Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Why Netflix must be considered your Household Devil.


(You're advised to read most of what follows in the indignant, hortatory style of an enflamed Southern American preacher. Mop your brow occasionally. This here parenthetical advisory is supposed to be italicized but there are technical limitations afoot. When they have gone, i will still not return to italicize because you have to take a stand somewhere, sometime.)

If Netflix were a young man, still under my roof and of an age yet suitable for corporal punishment, i would whip his ass into the street while yelling into a bullhorn for the benefit of the neighbors, talking about what the punishment was intended to accomplish. 

 "This here boy is Devious!! He is not producing edgy, morally righteous entertainments of a kind that are simply in step with the moral tone and right-on-ness of the modern post-Obama days. He is not concerned with redressing institutional crimes, as he would have you believe. Smack!! He may be of the devil's seed even, because i never knew his profligate mother before rutting with her one precipitous Thursday night and indeed i get a creepy feeling from her parents; or perhaps the boy is just on the payroll of the Intelligence Agency to best all intel agencies, the global SPECTER!! Swatswat!! Lookit him, his bosses are the infamous crowd-wranglers and Fabian test-tube mongrels, Barack Hussein and Michele Obama! He is precisely as ingenuous and upright in his aims and dealings as a 25-yo Donald Trump on the Oprah Winfrey show!! Thwack!!.. 

 ..Ya'll think he makes this interminable line of redressin’ "true crime" revelation mini-series bc he is strictly, morally exercised by injustice and the easily proven history of wrong-doing in the masonic, machiavellian, essentially fascist Murkin criminal justice system? (and fuck ye neighbor if ye don’t like the way i speak, in piled up run-ons that derive from the natural course of human thought and logic) Why then all the satanic stuff (with to me rather obvious indications of pervasive, organized occultism in those very series, embedded but not apparent to our uncurious and secularized layfolk) and the suicide-friendly, existentially and materially cannibal subject matter, films and series? Why all that extra? Because he is a right bad boy and so i rebuke him!! Nothing thrust through the lens of his consciousness comes out clean or wholly savory. The result is more of a plan, and it is bitter poisonous rubbish dressed up very well to look like conscientious activism. It is insidious propaganda designed for consumption by a woke tribe of Prussian-modeled fools that does no research and so then gets a thrill from seeing some monstrous assholes from the diseased land of Hollywood unearth a well-known-in-the-margins-of-the-thinking-classes, quite old instance of judicial miscarriage, but revealed now in stunning hi-def and with no commercials because it is a pure and beautifully new form of post-modern entertainment. (Modern is always intrinsically better, and more knowledgeable and acquainted with de Facts, even if late) And because it is on demand, it has the lewd appearance of personal agency and Choice, that dirty, empty, two-faced mulatto god of the necrotic west. Come watch me whip this boy down Elm street!! 

"What's that you say over there?!  Yes i know there are some good, clean, simply artistically valid movies available on Netflix. That is surely not the point, and even an elision of its agenda or the cover-story, if you will, the method by which it draws the greatest number of us in. We're talking about this malicious boy's own, branded, proprietary products, and the ideological pattern they reveal, that's what!

Slap!! YAY, the motherfucker has shown us the archival images of Sam Cooke's slumped, state-and-mob-murdered body there in that seedy hotel, just like a snuff film. Just like a black-and-white snuff film, which this child Netflix has made into its specialty and primary fare. I have been saying this again and again but ya'll did not hear me bc i was not out here beating this cunning, improvident child in the street with my bullhorn on. This child was raised to recycle all his waste products and respect his elders and lookit what he has become. Like a dirty canine dragging his wormy butt all over everyone's living room, while thought to be just a naughty boy, at most!! Like a deceptive cultural change agent sent to immunize us to our better and continually embattled natures. Cunningly through our household gods and lovers, the High-definition display TV panel of at least 50 inches. I will kick this child in the ass for all of you, repeatedly, for the benefit of our society. 

(Kicks the foul child known as Netflix, shouting meanwhile an injunction against ever making a bold, exceedingly late but woke and timely documentary about Fred Hampton.)

“This is nothing more than a bright and furious case of mass, collective bad parenting and i am sorry, as you all should be!! We have let this thing in our homes and watched its stunting growth into a healthy, quite stimulating cancer. In conjunction with rock and roll and rap music, CNNFOXNYTWSJ, and State-fluoridated water, (that is, fluoridated through Centralized channels) it has then done its contractually defined job, to lessen our moral decency while eating at our reason, and goading us into political, and racial, and cultural antagonisms, enmity. Netflix intends that you become the mere, riled up antonym of something else and it makes no mistake about its being a product for the coastal and liberal classes. It is the cultural change agent arm of the occult deep state that imagines you to be easily fooled by the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama-Trump dialectic which is blamed forever on that dismal hun, Hegel; the dialectic that only tricks the senile and the thoughtless, and in general works so much better on those who do not read or research, and whose parents are of the same race and social order. Netflix's main importance is probably as poison water piped into our homes, with our consent and our funding. A very elegant feedback, monitoring, and stimulus system, like so many others we're now addicted to in our idle self-absorption and -fondling. It could cost us a tenth of what it does and it would still exist, we would still have unlimited access to it and find it terribly endearing, in the ambiguous, sinister, deep-state-funded and -originated style and model of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and many peculiarly free, online video games. I have been so intimately involved with this fuck-souled, base-minded beastie and i am telling you a solid truth about it. Listen to me please. Smack!!

sam cooke's life matters, ya'll, get woke now while the waking is gud, if kinda late

"What a nerve this child had, producing this Sam Cooke Tell-all that gibbers such depressing Truth to Power---Right When the Nation is fixed upon outrage over Institutional Blackface---while re-stating again and again the stale, sanitized notion that black men with all that good “black male energy” were a threat to the fossilized J. Edgar Hoover and the greed of the generically unidentified “mobsters” who held sway over the music industry and the curious, inductive red herring of Las Vegas show-runs. Dat is de whole chessboard truth of de matter, boss, he would have us believe. Funny that there is always a solitary foul persona in the stew of such productions, a right, dishonorable Fall Guy. In this case, the ubiquitous numbers-man, Allen Klein, BANG!, who fucked with the controlled Beatles and the degenerate Stones and other interesting musical acts, after swindling Sam Cooke. Just one bad apple, Netflix assures you all. Bring us the documentary on Prince, next, or Michael Jackson, or John Allen Muhammed, nee Williams, cough, or how the Nation of Islam was ultimately a cut-out movement, and in bed with The State, categorically. This is why i am whipping this boy in the street. All he does is lie, inveigle, seduce and pretend. He gets whipped because he won't move fast enough to make a documentary about how All of the Black Fraternal Organizations Owe Their Origins to the Skull and Bones Sodality of blue-blooded Yale, who themselves descend from the aristocratic paganism of Germany, warning, warning. He will never investigate and make a mini-series about the state crimes of the Atlanta child murders, and so Slap!! He will never delve into the most significant moral question of why the Virginia Military Institute would conscience such blackface exuberance in their formal yearbook pages, especially when they relate to bood-line future governors in hell-bent, high-stress dialectical times such as we inhabit so pathetically. There will never be a Netflix documentary about what state-sanctioned Evil happened at the 13th street levy in motherfucking New Orleans shortly after non-11. But lookit how woke and powerful he wishes you to believe that he is, and all his spontaneous products, too.

Where is the documentary series on the actual, heavily documented truth of the “Satanic Panic,” if Netflix and its directly involved cultural elite are so interested in the “West Memphis 3?” I reckon that question answers itself! But where is the expose on Jeff Gannon and James Guckert, or the linked, 1980’s White House call-boy scandal and its direct relation to The Franklin Cover-up, if they have this insight into the true, super-seedy substance of Power?

What gall this boy has, to prance about in the blackface of his well post-modern Wokeness, pretending to benefit the people and address their longing for justice. Aping the gait of the social justice warrior who is very concerned about local race politics, in our imperialist world still run by blood-drinking eugenicists who keep it all in the family so expertly. How fucking cynical this child of mine is. How appropriate that CIA handlers and chimeras like BHO and his wife would now work there with him, as producers. Perhaps after this beating, Netflix will mend its ways and come home to a more honorable papa and raison d'etre. I am sorry for you all, that you had to witness this street justice, because i know how you’ve been tricked by Netflix, and love its presence so in your home, just like a well-fed concubine what had been lobotomized, or a pit bull what only ate Republicans. Lookit this boy, he is about to start babbling stridently about trans-rights again.

I will whip this bad, repugnant child, Netflix, all the way to the County Courthouse with its obelisks and cupolas, just for you my sad, indebted neighbors. You will probably think me a bad parent and citizen, only, and then shamble off to watch more super-hero movies and docu-series about some simple pimple of a person what was framed for murder by corrupt and myopic local constables and barristers, or some other shit about how mobsters and who knows mebbe even “the FBI” may have possibly, perhaps, been responsible for the clear honey-trapped assassination of just one more african-amerikan entertainer.

"Did ya’ll know that the kids these days have a figure of speech that they use when they wish to express a serious disapproval of another person? The phrase that enjoys the most currency and is considered, i am sure, to be quite cool, whatever that has come to mean to such a meager human litter, is “Just kill yourself.” Black Lives Matter, but motherfucker Just Kill Yourself, but hey not before taking these gender modification drugs handed out like woke-ass lollipops from Planned Parenthood, because you have got to do You. There is no other point to life, POW!, you know, apart from incessant argument and completely un-navigated or unreasoned Protest against Shit Being Like It Is. And now you have arrived at the embarkation point where these Netflix serials want you to begin. You are to be outraged by them, and to congratulate yourself on the meaty and topical substance of your outrage, even if you did not conceive of it by yourself, in any sense at all. You are to desire something entirely New for society, without any independent notion of what the New Thing Should Be.

Go right now, you looky-loo, desultory neighbors, and Google on it. See how many fucking articles are being written right now about this miserable fucking Netflix offering about the murder of Sam Cooke. I wrote all of this beforehand, and i knew exactly what I would find, and i found it, and nothing is new under the secret sun. Spank!"

You will maybe, like me, find it fascinating how this or that Netflix product eventually becomes the common core of some think-piece that is shared abundantly throughout the internets of the land. This can only be because those who are paid to write are without any imagination or self-direction at all, and watch far too much propaganda masked as entertainment and news.

Netflix functions not just as an excellent service for your eternally, 24-7 available distraction and entertainment; that, of course, would be bad enough, given our current, foul meta-conditions under which we avoid dealing, by statute and habit, with pretty much everything that is crucial or important. It is much worse, it's a Central Organ of a Propaganda Service. And it is way worse than naive to imagine that Netflix is merely reflecting and innocently adding to the adversarial political and cultural zeitgeists, of protest and reaction and angry identitarianism. It is much better understood by its connection to the Obamas now as Netflix Producers, and by what you are able to in the end understand about what those two people represent for all of us, and about what all of us are arrayed against. Another apparent objective of Netflix, with all the quaintly satanic True Crime/Miscarriage of Justice projects and docu-series, (a series is something that goes on and on, even indefinitely if it is enjoyed, or just too well-tolerated, only) i have now come to believe as the responsible parent and owner of culture that I am, is that we as citizens eventually come to despise and distrust all current institutions of society. Specifically its modes and apparata of justice and law enforcement. Bc, we must assume, something different is in the working, a sort of replacement or a synthesis, like a boy with a vagina in every home, or an entirely digital currency and economy. Still, the objective may be to simply rob us of optimism about or faith in anything extant of civilization as we know it, at all. I am just a sad parent, justifiably thrashing his son in the street, and i can't too confidently say.

(it is entirely possible that Cooke was meant to be an alchemical sacrifice, to be honest. A familiar attempt to fuck with society, involving the familiar industry and organized crime and State actors. The song, “A Change is Gonna Come,” did not have to be released, you know, and it was released only after his death. Now what the fuck is that, neighbor. It is speculated in the docu that his murder fueled the Watts Riots, etc...)

Next up on Netflix, “The 27 Club: Myth or Evidence of an Indefinable Institutional Evil That We Don’t Intend to Locate or Practically Address.”

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