Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Morpheus Cat Mini-Manifesto and Dispatch

Morpheus cat has Eemportant Message and meenee-maneefesto. I still await eeny credible, self-respecting and educated ceetizen to explain to me how aero-plane can breeng down skyscraper, let alone reduce eet to micron-level dust heap.

Eets now painfully, meeserably clear that those who can swallow, and then prruhceed based upon, such reedeeculous propaganda-narrative as Nein-11, 2001, are very same sort of people who can swallow and theen kowtow completely to hogwash corporatist-globalist-State narrative of novel coronavirus Nonteen, and global economic crash-response and insane, very creepy vaccine mandates. Also obviously the same sort of people who tend to kowtow to eeny old/new Anglo-Zionist-corporatist-globalist-State narrative of eeny given war.

Wars ulways contain far-reaching propaganda moteevations. Same rule applies to domestic race-and-culture Tension "warfare," with sports and pop-cultural celebrities becoming champions and standard-bearers of rubbish-nonsense Acronym Conflict. BLM/ACAB: all rubbish and funded from seenister quarters, then supported by "objective" corporate news media and even "progressive" and current office-dominating poleetician classes. Very seemple, very obvious sewn-up dialectic of war-mongering and -profiteering Echo Chamber Wisdom.

Jet Fuel argument of temperature consideration and "steel-weakening": complete rubbish red herring. Building 7 very eemportant for both deductive and eenductive analysis of that day. But less eemportant than dozens of military drills and encompassing security stand-down of that or eeny other day, as in Madrid and London days of carnage, subsequent to massive 2001 occult millennial mega-ritual and Master-stroke of "new world order" realpolitick geo-politics. Global over-production values of these heady psychological operations of early 21st century make Morpheus Cat shake he's head and vomit all over, but must geeve credit where credit ees due. Evil overlords correctly anteeceepated massive global public ignorance and meek acceptance of terror narrative, taking cue as public did from corrupted, terrified and careerist officials, academics, scientists, pundits, and Men of Record. Success of massive psychological warfare of 2001 surely emboldened these villains to cook up current madness plans. Human race must work at breeding smarter children eef eet is to have eeny hope of future.

Atlanta Child Murders obviously Eenside Job.

So-called "serial murders" phenomenon engulfing West (primarily) since 1970's ees to very eemportant extent rooted in ("Cold War" Operation Gladio-style, "false enemy") "operations" or "programs" meant to sort of ritually engender the psychic/existential paralysis of Public Fear, docility, and ultimately dependence on State/Centralized Authority and Policing.

Left/Right: No Matter. All rubbish and crowd control measures.

Black-White: Same, no deeference. Occult schismatic mind control-training based on reptile brain grasp of eternal "dichotomies."

Democrat-Republican: Hogwash: Same. Deeferences not sufficient to make beeg deal or intractable moral/political divides as we now see them, so "eentrenched" and so constantly, routinely eenflamed and fueled by corporate news media and the words and platforms of shelled-out huckster, practically now mafia politicians of whole world, left and right.

All Rubbish, all propaganda, all corporate-State Lies. History ees largely one gigantic Lie. Eentelligent, triangulated, shared-effort use of revolutionary technology of Eenternet only hope for human beings.

Secret of Truth resides as always een Objective Rationalism and focused gathering and measurement of Data. Data ees King and God. Love also King and God. Data is God, Love is Data.

Enjoy seven-day arbitrary work-week with leetle weekend, of arbitrary 12-month cycle of Space-Time engineered by partly-hidden cosmic overlords and human bloodline functionaries all locked een long eternal struggle mostly beyond our understanding.

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