Friday, August 2, 2019

Letter to a Friend. A 1-sided discussion of psy-ops and modern music theory

Truly embarrassing, i agree. It's impossible---especially in the wake of Parkland and imo also Charlottesville---to deny that these ops suffer from a progressively more and more severe disease of Poor Production Values. If you perceived that on the SS fb-page i lost my patience and lunch all at once with the proletariat when Charlottesville happened, then you were perceptive. Because not since the strange evaporation of those towers in Manhattan and the unaccountable fire at the Pentagon that same day had i seen anything so roundly ridiculous on so many immediately recognizable, provable levels. But the great existential benefit of September 11 is its weaving of a powerful Spell of Infinitely Reliable Hindsight: its instruction to all thinking people not to be so meek and stupid when facing the horrible but no less obvious truths we're bound to experience in the future, and repeatedly. I didn't understand the raw truth of non-11 until a few months after it happened, but i will never again be so perfectly tricked, as i see it, in my optimism. It prepared me for Sandy Hook and loose nukes imagined over Hawaii, and all the others. 

But as to the hyper-produced Charlottesville stage-play, it shook my already limited faith in the ability of the public and its key directors in journalism to reason Anything, to piece anything together. And though i was already goddam right on a prima facie basis, i was proven “objectively” right when the VICE documentary came out, essentially admitting by its existence alone that the whole tussle was political theater from start to finish. Apart from the two dead state cops in the helicopter, that was very real, if under-valued as data: and then again we go back to Censorship. Still it seems that censorship will never be as effective unless paired with an idiotic public methodically deprived of its rational instincts. Those two dead staties were kinda like the Shanksville element of non-11. An unforeseen casualty and a secret wrinkle that had to be gussied up or scooped into the sewer. Your mention of Greaves goes over my head. I'll review the articles but im assuming you refer to the Garlic Festival. 

And i'm admittedly both baffled and tickled, tickled in a morbid way, that the obit ended on a Pizza note. I mean it just fits too perfectly with that family’s story and i dont imagine but that organized occultist pedo tribes of the sort theoretically containing the caliber of human that granpappy Legan was may enjoy leaving quips or tips or such in obits. What you're saying about the loss of expertise and organizational chops is very interesting to me. The whole question of what motivates a black psy op, its many clever plays upon meme and public psychology, and the by now settled matter of the intentionality of their occult themes, would be compelling even if the ops themselves did not seem to be falling apart at a rapid rate and produced by some version of a tightly-budgeted Hollywood in decline, which quality of poor quality must beg the notion of how effective they really are (or are meant to be by their authors, or in what several, precise, possibly arcane ways.) We do have to rightly assume that, with each passing decade or so, a higher involvement of young americans may lessen the efficacy or savvy of these or any productions at all. Smiley face. Just as in the noticeable decline of quality writing in our lower literary or entertainment forms (become so consistently gauche, hackneyed and bad in video games, for instance, that it’s impaired my hearing and vision a bit) and of quality pop music, and of any quality language proficiency among young folk. You've noticed im sure how often younger experts, journos, or just prole interviewees, when asked to account for themselves or supply their expert opinions, begin their sentence with "So.." It is as if they need a running start in order to distribute the weak-willed, derivative packaged goods of their ideas and sentiments. 

But anyway it didn't sound facile at all to me when you surmised that deficits in committee culture and the presence of adults may account for some of the hideous creakiness, silliness and gaffes of these mass shootinops. I too wonder about what could explain the shabby style of it all. Who the fuck would go around using the same troupe of actors, after all, or depositing into the public imagination this queer and ludicrous idea of a man, woman or couple who have “survived multiple mass shootings.” (This specific new journo-theme of Repeat Survival is in my absolutely certain opinion Proof of a concerted effort from on high to convince us that Mass Shootins’ are Just That Common, statistically. Thus proven by this credentialed, NYT reporting and calculus, one probably has to admit that they're apt just to stumble into the things several times in one lifetime, Because: these goddam crazy white men and their antique documents and bravado. These ubiquitous, ever-rankled white men.) 

I've been forced to consider that the architects and magicians cooking up operations are 1) By the consistent wackiness of their works revealing the fact that they are not exactly all from the same department or branch or ideological bloc of the hegemon. So you could have the ruthless Bush-Clintonite or Israelite faction setting shit off over here in FL one week, and the NYC-finance and mob Trump team, perhaps allied more with this or that branch of the military, setting off fireworks in CA or, say, the Connecticuts and such of the east coast, another week. Etc., i don't claim to have any good idea at all about the ordering or membership roles of any faction. I do have a really good idea that there is a subterranean political war going on, and that it partakes of sorcery, and that it’s gotten really quite hotter since Trump shook up the whirl, shook up the whirl. But having such disparate agendas and origins might could give a more wacky, unpredictable and seemingly error-prone form/appearance to our modern, steady, fattening diet of ops. And 2) quite depressing, really, these authors are proceeding based on the fact or finding that since the millennium turn when general shit began to get verrry much hotter as far as gladio ops being directed internally finally, at the American public, (John Allen Muhammed was imo not only the seminal event of this much more persistent, metronomic campaign, but helpfully included points of occult cuteness and high-signing, which have now become a signature of the most devious events) i say since that turning time, we the public have simply been judged to be not that swift on the uptake. And so ops have become less professional and convincing, ever more steadily, maybe. Why expend needless efforts to seem authentic. The fluoride and several centuries of the anti-intellectual, corporatist/capitalist american tradition have done our reason in but good. We just don't discern political reality terribly well and we are just as agreeable, docile before the judgments and analyses of Authority as It could ever possibly dream or code. I'm totally convinced at this point that a key feature of these 40-odd ops we've seen just since the Obama presidency is the organized and scientific, wonky design to see who is paying sufficient attention. Massive data crunching and actuarial type aims. And i would assume this design also involves an intention to confuse the public and cause argument among it. Nothing has caused such a (politically helpful in that it's so distracting and juicy to the governed) nasty dispute among the people like a Sandyhook or a Pizzagate...both about children, importantly and cunningly...then toss in some black magical curlicues or motifs and bring in a touch of fiery crazy fuel for debate, additionally. Whether or not they are practical or meaningful features, which some of them surely are.

And hey this brings me to your mention of jazz and therefore the horrible cadaver of pop music that stalks us and won't be done until it eats most of the children and provides the remainder with incentive to a life of sex work. So slow on the uptake are we that we seem to believe we like all this rap music. A sickly homunculus like Ed Sheeran can come along in this warped environment and, being an unlovable pasty white homunculus and thus so drastically different from the norm in pop music, have an excellent career doing novel collaborations and spreading singer-songwriter std’s through the cities of the earth. Yeshua lord, we’re so badly in need of saving from everything the state of popular music directly mandates when it is not venomously implying. I can only stumble through an attempt to express what i feel about the subject of music and its Dionysian effect on culture, for better or worse, but in this current pop situation of ours it is almost entirely a consideration of categorical motherfucking worse. On balance, pop music is now just an evil wind. Or it sits atop us like the suffocating gremlin from that painting of the Nightmare. I suspect everyone knows it is evil and horrible but that they assume it is also normal and perhaps an expression of the dark nature of the human soul, like something we should just now face and admit. I am still speaking mainly of rap music and what it has become, as it performs obscene minstrel tricks at the end of master’s chunk jewelry leash. 

Under torture I would not be able to point to any more dark, degrading a metaphysical influence on (the being, soul and heart of) a people than what we know as Modern Rap. This is not my or your father’s Eric Sermon or Rakim or even the Ghetto Boys. Obviously their rap descendants are in many cases participants in a satanic enterprise, for one thing. That is the rub: we don’t criticize “rap music and hip hop” as such around here, instead we condemn the various dark forces and Prince of Earth ethics that have brought an objective human form of expression birthed in the 70’s and 80’s to its demonically influenced place in the new central, digital, profit-worshiping market where consumer-slaves are continuously bought, sold and molested, and their genetics blended with that of lower animals when those animals have certain traits that will benefit the market. Who that is decent among us would not condemn such a thing, or punch Drake, or spank all of the Migos? We must be forthright and specific, too: while this corporate ghetto poison, this corporate rap which is similar in its effects to fluoride, but which reduces and dulls both mind AND spirit too often with its puckish naughtiness, nihilism, incessant bridling, clapbacking and flesh-hunger, would of course wreck and make more squalid any conceivable population, yes, it has provably, obviously done so here to this one. 

Pretty much everyone likes rap, and so contains some of the beast of the corporate gibberishrapper in their heart, as i see it. For over a decade i've been observing how average Joes and Jills seem to conduct themselves with the sneering, antisocial and sensual braggadocio of the common rapper; it's much easier and perhaps more satisfying to idealize or model oneself after a millionaire who strings together words that sound alike, than it is to master a musical instrument or risk your reputation by enjoying classical or jazz music. (I hear rumors that country music has recently been infiltrated by the agreeable, flashy, Sony sambo-ing of an actually African-American Hip Hop kinda artist, and noticed that the culprit, after gaining a pure and innocent entry into the caucasoid redoubt, then came dashing out of the closet of LGBTQness, despite his Liberace costumes being a rather dead giveaway to begin with. This kind of Bruce Jenner trickery is quite telling, i’m so sure you would agree. As above in the firmament of the old androgynous ones, so down below in the stadium concert venues.) At the end of the profitable day, I consider the great majority of rappers to be factory workers, but not the good or honorable kind. They are highly interchangeable and expendable scabs. The whole story of the development of rap-sounds and its nature as fundamentally dance or hypnotic music, and again, a super-highly Profitable musical form by its evanescent nature and by dint of the hysteria for Currency we slave under today, now resembles to me the story of Busing in America. There is the distinct possibility that it's every bit as much a social engineering program (note once more the Liberace "cross-over") as an organic cultural movement that happens to be wildly lucrative for The Man and involves no union dues or union concessions as with Music. And any cursory look into the ethic and precise biographies of certain influential rap executives---especially the sweeping arc of the NWA story and what it begat---will reveal a great deal of what i’m gettin at. Rim-shot or hook goes here, baby. See i am a bit of a rapper myself. So: yes Kanye appears to be mind-controlled but i’m  much more concerned about whole generations ending up that way. And by God, the planned obsolescence of each brief-lived individual rapper, that so painfully clearly benefits the Executive class, is a direct reference (or whatever, something more intellectual-sounding or deft here but i'm getting tired, it's late) to our own burgeoning uselessness as citizens and laborers. 

These parallels you've tabled here, between what i don't mind calling Saturnian Pop music and black magically-tinged psy-ops, are very worthy ones, i think. Both are fundamentally fraudulent and modes of ham theater, it starts there i guess, and i'm certain it ends with a quite evil breed of cynical, psychotic animal husbanding. Most human beings are cattle, in the view of the worst human beings. We may eventually learn these worst ones aren't completely human. And both these American Institutions are political persuasion by covert means, by mind control. I sincerely believe that if an intelligent and autonomous journalist were here, or for that matter existed in the first place, and we were to combine our power and strike the journalist over the head with a heavy and Actual book to demonstrate our seriousness, and commanded them to issue "a takeaway" from this consumptive analysis of the Relationship Between, then their summation would go: " would appear that at the root of these phenomena of public-wrangling is that ol black magical Strategy of Tension, Tension under Profit, of course. Seasoned perhaps with the transhumane desire to change people in some awful way or another, having to do with cells, molecules and emotions, as well as the base chakrah."

My point is we don't choose what we listen to, anymore, regardless of how many choices there seem to be. Just as---in my honest opinion---we don't on the whole choose what fashions we wear or movies to watch, or ops to be influenced by, or political winds to blow about in like weak moths and weaker farts. It all of that mostly just washes over us in whatever manner master pleases, at that given time or cycle. I said i wouldn’t be able to point to a more, blabla etc...but in fact i can. Social Media. Social media has only, virulently metastasized the inappropriate and anti-social disease represented by corporate rap and pop music. The giant, malicious troll of perpetually dissatisfied Misbehavior birthed of the union between 1) Promoted rap musical culture/aesthetics/behavioral determinants and 2) this technology of social media, is going to feast raw on generations to come. Rap will probably never leave its pride of place in the vicious corporate entity of pop music bc it is just too highly profitable an economic formula or device. In that way it’s rather exactly like a murdered actual musician with genius talent and a huge fanbase, whose catalog has been secured already, by other parties, through devious means of probate law. I choose to listen to the music of long-dead people, but it's only bc i am 44 years old and the music is irresistibly, wonderfully good and makes me happy to an Unreasonable degree of inner revelry and such. And i remain convinced that John Coltrane did not have to attend any Eyes Wide Shut soirees in order to get a recording contract.

with unmistakably little talent or appeal, like Ed Sheeran, your friend, 128-35-8126. Thankee for writing and being the way you are, sir.

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