Monday, December 16, 2019

Blog Entry, sometime in December, not yet 2020 but gettin close. We casually address the subjects of Trump, NY centers of wealth and intrigue, and with due little seriousness, The Impeachment Imbroglio


This morning on National Public Rodeo:

Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY):

"....conspiracy theory....conspiracy theory...I've gotta go, Steve."

NPR word-reader and most serene interrogator, Steve Inskeep:

"FYI, Senator Schumer had informed us prior to the interview that he could only give us 7 minutes, and that is almost exactly what he gave us." 

...All i can hear when politicians intone the Hallowed, Gavel-time Words, "conspiracy theory," quite that many times in one brief, boilerplate segment from news media, is the sound of flesh-eating eels slithering in a horde towards unprotected cribs. The cribs in this case symbolize the soft, pewling minds of the greater portion of the public.

Obviously the Impeachment Intrigue is a rats' nest is a rats' nest of Everything.

It begins with the premise that DT is to a more than cliched, nominal degree an "outsider" in the vicious game of NAP, or National American Politics. He's not completely Separate from the game, but is more of a regional player whose milieu is rapacious Empire State real estate development and Gambling Kingpinnery; a man whose thus engendered wealth, influence and family history are themselves Inseparable from Criminal Enterprises of the Highest and Oldest Type: International Mafia and the many things of which It is capable. Please believe me when i say i've done a fairly responsible amount of research into the life of DT and his forebears. Also i'm a NY kid and man, and growing up there through the 1980's and on, one was constantly exposed to the image and towering news-making prowess of The Donald. He is, as a man and very public figure, a very well-known quantity, you know. Even if he's incredibly canny, opaque, and in the end quite guarded, calculating, and expediently manipulative as a personality.

There is a sub-premise to this very important but troubling Political Reality of Origins and Secret Character as concerns Trump and his family's dodgy, twilight-and-margin-realm empire: Trump is connected to Italian, but it seems even more especially, to Jewish Mafia and to certain factions within the above milieu that put him uniquely at cross purposes, logically, to other factions. One of the single greatest questions that anyone faces when trying to make sense of Trump, is which specific factions he is allied with. (The Epstein case with its weird knottiness does spell this out quite well: he and Trump had what appears to be a serious and legitimate feud, centered at least around some quite revealing yet shadowy real estate shenanigans, but nobody is talking about that feud because, one supposes, it can only have the effect of making the demonized Trump look better.) It can then be very confusing and ultimately disappointing, just for instance, to anyone who is foolishly biased against world Jewry or is an outright anti-semite, to finally have to admit that Trump does not enjoy monolithic support from "The Jews." Indeed, it's a fact that some very high-profile Jewish influencers and politicians are stridently against Trump and are verily his most visible, vocal opponents and critics. I would describe Schiff and Schumer specifically as Jewish power elite who represent an old vanguard of financial and political authority of the east coast blue-blood bloc. Schiff is a carpet-bagging expat from his family's power-center of NY, who wanted to be a screen-writer, and the less said about his Left Coast pals and their private tastes, practices and criminal acts, the better. Suffice it to say, that at least imho, one doesn't develop deranged bug eyes encased in massive pouches like Schiff's, without having seen and been sanguine about some nasty things.

(Interlude: just this morning my intelligent and moral coworker and i had a brief discussion of "deep state warfare-level politics," in which i was morbidly pleased to remind him of the Shooting of Steve Scalise by a remote-controlled Type of man, on Donald Trump's first birthday in office. No mention of this event cuts mustard without also mentioning the symbolic Grenfell Tower Fire on that same day, in London, city of symbolic happenings and governance, generally. 7-7, COUGH AHEM LOOGIE. This interlude was necessary bc i am trying to express the idea that no analysis of modern politics in the Gloves Off Trump era---which is merely a follow-up act to the already bare-knuckle modalities of the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama retinue of deep state political nonsense and murder-porn-figures---i say no such analysis completely cuts the mustard or is worth your time unless you proceed from the Primary Admission of Fact that All Politics is Mafia Intrigue, at its core. It has surely always been this way, what's more. It's just that in the information age we're exposed to more data, proof, and whistle-blowing, leaks, etc. The lewdly illustrative case in point and the dangerous microcosmic take on this is of course the arranged and quite brazen, attempted MK-murder or at least painful message-sending to Steve Scalise on DT's First Birthday In Office, to repeat myself. I'll say briefly that the proximate reason for targeting Scalise had to do with the asset-seizing Anti-HumanTrafficking Bill he had co-authored/sponsored, along with the other congressman who was at the "Soft-Ball" game that day. Even my non-conspiracy-minded co-worker was forced to remark, "Yea, strange that nobody talks about that attack anymore." But the fact is, in an organized and technologically mad, sped-up society that is governed by intrigue, murder-politics, and the secrets and dictates of the ancient mystery religions, one can never actually trust the news media to talk about what is important. They're an important cog in the great machine of deception and maintained authority. Even so, one of The Most Important cogs or departments in the whole miserable institution.)

So, consider the above forgettable stuff about Scalise, or even the Congressional Train Derailment which you may not recall unless being reminded, or even the fella who burnt himself alive in Zodiac Park or whatever near the White House, yes consider all these things the next time you're tempted to ridicule "conspiracy theorists" who keep going on about deep state warfare and conspiracies against the executive branch faction launched from within other branches of government. Consider the near-murder of Scalise and the sending of DT's personal doctor to Walter Reed Hospital to treat Scalise, when you judge DT's actions from that point on. It is literally all conspiracy and factionalism and secret attacks and counter-attacks, and in 2019, it is worse than childish to resist this compound-thesis. From this point until the election of 2020, i feel we can count on even more of these intelligible displays of mafia politics. I'm sincerely a bit sad to confess that my position is a naturally, undeniably conceited one: i'm proven right about this thesis on an almost continual basis. The recent events in London and again in Hawaii, and in NJ, and imo in Florida, probably, too, these are just more irritating and deadly chapters in this perpetual game of correctly smelling rats where there only are rats. I used to refer to September 11 Studies as being a futile game of whack-a-mole, in which there is so much separate, categorical proof of Inside-ness, in the end, that all research and proof-citing become redundant, and obnoxious, and provokes one into a mood reasonably described as hortatory and inclined to lecture. Again and again with myself and a handful of friends, i've debated what are The Top 5 Proofs of Inside Job-ness of Nein-11. It's a hard debate. Well then, an analysis of all global politics since then is just a prolonged game of whack-a-rat. The stench of massed rodent corpses is now overwhelming, leading into this next referendum. Popular culture provides many of the corpses and ritual icons, and this is because pop culture, in its debt to dark occultism, is exactly the same as "Politics." Popular and Polis, same.

It's my view also that no digest of the Matter of Donald Trump is sufficiently thorough or valid unless it considers his position in the September 11 Boondoggle of New Woild Orda Politics. What does he know and when did he know it? Plenty more than you or I, in those early moments, days, and months, you can be sure. He came out and said it in very Trumpian style, too, right after the "attacks." He hedgingly but yet directly casts doubt on the logic of such oddly, neatly collapsible towers, iirc, in a telephone interview. (I wasted 5 precious minutes trying to link to this audio file. It's clear that a google-chaff-blasting effort has been made, to obliterate a generalized or easily accessible record of this interview, and i'm under no obligation to find linked proof for the reader. The audio record exists, many independent-minded people have heard it, do your own research.Yes he said many tasteless, typical things about that day and the mass media has generously catalogued these statements, but that telephone interview has become comparatively scarce on the internet.) Trump knows real estate, and he knows NYC and its underbellies, and he knows Towers, after all. I would wager all my coins and ones and zeros, too, that he's not totally ignorant of ritual magic and alchemical themes, either, or the role of Hollywood in laying the magical corner- and key-stones of the events of that 2001 Tuesday, so long ago and far away now, whose final meaning relates as much to occult cosmology and millennium turning as to the desire to invade Iraq or occupy the gas and opium fields of central Asia. All of this happens to matter, even if not to Chuck Schumer. Jeffrey Epstein also matters, but not in the penny ante way we're instructed.

In welcome short, you are not only behind the curve if you don't subscribe ultimately to the Conspiracist View and Interpretation of History and Contemporary Politics, you are probably nowhere near the track to begin with. May God forgive you if you side with any given politician on any matter, and cannot make a steady, reasoned, researched argument for Why you've done so. To make any sense out of NPR or the logic of those who are paid to present ideas in mast-head Print or on TV, you need to go and do more or less annoying volumes of your very own research.

More optimistic Redon

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Driving while Nominally Human

in the rain,
in the pouring low visibility rain,
while precariously driving
your motorcar,
that is a very good time to check one's cellular phone,
with laser focus, without a care,
even immediately after
one has turned
through a four-way intersection.
because, because baby,
life is short
and you don't wanna miss out
and you don't wanna be alone,
or behind the curve,
and you need a spike of endorphines
and you're young,
made of unbreakable matter,
and have never known
anyone who had a serious accident
or died in a wreck,
and really, it's probably impractical to
actually masturbate
while steering.

little cell,
little sell, where are ye gwan

i am motoring along.
One of these old-fashioned people,
that's me,
concerned about death and
needless accidents,
fretting still in my quaint, worrisome middle age,
over the social contract
and the contagious anger and shame
i feel at witnessing all
this sociopathic, narcissistic behavior
that has grown by titanic leaps and bounds in 20 short years
since these devices began to wrack and ruin
our already miserably self-absorbed
model of society.
Since the internet
and cell phones 
and 1001 Streaming Services
and murderously well-refined first-person video games
burst from the depths
of the MIC,
fully prepared to murder and confuse everything
with their buttons
and the infinite cozy womb for the
savage ego
which they all provide.

i looked to my left.
a college student, female, doing
what we have all come to expect from their
selfish, feckless breed:
Poorly conducting her car in the rain
while looking at her phone,
even though she only has approximately
3-4 seconds to do so,
if she is to be at all careful or sane about
the process,
having just merged through a sluggish
four-way clusterfuck
of civilization,
or at least of modern living.
We learn by
grotesquely repetitive example,
that these 3.5 seconds are
an irresistible temptation for the youth of today,
and also for the 35 year olds.
That ninety degree turn
is too valuable
a span of time to waste
on merely driving.

I say to Femalehood:
we menfolk accept that you are
more gregarious than us,
more social,
more inclined to burbling like shaken
soda pops
into whatever sound-transmission device is near at hand.
We accept that your social chops
bind society and the family together,
and that the limitless gossip
in your hearts,
this eternal tendency to talk
about social matters,
and even to talk shit in
a rather uniquely bottomless female way,
is not altogether
bad or reproachable.
But even still,
enough with the cell phone use whilst you are
driving upon
the roadways.
It's an unnecessarily costly, homicidal
act that can only be
explained as a vanity
now indistinguishable
from sociopathy,
in late 2019.

But then...
I look to my right,
and see a 58 year old man, driving
under the same wet, dicey conditions,
gazing into his precious phone.
A national craze of death-wishing.
Into the shredder,
and between the cheeks,
the contract goes.

as individuals we
are ever more
steadily reduced to shit.
People are lame,
people are unspeakably lame.
So that in the end we must simply cringe
and whisper it,
or scream
about it at the top of tired lungs,
in the clammy privacy of our own automobiles...
or do it like me, and mutter at
a level close to singing,
stringing together harsh invective sentences,
as if anyone cared.
People are lame,
bring on the comets and the reset
and the next season

there is neither enough time
in life
to examine or appreciate its beauty,
nor to develop a sound method
of dealing with human society
as it sinks
blindly into its mass grave