Saturday, September 3, 2022

The Gloves Have Been Tore Off Decorum and Decency: Some Respectful Words on the Will-Smith/Chris Rock Bad Boy Supper Theater Club Awards Ceremony, with additional commentary on geo-politics and also doe-mestic politics, with at least 6 links


The Red Leather Drag-on never Sleepeth. Cross-dressin' is never not funny on the come-up

In its own trite, hackneyed way, the majikal Will Smith "schizophrenia/comeuppance/Best Actor-Winning Humiliation and Turnt Out to Pasture Ritual" continues to toddle along gamely. For what it is worth. It's like witnessing the last MK-drug-courier-ing and Target Compromising cruise ship trip of a hot, blonde "Presidential Model," only it is a beloved bottom black man edition in this case.

It feels like the slowly chewing ungulate public of the hollywood-consuming herd-world has never been treated to such a juicy prime-time live event, or "ritual." As "The Slap," as an act or casual, permitted assault. I have to suggest it's too easy to dismiss it all, just bc it was so...hackneyed and obvious. And also seeing as how it occurred in modern, collapsing, morally desolate Hollywood, at its biggest, most sewn-up in advance, self-congratulatory gala event, where sociopaths may be assumed to outnumber normal, docile, cud-chewing citizens, 3-1. I won't pretend to be too awfully interested or all that capable of dissecting the very tense action, not truly and with footnotes and such, or legitimate syntax. But some of the themes which have emerged seem to weave neatly enough into the well-established command and control matrices of:

1. Messing with and using African-American men as memes and useful archetypes/symbols for mass public spirit-massaging and spirit-barbecuing. See also bullet-points number 4 and perhaps also 6, below. ("Will Smith," and "Chris Rock" must be examples of The Cosmic Giggle in action, as those names sure do tremble with occulted resonance, if i were being asked about it.)

2. Greedily Arranging and then Generously Eating Up large quantities of the pre-positioned oxygen in the room/zeitgeist.

3. Insuring that Will Smith tenders his career-weight of due and his pound of flesh to Caesar, and to Satrapy, Inc., et al, after an epic and rewarding career. One last profitable or utilitarian hurrah, like with OJ. Or like with MJ (michael jackson) and his farewell, creaky animated zombie dancing tour, with heapum insurance payouts. Or Robin Williams with his farewell multi-movie tour. A kind of manic Last St. Vitus' Dance. Or Kobe with his possibly willing role in the trauma-based inauguration of The Global Corona-madnus for all of our twilight benefit. Kobe who seemed to have two humiliation rituals because he was such a bad-ass. You can just have your pick of very slowly fallen stars.

Speaking of Compromised Actors

4. The continuous cultural matrix/memeplex of The Cosby Ritual. Made, club-membership-having men who achieve the loftiest status, then being whipped down into a lowly, very lurid tabloid state. We must include Bill Clinton in this ritual, and perhaps Orenthal Simpson, as well, who gets a name drop and a very questionable analogical inclusion in this "ugly" affair, from a philosophical Chris Rock. CR just recently or like right now compared himself to Nicole Simpson, check your newsfeed for this reverberating update. One may even speculate as to the connection between this "Bros Down" set of ceremonial themes on the one side of the scale, and on the other, the eminent ritual display of Surging Matriarchy/"Hoes Up?" phenomenology with its amusing, romper room, Madonnist, black magical/"pagan" Lizzo Fertility Goddess themes and excrudescences. By which we can routinely see A) men made more fragile and insecure, and replaced by women in most alpha-male leading action roles across all of silver screendom, and B) black female dwarves hammily inserted into beloved anglo-saxon literary and artistic products. (note that in a Zora Neale Hurston kind of way, the black man is the proto-masculine stud of the world, and by denigrating, controlling, or reducing Him, one does so to manhood, at large, quite mathematically, or exponentially) Hopefully the reader is familiar with these trends and i do not sound like a stodgy ol white conservative, which i am not at all. I am young and spry and i love all the things and all the races and all the flavors, except children. I for one do not go in for children or even young adults, or if you insist on me coming clean i also don't go in for dressing in dresses, not publicly at least---but that is just me personally---and definitely not for scaring and confusing toddlers at the public library on the state dime.

...It is all connected, all of a piece, part, and parcel. ...anyway, this degradation-performance at the Oscars can be said to link up neatly with the point above, point number 3, and en toto with the #MeAlso movement, in this way: that hysterical gender equality movement, as such, can be reasonably well viewed as "Master cleverly rearranging the deckchairs on Der Titanic, so that the womenfolk have the front seat to the chamber orchestra's calming, reassuring impromptu concert, as the water rushes in all around. Rather than seats on lifeboats, you see." Many of us have been forced to see that movement as a means to cut a lot of old cis white male Fat, to shed burdensome Weinstein-caliber slabs of grotesque weight, while looking proud and good in the offing. To pave the way for a new vanguard, etc., with objectives just as cynical and manipulative as those of their forebears. Also, one can accomplish micro-goals or various occult ritual designs in the process of ushering out the Will Smiths and Matt Lauers as they expire in terms of marketability, niche friendliness, and sexual freshness. A massive game of mostly meaningless musical chairs in which those who get to sit down had lots of inside information and the floorplan, and the controlled use of hologram-chairs, and moved much more quickly than the older, less woke fellows. The Older darlings like Les Moonves, Andy Rubin, Charlie Rose, Roger Ailes, The Prince of Whatever in that German Family atop the British Throne, and the endless list of other nasty males too long to get into. Note that all these kinds of would-be criminals and age-inappropriate producer-royalty-types were permitted to go and retire with their billions and their underground garages and temple-complexes stocked with slender nubile concubines, hermaphrodites, and Ganymedes. We safely assume, from our existential basements and actual hovels.

"How Much for Just 1 Rib, of Adam?"

5. "MASKS." Now sage Chris Rock is tellin' the world how WS let his mask fall after 30 years of pretending to be a perfect, good guy and probably more importantly, also a thoroughly perfected and smooth-running yes-man/androgynous/gender fluid-reppin'/DID-golden boy of magic-town, The Globe. Something like the brown and fit Tom Hanks. Not quite "there" or organically believable, and indeed smelling quite fake as fuck, yes, but yet still "everybody's" greatest Everyman and favorite fella/leading man of the new era of colorblindedness. This whole Kubrickian and Covid season of "masks" is surely at its root symbolic and occult in nature, and that is no great leap of analysis or prodigious insight. Hollywood is a mask, Biden is a mask, Ric Flair, too, and also Trump and his metastasizing clan and mafia.

Exhibit 237-77-69: The Gloves and Masks

6. The intensely tacky Cult of Cuckle-man, woke-robo-male, who is readily subordinated by the whims, side-eyes, and general majesty of one's female partner as she sits there before the world, issuing weird silent orders on her husband's long-awaited, Big Old Night.

7. And lastly, bc i dont feel like going on too much longer and giving it more calories or drilled-down analytical thought, Will is long rumored to be a very malleable sex-creature. Meaning Closeted, etc, which adds one other level of autonomy, or not, to this scene during which anyone familiar with staged dramas and body language can tell that CR was himself involved and seemingly, completely aware of the fact of it all being a face-slapping scene and public moment of truth-falsehood. Whose antagonist just happened to be the man who won the biggest academy award that night (for probably some intrepid work of wokeness that is completely stale and uninteresting, who really cares) and was permitted to stay the entire time, and eventually give a teary mea culpa as believable as any of his other stabz at mummery.

8. Ok one more: i'm quite sure some people who are neither bad nor uninformed would view both of the black-male participants in this tinsel-town occult psy-op as being fairly fit symbols for "house negroes" but in different genres or lanes. Equivalent to Step-and-fetchit roles throughout culture and career. In this sense, "game" or corrigible or pliable. Also let us not forget they are actors and jesters, like many other powerful personalities who occupy both the dream-world and the hardcore world of sentient human emotion and politics.

Just add one Jordan Peele and a Bill Clinton

9. Ok just one more: Now Chris Rock is on tour with Dave Chapelle, another figure of some peculiar controversy in the "alterna-C.T.-realm/community." And this tuning-fork-dinging new salvo in the melanin-negative-drama happens to come from Englande, as the two are on tour there now, what-what.

Part II of the General Commentary:

From the beginning of this Oscar's Ceremony, i vaguely and then helplessly interpreted the proceedings as drawing from a kind of "The Gloves Are Now Off" symbology. Very much in keeping with the savagery and the false, ginned up acrimony and antagonism of our fake, shifty, shitty times, when plainly neutered, milquetoast optics-insurrections are a-happening and former prime ministers are being actually murdered, and in the homeland Rushdies are being stabbed upon again and again in public, and gangs of trans-gender lunatics are permitted to surround and menace supreme court justices who are themselves rumored on the dark web to be transexual, and still other supreme court justices are found quite dead with their arms neatly arranged crossed on their chests at highly questionable getaway resorts in the desert, all alone, without their wives and families or even any chummy friends to speak or report of in newspapers and such.
A period of time when congressional trains are derailed in very spooky ways, and congressmen are shot up at soft-baseball games by men with a very far-off look in their eyes, like late-stage Robin Williams.

You may well agree that shit is passing crazy and flying off the rails. Just note Charlottesville and the BLM Summer of Permitted Arson and then that horrible, horrible Insurrection of January 6, just the other day it seems like, a day that will live in various cinema verite news-reels and hack editorial pages, and in the feeble, entrained minds of about two-thirds of the rube-patsy god-damn public.

So then, part II here is unworryingly brief, and draws mostly from my notes i jotted down just yesterday, in a file on my own super-private cellular device. The notes appeared as they often do for me: in stilted bullet-point form, and like touched, inspired auto-writing, like the following. The theme which unites them all, unlike citizens of a noble republic which fought a vicious Civil War entirely over the subject of African Chattel Slavery and definitely no other concern or issue a'tall, and then again quite like citizens who finally realize their only real enemy is Legacy Monetary Power and Occult Oligarchical Rule throughout the Lie-Soaked Chapters of Disconnected History, i say the unifying theme or thesis is:

Shit is Demonstrably More Serious Now in this Age of the Gloves Being Tore Off (2022): To Wit:

1. Dutch policemen come to America for training in something? (i don't care what kind of training, my interest is in interpreting masses of tea leaves and not necessarily isolated ones, sometimes) and get shot up and killed. By black men, allegedly, reportedly, soothingly for some, surely, or just perhaps, who knows, i am just a mixed-race, unqualified prole commentator. One who instinctively feels he Knows what this incident must or likely may have been about, globally speaking, even without inquiring about granular specifics.

2. Dutch Farmers, like Canadian and American truck-drivers and food-distributors, forcefully standing up for themselves, and some of their governments just as forcefully shooting back, and freezing their finances and bank accounts. Let us pray that story number 1 isn't somehow related to story number 2, and that the USA was not teaching The Netherlands how to shoot or crack the heads of dangerous, unreasonable farmers.

3. Defenestrated Russian energy monarchs.
4. Missile-targeted, individual Ukrainian grain merchant monarchs and their wives and presumably house-plants and -pets, all dead.
5. The comely and brilliant daughter of Aleksandr Dugin, car bombed.

6. Anne Heche, car bombed. Leaves a trail of bread-crumbs leading straight into hell on earth. She gets her own Celebrity Death bullet-point.

7. Salmon Rushdie, again. Will he never die? Yet another god-damned university or Vanguard Think-Tank-sponsored event. Has deft, apocalyptic, geo-political overtones.

8. Them Georgia Guidestones getting bombed and very expediently swept into the trashbin of news-speak history.

9. Celebrity Deaths? Yes, lots, including the Baddest Ever, so to speak, Bill Russell.... and then Gorbachev, who represents peace and formal attempts at dialing down needless MIC war economies and institutional psychopathies. Didn't Jane Fonda, James Franco, Daniel Craig and The Queen all just die?

10. The orchestrated and unnecessary near-murder of the world economy and the clinging livelihoods of the world's seriously poor and already hungry, which inhuman war crime we call The Pandemic. Coronavarrus was always about What is Coming and Installing preliminary systems of control that are very creepy and evil for their breadth and permanence, and their effects on bio-autonomy and freedom of human movement, altogether, imho. It is what it will be.

11. The coming food production and distribution crises, a huge part of which is the obvious war crimes/Arson we see in the many food production and distribution center fires in America. And elsewhere, i assume and iirc.

12. The current VP and former President of Argentina, "Kirchener" !!! being given the sort of very eloquent, up close message that former US Potus Jimmy Carter once received in 1979.

13. I believe i've already mentioned above somewhere the BLM/Antifa/Proudboy matrices of ginned-up or less than totally authentic, dialectical crowd control developments of recent years. Permitted and for some, profitable, arson; very shady movement organizers/agents provocateurs who can be used thereafter as news-story chaff and material for further Public Acrimony Ops. Here and there an honorable member of these controlled ops groups seems to wind up shot dead or burned in a car, etc.

14. The brazen calypso-king and astronaut, Jeff Bezos, goading many of the more avid fans of the Tolkien Lifestyle Choice and Universe with the precious, ultra-wokist character re-evaluations of his LOTR "passion project." See original bullet point 1, of part I.

One Marketplace To Rule Them All and in The Darkness, Blind Them

Addendum, 15: Right, i forgot about Biden's strange and demonic, semi-fascist speech and double-down oratory. But i've come back to include this bit of topical, scandalous brinksmanship.

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