Friday, February 18, 2022

not a poem fit for farcebuch

 (This is a poem not owned by FB, LLC, and in-deed will be eventually copyrighted elsewhere, on a legal but portly I mean poorly celebrated blog) : 

Yes quite often they call us crazy
and/or arrogant. And unworthy of reply.
Or at least of intelligent, sensible,
good-faith reply

Good faith argument having been,
with the advent of so-shill media, 
practically smothered,
then efficiently beaten to death ...
..and then its pauper's grave defiled,
then salted                                                                                                                                                         

But don’t We ‘ave the right to be Both,
Both nuts and pompous,
and still have something valid or convincing to say?
Ain’t it a human right and
Ain’t I a cis-bi-racial male/gendered generation Xer
With many votes in me, in
my life,
my grossly tolerant,
civically oriented,
quite self-questioning and research-inclined life?

Isn’t there now a very distinct possibility that the definitions of these words,
“CrayCray” and “arrogant”
are outmoded and in need of
a comprehensive update?
Or like a re-imagining?

Could those accusers not be hideously stupid,
and both materialist
and incurious in their worldview,
to put it very kindly or even in a permissive,
Protestant or Buddhist way?
That would all probably matter a bit
in the final reckoning.

The accusers. 

The dimmed, maundering ciphers.
The gibbering robots
with realistic flesh.
The slopbodied dilettantes and
callow, unknowing
devils worshipers.
These mewling egotistical everybodies,
These fucking mental-milquetoast talkinpoint-huffers,
pretending to Reason and "informed,"
Measured, objective political/moral thought.

Never wanting to discuss,
Always suffering so badly
from the pandemic of Opinions:
wanting only to be right,
and to have the correct ones.

...yes that's right: the accusers:
your old friends, your family..
'praps even You, if statistics are
to be believed,
or i daresay worshiped with slobbery mouths
When they confirm your biases and obstinacy,
and conform to your dogma of
batshit soulless corporate science,
the "science" propped up by verminous, corrupted news media
and the lying hucksters and
self-seeking careerists and sharpers of academia

i've sneezed out low-grade cocaine boogers
more valid, informed, and moral in their politics,
than all these
hypocrite test-intubated motherfuckers.


..These pretentious
Sitabout trolls and
Adherents to the lite web.

Them’s the foul souls what
Misunderstand the whole internet
And have never used it
To humble themselves
In any meaningful way…

To sorta kinda learn from it,
use it as a Vain Shibboleth-smashing apparatus
whose time what done has come.

Can one even be
A troll without the internet?
Search your memory banks
For proof…

It’s possible.
But it takes far less effort
To be an internet troll,
and comes with no danger
of being directly popped in the kisser