Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Memoirs of A Shadow-Event Easily Shunted into the Void


This story right Here. I seriously, sincerely encourage Secret Sunners and answer-diggers of any kind to potter about the charred mouth of this enchanted rabbit-hole. Consider plunging right into it, even if there's not much to go on. If you make it to the end of this web-log post, (and i thank you if you do, and even suggest it would be time not wasted, because i know you're a curious, well-read, clever, quite effective person) then you will find a happy treat!: The painting allegedly done by Arnav Gupta, our courageous if insensible arsonist at the gates of government. The painting is unusual, filled with symbolic figures and a Trumpian King on a Throne of Swords, spanking a woman, as well as not very cryptic freemasonic, standard occult and hindu symbols, Wheels and flags, and various caricatures of powerful men of history. Gupta was a man with a sense of symbols and a taste for childish pastiches; he may even have been seething with the energies of the blazing star, and kept a journal like Sirhan Sirhan, who is to say? Now, if you have not seen the actual footage yourself, then you are herewith barred from offering any opinion of a "scientific or forensic" nature on the incident: say, as to whether or not he Is In Fact ignoring his flaming condition, how long he does so, and whether or not he's wearing protective gear of any kind. He is ignoring it; he does so for several impossibly controlled moments and even appears to exercise volition of movement at one point, even apart from the many steps he takes; and he is Not wearing fire retardant clothing. Here's the raw footage, it is completely nuts, and no amount of exoteric sense can be grafted onto the situation:


Fire Walk With Me

The Perambulating Pyre of President's Park gets a hand from security, yet appeared not to need one

Brahminic, well-to-do 33 year old, cough, resident of BETHESDA, sputter, MD, calmly immolates hisself around noon at ELLIPSE, cackle, Park. It's hard if not impossible to find a precedent in history for anyone having the grit to set themselves on fire and then walk for several moments with full and painless body control, until security, etc., douses him in fire extinguishing foam. Very stern stuff. This all happened as Mueller was hemming and havering in his prescribed duty of rebuking the POTUS for his alleged involvement with Russian Hacking efforts that were said to have helped DT win the presidency.

Arnav (a name meaning "water," or "stream" "or "wave") Gupta (surname meaning "governor or protector") disappears and his family alerts the police, by 9:30am, May 29. Police post a message online saying they and the family are concerned for Gupta's safety and well-being. The post appears too late, as by this time Gupta has burned up in the park. He dies later that night at hospital. This entire item about the family immediately reporting the son's absence and their concern, as well as the agreeable police response of posting something (too late) about this one random runaway 33 year old ..all seems a bit odd to me, personally. But i'm no expert in the bylaws of missing person's procedures in the capital city.



Ellipse Park is also called "President's Park." The area where he innocently caught fire, by a fence looking directly into the Oval Office, is known as a staging grounds for political protest. President Trump was in fact "working in the Oval office at the time," around noon. He naturally was able to, and logically did in fact, see this fiery display, or sacrifice. But is a sacrifice a very good or fit sacrifice, if it's chemically lobotomized or somehow mind-controlled? That's a pertinent question, in those 2019 and these 2021 times of mass, coercive, societal fat-cutting under the Coronamadnus Paradigm, and with federal prosecutors investigating human trafficking ending up dead back then on Florida beaches, and all them celebrities, some of them upset about State-and-elite-child trafficking rings, deciding to hang themselves from fans and doorknobs, and some others of them with dog collars on the anniversary of their Madoff father's arrest, after they had agreed to turn evidence against them. Such a rich variety of pertinent questions, rotting on the vine.

Ovals and ellipses and the zodiac, nearing the beginning of summer and the end of the month of May. Fire and Water. Possible mind-control/Voice of Gawd tech. What happened there could be interpreted, additionally, as a distinct brand of traditional mockery of Christ and in the biblical case, of his ministrations by the healing pool, of a man who he told to take up his mat and walk away, because his ailments prevented him from walking to the pool.... If you happen to view modern hollywood entertainments with a careful or even Christian-sympathetic mind and eye, then such an interpretation of the Death Theater at President's Ellipse Park would not seem so strange or alarming. It's been many yearly ellipses since i've seen any hollywood depiction of a Christian that was not completely and consciously unflattering, and most often meant to make Christians look like stereotyped fanatics: eternal enemies of wokeness and the like. Anyway.

"Bethesda" appears only once in all the bible. It is a healing pool of water at the "sheep gate," or market gate accessible by the rabble, the masses. Jesus performed a miracle here in contravention of the diktats of the sanhedrin. Fwiw, the word means "House of Mercy." The fence where the various protesting menfolk (see below) shot or burnt theyselves up is certainly a point of symbolic, at least, access to the seat of government/apex of society/the capital city. An interface between the rabble, or sheep, and the men of real power, and their canny mothers, concealed cult-leaders, etc.

Perhaps in an attempt by his murderers/handlers/occult manipulators to really gild the grisly lily, Gupta wore a USA Olympics jersey. I think it was a basketball jersey. Another potential rabbit-hole right there, perhaps, but also just cheeky, jabbing symbolism indicating some supernal, hot changing of phase for the land-and-destiny-tulpa known as A-Merica. Through "Ellipse park" and the interstitial phases implied by Noon and the turning of the month And season (May/June; Spring/Summer), we seem to be faced with a Thematic Phase-Transformation through Immolation: a message sent by some faction to the faction nominally headed by Trump.

Already that year, a man had set himself on fire in a WHEELchair, right near the same area where the public can face the White House. The year before, an Alabama man had pulled a gun near the same posturing and political message-sending zone by the fence, and fired off some shots, "not at the White House," then killed himself. It's worth mentioning that in the previous POTAL span, a black-robed high priest, a member of the SCOTUS named Antonin Scalia, was rather obviously murdered while staying at a most dodgy resort getaway far into the desert, iirc, with his hands placed in mummy-pharaohnic style across his chest, Rest In Internecine Warfare, or Peace, if you like. Nothing unusual about that, and only crazy redneck assholes and right-wing yahoos would say otherwise.

Also during Trump's one term, a congressional train carrying major Republican congressional figures en route to a definitely partisan, democrat-barred pow-wow was cutely derailed, by, iirc, some dump-truck being near or across the tracks. Nothing to see there, i suppose, either. Just your average sort of unforeseeable wrinkle in der plot of the obvious normalcy of all things, and easily explained.

Have you noticed that the MSM, the oligarchy- and blue-blood owned Newspaper and TV News and wire-industry outfits, excel at nothing more than reporting on events where there is nothing to see at all, particularly in the investigative, follow-up sense, despite many of the events being so cosmically god damned Weird, on their face? These lazy creatures are not even capable of finding an honest Physics Professor or sky-scraper architect in either 2001 or the decades since, though many still do exist, all over the world. Nothing to see anywhere, except mindless, empty, inexplicable LONE NUTS and TERROR!! and after those episodes, the ensuing wars of dialectical aggression, neatly and inevitably unfolding for generations to come, supplying gas, oil, opium and ever-flowering new opiate derivatives for the suffering people of the world. But especially the suffering people of Kentucky and West Virginny.

Don't get me started on Charlottesville, either, where not a single credible journalist was ever found to be present during the Great Synthetic Race Fracas of 2017. Despite all the heavy preliminary advertising of that VICE-videographed Race Tussle to End all Race Tussles. None of those slow, feckless motherfucking journos ever made it to Virginia, apparently.

Same as with the bizarre shooting on Trump's first birthday in office, the same day that the Grenfell Towers in London appeared to burn down but with rather questionable forensics, time-lines, casualty rolls, and openly hinky and seemingly hand-picked narcissist-politicos being used as "eye witnesses" to provide TV testimony about how the fires represented a failure on the part of British political authorities to treat and house minority-poor citizens well. It became a social justice matter of wokeness, even though property-wrangling and -development issues related to gentrification seemed to figure key in the anomalies of the day and its polished, woke, post-narrative...Rather Like such issues do commonly arise in suspected cases of real estate speculation-arson, including even in the matter of mass property-burning during BLM riots here in the USA, acts of reported "woke outrage arson" that some observers felt smelled and looked very very hinky, considering so many of those buildings were locally and black-owned...
Happy Birthday, Tower King

Moving on and in any case, Repub congressman Steve Scalise, Trump's ally, was perforated by the three-named out-of-town lone nutgunman who calmly strode onto the congressional "soft-ball" game-field, wielding a terrifying long-gun, before being taken down by the police. Scalise and another Repub congressman could have both been taken out that day, again, which was Trump's b-day. The other representative, iirc, was the co-sponsor for a controversial bill that essentially claimed or sought to go after human traffickers, and stipulated for the total, legal state seizure of their assets.  A seeming shot across the bow, at the time, and something that generated a whole lot of support for Trump, across fields of the political spectrum. Obviously there is no reason to weigh in here, finnicky reader, with some dim comment about how Orange Man Bad, because that valuation is irrelevant for our purposes as occult detectives who are not hopelessly asleep at the wheel. No, no, same as with the Elliptical Burning Man Incident. Nothing to see in any of those cases, whatsoever, we are expected to think.

So, several presumed fire-or-bullet sacrifices on DT's first birthday in office. Some here, some back in the old anglo-saxonic-cthonic country. Then through his term, three people kill themselves or otherwise do serious self-harm, at precisely the point where political protest is designated to take place before the White House, and exactly where the POTUS himself could in theory, and on May 29 in actual practice, see the protest results. 
From a sort of rubbishy and trite listicle on Gupta and his peculiar, eventual transformation into a reasonably unhinged "artist" and "political poet," whose quite strange fictionalized treatment of Obama-era presidential politics is still available online, for a fee, and which includes mention of a "CIA draftee..."   :

"Arnav Gupta appears to have expressed his political ideas in artwork and in writing. His website, called Arnamania, depicts a few pieces of artwork he says he created. He lists the prices as being fantastically high, from $7,000 to $10 million.

In the bio section, Gupta wrote that he was born in New Delhi, India, raised in the D.C. suburbs and that he was living in the Bay Area of California. It’s unclear if he was actually living on the west coast; the Montgomery County Police referenced him as a Bethesda resident. The bio continues, “After a fulfilling career in the intersection of Education, News-Media, Artificial Intelligence, and Global Politics, the artist now enjoys working on less weightier subjects such as nature-scapes, wildlife, and portraiture. He aspires to one day write fantasy literature in the mold of his favorites: C.S. Lewis, J.R. Tolkien, and Roald Dahl.”


And there we have an appearance of that War-time/Cold War-era Intelligence Agent and stud-muffin-cum-world-beloved but still vile-seeming children's author, Roald Dahl. Surely this creative detail is irrelevant. As are the Christian and Alchemical Age of Man themes implied by the other two authors, or not.

So what message was being sent? Who was Arnav Gupta? There's no comment from his family at all, ultimately. A neighbor said the lad was very nice, but that he hadn't seen him for about a year and wondered if he had moved out. Gupta went to the 5th best private school for brahminic boys in Maryland. In 2004, while still a student there or affiliated with them, he went as far as a base camp of Mount Everest. He was a world-traveling, dual-citizen, UNICEF-absorbed, "Dutiful Friend of the Host Empire" sort of young man, according to the emergent picture one can easily find emerging on the internet. At one point he was a translator, and at another, employed by the "Chance Academy," which to my thinking appears to be the sort of glad-handing intel agency-cutout that enables rabidly woke Fabian-Marxist dupes to fly around the world and throughout the under-privileged areas of this country, decrying the non-woke practices of the Oppressive White Master Race, and teaching how the gender-non-specific proletariat might go about dismantling the devilish patriarchal nature of It All. At least that was the vibe i got from dipping into its online material and slick, video-promotional jabbering, heavy on the on-staged participation of POC.

What might have been in the "suspicious burning package" seen near Arnav Gupta that was never mentioned again in reportage?

And really, then, how does the story of Gupta mirror or echo that of John Muhammed, the Beltway Sniper who had just then before his killing-spree helpfully changed his legal name from something far less belligerently Moslem, and hopefully, we pray, had quit all connections with the military outfits who had trained him as a terrifying killer and hopefully, we pray, had not arranged for him to constantly be flying to and fro the Caribbean as he had been doing, prior to his murderous and unpredicted rampage that Formally Brought The Terror of Nein-11, 2001, Directly To your Doorsteps and Gas Stations and Parking Lots, and Right Plum Into The Capital District, and in a highly mobile fashion, Just Like with them Anthrax Attax!!... One (Arnav the diplomat) reflected The Zodiac and the heavens, generally, and the other (John the soldier) with his sniping young protege, "Malvo," brought into the national post-non-11 convo the topic of The Tarot. Here is a proper coincidence theory: Both were rubbish-men, brain-washed agents of symbolic chaos and carnage. Fear tactics embodied and discarded. Vessels. Both of them were ignored for their obvious, more cosmic, Psy-ops, or "occult" pregnancy of meaning, again only proving how corrupt and worthless all of journalism is, and how ignorant most of us are, how blind and unperceptive to the juiciest material or spiritual data.

What do it all mean, most wise and serene authority figures? How did that man withstand being burnt alive, all controlled-like and calmly taking many, many steps while aflame, causing witnesses to describe him as being "like a zombie?" Sure, sure, this blue-blooded, diplomacy-dipped scion of privilege, groomed at Landon school and then swept through Boston University's International Relations program (he "APPEARED to graduate in 2014..." much like Obama appeared to graduate from wherever, in whenever, but really what good is a college degree anyway these days, so no need for precision or bona fides, ha)...i say sure, sure, this impressive young man whose sky was the limit was just smoking a large amount of "K2, mixed with Spice as well as Angel Dust" and possibly Eye of Newt, and ended up immolating himself at the most symbolically significant spot in Washington, D.C, but without any normal autonomic, involuntary physiological responses of pain, agony, or systemic collapse.

What is the meaning of the appearance of both"K2" (the purported drug) and "Mount Everest" in this Spring-Summer episode of the Trump-era full-kabuki psychodrama? What did Gupta's parents do for a living?

Why is seemingly over half the population of america locked into such a stubborn state of blank stupidity, of being incorrigible, combative, genital-and-Stomach-worshiping, narcissist bastard motherfuckers? Refusing to observe the plainly obvious primacy of This Occult Reality, of what we are only Taught and Conditioned to perceive as this drab pantomime reality of the over-vaccinated, antiseptic, science-ruled Information Age with its sickly, vulnerable skyscrapers and Pentagons?

We seem perfectly content gobbling up occult-themed movies, shows, and also true crime documentary series when they are piped directly and cheaply into our hi-def displays. But whenever it becomes clear that tinsel-town simulacra of dark occult realities absolutely pale next to their nasty, cannibal, child-raping real-life State-versions and cosmology, then people get very very skeptical indeed, and tend to thrust their fat empty melons wherever it's dark and warm. We are clearly being mocked by netflix and the entire edifice of hollywood and washington, D.C. And when we're not being mocked, it is only because those in the position of normally, wickedly, logically doing so are here and there simply too stupid, venal, and sensually oriented to know the score or do the appropriate type of black magical gloating. There are levels to all of this, fortunately or not.

And oh yes then there was Pizzagate, as well as Obama's allegedly gay Chicago Trinity Church-choir-member-lovers ending up suicided with bullets in the back of their head before his glorious election.....and then also that delicious and deadly-serious-seeming matter of the various Enveloped Notes delivered (solemnly and with an air of danger, rather) to grand attendees of Poppy Bush's State Funeral, delivered among others to the doddering mental patient and child-huffer Joe Biden, the Harpy-Doyenne Hilary Clinton and her thrall of an illegitimate Rockefeller husband, the androgynous mixed-breed potal power couple, Mr. and Mrs. Hallelujah, and the remaining live animals of the Bush Clan, who looked positively aghast, even mortified, when they read their notes.
The Shadow knows.


you get a envelope and you getta envelope and you

This is why no credibly intelligent human adult should ever attempt to piece reality together using only primary sources like dogshit newspapers, CNNFOXMSNBC, and other forms of trivial east coast-establishment-journal propaganda, Hissss, and Booooo. They tell you nothing but half-truths and faery tales about Coincidence Theory and collapsible skyscrapers, and Pentagons that can be struck also by slow little commercial aero-planes, hours after multiple commercial airliners were known to have been "hijacked," on a day when the same MSM refused to come clean about the Dozens of live-fly military preparedness and "anti-terrorism" drills being staged, which only years later anyone admitted to. No we must all rely on our own brains, efforts of research, and of course, even moreso, typically in 2021, on those more morbidly observant, typically non-child-having and research-minded people one can find all over the internet and in scattered patches and zuckerberg-cells around the world. 
Link to the Scribd version of Gupta's very odd fiction writing, "Memoirs of A Shadow President"
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Roman Candle. Infinity and Hourglasses and a "Game of Thrones."