Gematria crowd online, bc they saw it too. I naturally assumed that this unveiled or gloves-off use of the secret and flagrantly devious and immoral physics was in some way related to Bigger Things or Imminent Developments. (shhhhh: it WAS related to Something, and chief among that Something was of course the Legalized Gambling Maneuver that came soon after these outright, surely astronomically profitable rigged-game-and-series hi-jinks and hijackings) 
It seems now that we're in the early stages of a terrific global reset of some kind, or a Preparation. It appears we're in a phase of global belt-tightening and fat-cutting, represented by the Global Rubbish Plandemic that starves and restricts seemingly everything, and drives us into even more ludicrous, illusory and illogical political divisions and forms of mutual contempt. Imagine if you were trying to have a nice supper in the cooling of the summer and as some of the Coronavirus restrictions were finally relaxed, supper with your whole rejoicing family, and some shrill and pasty, clearly over-nourished white bitch came strut-marching up to your table with her plump fist held high and screamed scorn and derision into all your faces and swept your meal and drinks right off the table bc you did not obey her pointless commands of rhetoric and fist-raising? Just imagine this, if you're capable of such a mad fantasy. 
One could logically interpret the use of that Conniving and almost Desperate Suppressed physics in Pro Sport (it has also been observed in both Football and Baseball, affecting their balls also, and the incalculable exchanges of betting money and reaping of sly profits and simple fan spending) as being, en toto, a method for making some crazed amount of profiteering Loot by Insiders, in advance of a major change or effort. Think of the Nein-11 money and the "missing Pentagon Trillions and the put options," think of the restructured insurance policies of the WTC Towers months before their Physically Impossible collapses, think of the Lost Japanese Gold of WWII, etc. That's how i tend to see all of this. Bc, again, the elephant in the room in this whole disgusting Pro Sport Secret Physics saga is of course what the SCOTUS kind of magically decreed during this Presidency of Trump, The Tower King and Gambling Titan: the opened floodgates of Legalized Gambling. It's only responsible to note that several generations of children have by now been introduced to a normalized form of gambling, through video games (controversial "in-game purchases") over the past 15 or so years. Specifically, the NBA video game, 2k, has for years now featured a casino space where your "MyPlayer" avatar enters specifically to spin a roulette wheel Daily for helpful prizes that enable one to win more games when literally playing the serious game, (very competitively against other actual human players, with loads of money being exchanged there between these players, through modern money-exchange apps and sites) when the wheel is not giving your avatar free Nike or Under Armour clothing and gear etc. 
There's a parallel between the secret physics definitely used on Non-11, 2001 to deconstruct and evaporate that valuable Manhattan Real Estate, and now the secret physics very probably used to insure that Villanova or Toronto or Cleveland win their titles, by favoring the arc or bounce of their basketballs.
In all this context it's fascinating to note that as a Physical Specimen, nobody has ever seen anything like the confusion of Size, Strength and Speed that is Lebron James, and he's an absolute Marvel in terms of physical longevity and the refusal of his body to be injured at all, despite an absurd number of hours spent playing high level basketball since his anointed youth. (We're all regularly informed that James "Spends $1 Million per year On His Body," so fuck you, poor people, enjoy your sickly retirement Of The Future, under this phantasm of a new model of Darwinist health care) Maybe his creation was aided by some laboratory means, or some Disney Ritual. At the very least, James seems to have come along at the very most perfectly useful time as a Titan of Public Notability and unparalleled genetic excellence. In any case, his being groomed as some Global Ambassador, King of the Placebos, some probable future politician, Good Chum of the Luciferian Hip-Hop-and-Warren-Buffet-et al a really very comical process, if it weren't for the evil that it happens to smell like and trail along out of its stinking, rubbishy, Disney-themed, child-manipulating rectum. There's really a lot going on here, but the corporate wrangling of Public Animal Spirits is especially vicious, especially noteworthy, as we see all these Cultural Warfare programs spin totally out of control, as we approach the Big Election we are meant to care about More Than Anything Else, Amun. 
Here's one related idea in this mega-theme of ritualized, ersatz politics, or collective life: if we are meant to be so concerned and supremely exercised about the Big Election, what then does it mean that a NYC mafia figure, gambling Kingpin flush with Russian-Israeli money, and Hollywood/TV darling with such manifest ties to dodgy international politics and mobs is being pitted against an obvious sand-bag of a dotard, this hysterical fraud of an inappropriate little girl-groper and actually senile motherfucker like Joe Biden....then wtf? What the damn fuck? How could any sensible person see any of this dog and pony show as being anything other than a hustle and a con and a mean-spirited campaign to defraud us and make us look very, very stupid. Joseph Fucking Biden, ok. This amusingly addled and decrepit, seemingly public pederast, "man." I mean, you ain't black, jack, and i doubt you could do a single push-up, frfr. I am more familiar with Biden's wife and geographical location at any given time, than he is. What is going on? What is going on here is an elaborate yet oddly obvious hustle and nothing more. A clear and present Challenge to the dignified, individual human mind to attempt to make any kind of sense At All out of it, bc the proffered explanation is shit, it is a foul, overpowering rubbish mountain. Any undamaged or unwashed brain can and does see this. 
Over all of it you can just barely perceive some imminent global catastrophe, imo. It would explain the madness and manifest desperation of the current Belt-Tightening Hysteria of Covid, and the seemingly panicked desire of TPTB to pit all races, genders, sexual identities, and age groups against one another at a furiously whipped level we haven't seen until now. Hail, Greta, Hail Lebron. All Hail Chris Carter and his Lone Nut Gunmen Pilot Episode, let us never forget the September 11 Back to The Future augury so cheekily driven down our throats and shat endlessly out our well-cushioned bottoms into the internet to live forever and forever. God bless the souls of Elisa Lam and Elizabeth Short and Sharon Tate and Prince and Michael Jordan's Father and Julius Erving's son and Ben Simmons' cousin and on and on and don't put a period on the end of that text to that "Generation Z" (what a morbid, finite taxonomy) recipient or you'll disrupt the small patch of mental calm that he/she/they might have been briefly experiencing 

Friday, July 24, 2020

Top 10 Reasons i hate the coronavirus-19 Novelty

coronavirus on my hands
coronavirus on my feet
coronavirus all over my
favorite place to eat

Joke about the coronavirus
at your own damn peril
take that covid-19 vaccine,
and you might get sterile

i'll joke about the coronavirus
even though it kills the olds,
i'll kid about the covid,
but i'll do what i am told

I'll wear the mask of terror,
the mask of the needs of the many,
i'll wear my mask in public,
where the workers haven't a penny anymore
but they can definitely get a loan of some kind.
a loaf for a loan
we loan/you pout
half the workforce
loafing about

i aint misbehaving,
i'm saving all me love for youuu
when it's safe again

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Top 10 bits of advice on How to go about surviving these Perilous Conditions

1. Consult your local epidemiologist, sheriff, and concerned elected official. Trust every single utterance, mandate, and suggestion they offer.


3. Note that one of the easiest and most efficient means of Separating yourself from other human beings is to take a strict and constant accounting of the color of their skin. After gender and age, Race is the single most effective means of noticing and of course cataloguing any sort of division among human beings and keeping safe distances between them. Being conscious at all times of racial differences is thus one of the most useful methods available to us for maintaining a healthy and life-affirming separation from one another, regardless of race. Obviously Black and White are the most memorable and reliable racial determinants.

4. Everything that has been said under bullet-point Number 3 is clearly also applicable in the areas of sexual identity and actual biological gender, and also in terms of political sympathy/encampment, and yes, also those schisms liberally available to us by differences in Age and Generation. The medium/form is the message, and the method is the madness.

5. Remember that all younger people are useless nebbishes and callow narcissists. And all older people are outmoded and hidebound reactionaries, and anything they say or believe can be disregarded as hopelessly backwards, sleepy, and inapplicable to the complex and morally more subtle, advanced conditions of our woke modern politics. 

6. Wash your hands every 2-5 minutes. Purchase a new mask every day, and at least one ventilator from General Motors. Indeed, thank God and the Heavens as frequently as possible for General Motors and for the chemical corporations who have generously ramped up production of all this salubrious plexiglass plating we now see everywhere. Thank goodness and once again thanks also to the expedient foresight of all major corporations. And always remember to remove stray, completely accidental tendrils of Morgellon's from the masks.

7. Immediately go to any bank or lending institution and take out whatever loans are being offered, at whatever rates of interest.

8. Take the vaccine: take all of the vaccines. Vaccines are fashionable as well as totally undisputed, good science. Considerations of corporate liability, brand-new DNA-interactive proprietary techniques of delivery, and uncommon, rushed speed of vaccine development with no testing, are all moot considerations.

9. At all times beware the extremely dodgy architectural standards of real tall skyscrapers. There is simply no telling when a bird or aero-plane may strike. It is deadly curtains for you if you happen to be inside the massive towers in these cases.

10. Never, ever have sexual congress with anyone who is outside the bounds of your government-sanctioned and -decreed nuclear family. Only these organisms have been vetted and jabbed by The State, and if you know what is good for you then you will rely only on this form of sacrosanct congressional practice. If these strictures prove difficult for you, be advised that Government bordellos will soon be made available.

11. Strictly speaking, all lives do not matter. You would do very, very well to remember this.

12. Neither arithmetic nor logic are any longer valid considerations. Everything is not as it seems, Nothing is the same, all is in flux. Suicide is a rational and even emotionally mature goal to keep in mind, at least as an option. You are here for a good time, and not a long time.

13. As Netflix and all of modern-corporate forms of entertainment/entrainment teach us incessantly, all our systems of collective morality and Institutional Justice are clearly broken and can't ever be depended upon. You are a well-kept jungle animal and all that should concern you are the dictates of recreation and procreation. Focus on your body and the release of its endorphines. Focus on curating a small and reliable group of like-minded jungle animals as your friends or allies.

14. Number 14 is a necessary reminder to wear a mask. Masks are nowadays essential to the proper running of any embattled, healthy, and mentally well-adjusted society worth belonging to or preserving. This subject of masks is not at all open for discussion or debate. If you refuse to wear the mask then you risk being deprived of all social or economic credits. Just think of how miserable and ashamed you'll feel without any credits, and also having personally murdered many of the elderly, directly in the titillated style of award-winning governors.

15. It is advisable to purchase the highest quality sex-mannequin available in your economic zone, Just In Case.

Monday, June 1, 2020

We Got Questions

Web-log in the High and Ancient Philosophical Dialog Tradition, where you are the gracious, silent partner: First day of June, a month named for a Primary Goddess Figure, and currently one seething with the seething powers of Udder State-Control and also -Trolling, and of Vigilant Wokeness, and of Venus. It is the amply pregnant year of 2020.

...How does the current social unrest surrounding systemic racist abuse fit in with the intense reformational spirit of social distancing. How is the strangely flash-mob eruption of nation-wide protests and some minor redistributive fussing and gunfire connected with the core owna varrus?

Do the two disorders meaningfully inter-relate on a para-political level? Is the somewhat odd Unified Floyd Reaction a sub-drama or act of the larger plague theater and global reformation. Are crowds being studied, formed, provoked, and variously dispersed in further unique and crafty ways?
How and Why is it that during this New Normal inaugural season of a somewhat discernible and non-mysterious Globalist (and heck, even sigil-and temporal-magic-obsessed Luciferian) Plan of Quadrupled State Coercive Social Reformation (what i mean is, to be clear, the Covid-19 business and pleasure), that just in its third and fourth months we see this massive expression of Civic Un-Control and lawlessness, and clap-backing against the State and its law-enforcement branches. What will come of the mingling and convergence of these seemingly implacable forces.  

How fake and obscenely silly in their fake obviousness were the recent race-warring events of Charlottesville, VA, and what is the meaning of A Patrician University and a patrician piece of given geography or real estate, in that bit of theater's context. Or in the historical and perhaps even ley-lined context of Charleston, SC, and its own recent race-warring controversy and A.M.E. Church theater. 

What, finally, is the archetypal significance of Black-White conflict and juxtaposition, and the tessellated nature of endless political things

Where is Godzilla what the fuck is keeping him. And the Kraken and Leviathan. And the Furies and the looming stuff of Elisabeth Fraser’s visions as well as the deranged vision of the ominous 2012 Windsorian-Lovecraftian Olympic Opening Ceremony that featured British Israelism and a lot of terrorized children in either a hospital or a state-run home for terrorized children.

What is the etymology of all the gravest and best words, like "ceremony"

I saw that Anonymous or etc has released Jeffrey Epstein’s grimoire, or Little Blackmail Book. How do I copy-write the previous sentence. I saw Trump’s name and those of his family members in the book, and I saw that Netflix just happened to have just released a big Epstein Documentary... it will probably be crammed with obvious lies and misdirection and there will be no mention of either “the occult” or Luciferian/secret society nonsense which normally attends this Jimmy Savile-scale of “revelation” and institutional wrong-doing; no Netflix mentioning of organized, probably state-connected abduction of Haitian children, Pedo-Gate, or Israel or the Mossad or international intelligence agencies, generally. No mention of Epstein’s involvement with the Global Science and Medicine Cult and its infinite, dodgy revenue streams. No mention of the real or probable Jeffrey Epstein, Protected Man of State who carried at least one fake passport certifying that he was a citizen of some Arab country, for he says he feared being known as Jewish, after September 11. 

What’s going on with the very probable Scientific Fact that I all on my little own with only a meager American education figured out a few years ago that Pro and College Basketball was cheating, in terms of its rather obvious use of a manipulated physics that can alter the behavior or trajectory of the basketball.

Why Covid Bean Bryant?
Why Michael Jackson
And Prince R. Nelson?
Why Sam Cooke
And perhaps Otis and
Charlie Parker, too.

Why O.J.?
Why the poor father of Michael Jordan

Why legalized gambling thank you Supreme Court R.I.P. Don Scalia and The Nazi witch, Margaret Sanger, and Why legalized gambling at this particular time.

What happened when the Trump helicopter crashed those years back. What does Trump know and feel about September 11, 2001 and its long-term Meaning, as both alchemical occult ritual and global reformation plan. What is the actual, ultimate relationship between Trump and Epstein. Why has the media done no legitimate inquiry into this relationship and its well-known twists and turns which do not ultimately describe a rosy friendship, by its end.

Why the fuck doesn’t anybody ever talk about the ATL Child Murders except CNN and Oprah Winfrey, that horrid, malignant swollen tumor of a midnight Black Sabbath whore of the devil, when these two dark media forces are actively lying about it and producing lurid documentaries and hit pieces about it. What does that say about CNN. Everybody knows about Harpo. What happened to Wendy Williams. Or Elisa Lam. Or John Muhammad The Beltway Sniper. Or the man at the Baltimore Naval Yard with the anti-EMF message on his shotgun. Or the man who set himself on fire at the quite peculiar park near the White House some months ago, wearing an American Olympic shirt of some kind. What can be Trusted anymore, we are wondering, if we’re smart, and what message was blatantly, even leeringly delivered to the Bushes and the Bidens and others and the entire world during the State Funeral Ceremony for the elite Bonesman of Yale and Andover, “Magog,” Poppy Bush. Do we all not simply Believe in Magic, but daily traffic in it and practice it our entire lives

What did BHO get up to as a free-spirited lad growing up so fast in Hawaii. What in the explicitly actual fuck happened with the “mistaken” Nuclear Missile Imminent Demise mass-text horror show production earlier in the Trump administration, in Hawaii. Have Americans ever on a single day, outside of the Apollo 11 Moon Landings, Nein-11, JFK’s public ceremonial execution, Pearl Harbor, and the WHO’s 3-11 declaration of new-flu pandemic 2020, I ask ever been treated more roughly or as greater and more collosally gullible dupes and rubes as on that day in Hawaii and when it was all then explained away as an individual human error. As if part of the narrative of an early 1980’s American blockbuster film, that was written for and targeted at tiny children. Why the number, 11

Can I sell you a ticket to the Boston Marathon Bombing. What grades did you get when you attended Sandy Hook elementary school.

Trayvon Martin’s father was not precisely or just his father. What happened to the several, presumably gay choir members from Obama’s Trinity Church in Chicago, who all died from gunshot wounds to the head, iirc.

Are there Breakaway Civilizations. Bigfoot. Less than an infinite number of “space alien species” and for that ineffable and Key dark matter, a similar number of government-hatched and -maintained UFO conspiracies and red herring efforts. Are art and music and what is called Love in the end our only defense or remedy. What is your chief complaint

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Aubrey Beardsley, Clifford Brown: Drawing from the Cosmic Plenum of Artistic Inspiration, Let's Say

To achieve what Aubrey Beardsley did in his brief 25 years of life, may only be possible if one knows they simply won't live very long at all, and so they had better get to mastering their will and bending all their time and energy towards producing Just Precisely the sort of artWork that is so singular to their doomed soul and heart, lung tissue, cards, etc.

I knew he died young, but he was apparently tubercular from an early age so was aware of his own death sentence, which is what that disease meant at that time. Off-hand i can only think of a few other master artists who are comparable: like Clifford Brown, Rimbaud, Charlie Parker. It's...unreasonable... to achieve such greatness as they all did in that short a span of Human time. It's somehow more divine than human, though the depth of that distinction is arguable. My personal suspicion is that people like these are touched by and interpret some eternal force of Creation, Inspiration. They draw from the art spirits and lessons that are only available through tapping the akashic records, or something like this. The work they do is not entirely theirs. This may be even more the case with the musicians, as i don't necessarily feel they create the notes and harmonies themselves, quite as much as the writer and painter/illustrator/sculptor bring into being their own lines, phrases, forms. The notes are already out there, the harmonies may be universal... Music is like channeling, and the other forms of art perhaps more like studied, ceremonial magic. In any case the work of practice required, the sheer sacrifice of time and human contact, is the rub. Clifford, Bird, Aubrey, and John Coltrane gave up huge portions of their precious social humanity, you could say, to master their instruments, pens, brushes, and Music as they did. And they did it as much for us and for Humanity, as for themselves...

We should probably all have some of the work of Beardsley in our homes, among our other treasured gewgaws and artworks. His stunning and in so many ways perfect visions are enlightening, they're enriching. They're totally fearless, unique manifestations of his particular, beautiful, original being, mind and soul. Could he have produced masterworks in such embarrassing profusion as he did without Death as his own private proctor? Did Clifford know he was going to die young? The world of art may have never seen anyone quite as original as Beardsley, and may never again. Nobody has ever played like Clifford, Bird or Trane, and despite countless inspired, feverish attempts that continue to this day, nobody ever will. If you get off this earth and out of this body without ever savoring be-bop music and its later forms as represented by Brown, Coltrane, and also Woody Shaw, for tragic further instance, then you've missed out horribly.

AVB: "He was a freak, as his contemporaries recognized."

"Last summer, i struck for myself an entirely new method of drawing and composition. Words fail to describe the quality of the workmanship. The subjects were quite mad, and a little indecent. Strange, hermaphroditic creatures wandering about in period costumes. Quite a new world of my own creation....Behold me then, the coming man, the rage of artistic London. The admired of all schools, the besought of all publishers, the subject of articles."

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Dear Norris please don't leave us here, drowned out at the bar

Norris Dryer used to say,
"God how i hate these young females at the bar,"
screeching in their shrill, high-velocity and -impact voices
designed to crowd the air and reach across the room,
to draw attention to their splendid and often physically attractive,
noisome selves.

Norris my dear friend, be glad at least that you died
six or so years ago, and
didn't live to see the progressive state of this
libertinist siren-screeching in 2020.

You may not even in your vibrant cynicism have predicted
how awful these creatures
---and in our own mutual experience, awful, but mainly bourgeois white creatures---
have become.
Even in such a very long, fraught time
as these epochal six years.
With their borrowed rap-music language of the hood:
"I'm that Bitch that...blablabla." they say loudly..
and then repeat..

That's what they say now, pitched so high, in a hoarse,
partied-out voice creaking with a lack of
bed-time or quiet-time.

Their delirious music rises above the beery mash of bar-din.
They don't allow many words in edge-wise, as they
bray so stridently about this or that idle, combative, vanity-stricken thought.
Declaring their admirable personalities, these self-described bad bitches.

Norris i'm so scared now.
They used to be only about 5'5" of loud lead vocals,
self-admiration, and social media presence incarnate.

Now though...they are almost 6', as far as i'm concerned.
Bigger, taller than me at least.
Never traveling alone of course, and often with some simpering 6'5" male.
Together reeking of the economics of Darwin and total cavity-filling.
If fluoride has diminished their minds it has
tragically failed to limit their physical growth
and vocal capacity.

They declaim for you, they screech in the bright, dark spot of your absence.
i miss you Norris Dryer, Brilliantly Gay Symphony Violinist and Green Party candidate for local governance, thou thrilled patron of the
rippling-muscled abdomens of the prostitute streets,
you raconteur and fine appreciator
of words and modulated speech.
Even your rigid refusal to love jazz music
is beautiful now, and half-admired.
And i miss your
charming, unapologetic contempt
that came like regular crashing iceberg flows,
against the state of things.