Saturday, May 14, 2022

Coitus, coitus, coitus


How about this for a logical proposition, political argument, or sincerely tabled postulate: Fuck "nation states," as we know them. As a collective concept they seem not precisely to have failed us so much as delivered us the dependable misery and poetically stitched-together fantasism which was probably their original intent. Like so many fenced tracts of grazing territory, arranged for the metrical benefits of hegemony blocs. So then, fuck particularly America and for that matter The Entire Oligarchical-Corporatist Godless West i suppose, and fuck the "international rules-based order," which is complete and Provably satanic rubbish, (which, yes, is something i do feel i can formally prove but nobody cares to be told things that make them feel uninformed or even ignorant, let alone have these things Proved to them, bc most ppl these days are practically mind-controlled robots and definitely egotists, and are so loathe to have any punctures made in their sacrosanct Science-Balloon model of reality )...

and Fuck this evil proxy brinksmanship warfare On Russia's border in the infamous, completely suspect Ukraine region; Definitely fuck all of you who so obviously have No Clue what that warfare is actually about bc you've chosen to remain ignorant about the broader world outside of your antiseptic american playpen for probably all of your life; Fuck ppl who Have the Choice and Power and yet still betray their sacred bodies and refuse to take care of them; Fuck the devils who create Nein-11's and anthrax attax and the horrifying murder-and-trafficking (too often of POC minority) children-sprees, and who create the Global (but western-concentrated) Cultural Cult of Intelligence Op-and-fear-Programming-based Serial Murder Propaganda, and who also create plandemical duh-seases that are clearly tailored and modified to prey upon the co-morbid, elderly, and obese. Fuck Planned Parenthood and the racist devils who are ultimately behind it, whose meta-objectives are now shockingly well-revealed by their new policy of giving the youth of "medically under-served communities" Gender-Modification pharmaceuticals. Fuck the soulless, pill-pushing International Mega-drug cartels whose stock you can trade on all the markets and with whom you may be vested through your own pensions and portfolios, yourself, you ignorant, myopic bastard.

Fuck the vapid and programmable self-importance and aggressiveness of Climate Change Zealots and all other dogmatic, doctrinaire, angry pliable useful idiots and lackeys and hench-non-binary slobs co-opted into splinter cells and movements. Fuck left and fuck right and fuck dull, insipid fence-sitters. Fuck the hideous insincerity of All Those who are Aware of the fraudulence and broader aims of Climate Change Pseudo-Monomania, whose pretensions and play-acting so foully mirror all the same posturing that attended Nein-11 and the dependent GWOT whose moral guilt the entire west will never escape, and never should.

Fuck it all and fuck off if you dont understand this very mild and utterly justified dyspepsia, spleen, and disgust that i am simply forced to piss into the somehow still or programmed solipsistic void of the internet.

I have probably in my life never seen such an Uncritical Mass of spiritual nescience fused with total political/geo-political stupidity, but now in the face of a very serious high tide of evil and lies. The average Murkin motherfucker cannot even tell that Adam Schiff is even more reprehensible and even evil, probably, than Lindsey Graham, or McConnell, or Schumer, or Donald Drumpf, or that war criminal john McCain now deceased, or that simpering fall-guy, George W Bush, or even Jesse Jackson or the FBI Confidential Informant, Al Sharpton. Perhaps even worse than Jeffrey Golden Ticket Epstein. You see, actually concerned and pretty-well-informed citizens like myself can keep rattling off names and vile personalities like this for quite some time. I hadn't even got warmed up but i was also confining myself to a certain breed of public figure: Only the outre ones. Because I have bothered, in my almost 50 years of life, you see, Not To Be a rapidly or steadily expanding turnip-dumpling creature. In a broad, existential sense, of course. We should have long ago stopped making excuses for all the dumb motherfuckers around us. People eventually have to answer for their own private moral crimes and short-comings. We're supposed to be in this together.

If you, the potentially quite inadequate and unhealthy reader (O and there is Far More to this unhealth plandemic gripping the West than mere obesity, believe you me; let's not talk about The Big C Global Pandemic, or the Opiate Addiction Pandemic, or The Vaccine Addiction Pandemic, or the nigh-unprovable deleteriousness of all of our food production systems or the outright evils of a plastics-and chemical-warped human Physiological ecosystem, no no no), do not understand how in strict, absolute moral and intellectual terms many people like me are simply grossed out and fucking disgusted by All of Current Collective Bat-and-Dogshit Reality, and by the shocking fact---now pretty much the case for decades---that one cannot really even be publicly, safely honest about the state of the world or the findings and answers we discover in our search for humble but no less actual, concrete truths, then you're just part of the fucking problem. Just go back to sleep motherfucker. Go join a Climate Change Activism or Planned Parenthood cell, or a Direct Action blm cadre: find yourself some great and noble, Depopulation/Arson/divideUndConquer/chaos-based purpose like that. Go burn down some black-owned business districts or knock some frightened motherfucker's dinner off of their al fresco dining table when they fail to mimic your woke and "pro-black" hand signals.

All the working classes of the world are broke and suffering and hanging on by their teeth. And yet we're led around by those brass rings in our noses, willy nilly, hither and yon, towards whichever new Crisis and evil, deceptive, lie-soaked Melodrama whichever ruling clique of the day desires to make and brand as Important.

i can tell ye this: there's a somewhat fringe cunspeercie theery that "Nuclear Weapons Do Not Exist." You should look into it. I find myself lately, when studying and meditating on the lunatic, mass-death-spasm in eastern europe that isn't as bad as the ones currently in the "middle east," actually wondering and hoping about the truth of this theory. Bc it provides a somewhat more reassuring and reasonable explanation of the insane, provocative, dishonest, clearly shady, current murkin/western foreign policy in that conflict.

Mafias and Cartels and Bloodlines Run The World. And that is just the most vulgar, forward-facing, above-ground expression of the total reality. There's all kinds of other occult and supernatural arcana out there which almost certainly explains the rest, and the deeper levels of all this. And fuck you if i've offended you. If that's the case, then you offend me far worse, very probably.

(Please do note that i am now finally accepting and even requesting donations. See below in comments for the sordid details.)

1 comment:

Metacom said...

my cashapp handle:


Venmo: @natteaze