Saturday, September 9, 2023

Review of Madonna


Review of Madonna

It's not as if I'm here enjoying the idea that you now can't be quite rid of Madonna's "borderline" tune, boppin and burstin along in your head, like a gaggle-clot of idiot pre-teen cheerleaders in a parade with no end in sight or conception. Because of its perfidious, mind-bending catchiness, so loathsome to the human race now, since 1984.

Some say it's a song with a liberating message that anyone could appreciate. But it seems to be about men who are too possessive and dictatorial over Madonna. But in reality, we all know what Madonna needs is a stern, white American heterosexual male influence in her life, who isn't Sean Penn. Who would, as needed, keep her chained under the bed so that she behaved and isn't inclined to make any more horrible and mesmerizingly catchy and candied music that might crawl up the charts and into our and our poor daughters' unhappy minds forever and ever. I didn't object when she put the brother from another planet up on the cross and trolled the RCC in that blasphemous music video with the bright, agreeable and appropriated negro chorus, but still all of her music is horrible and probably more or less the stuff of sleazy Fabian-Illuminiss devil worship. Madonna has always been a copycat protestant strumpet, just like Gaga lady, and no good whatsoever. The Loosey-farian nerve of her to call herself Madonna, what's more.

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