Thursday, December 9, 2021

Planned Death in the Age of Casual State Murder and Regularly Scheduled Psy-opz


Unmasked chirren on the prowl, lock your doors (AP)

These horrible, organized chickens of violent or at least coercive social terror will not stop coming home to roost around here will they?
In Boston an 82 year old man was chased onto the highway by a mad max posse of 30 wayward motorcycle and ATV jackal-human youths of the kind Murka has been methodically, aggressively suckling and modifying since about the 90’s, and to good profit and sense of completion for various murky-lurking parties that one could specify if one weren’t so tired of making obvious fucking lists, and corralling quite often pointless words, in bootless anger and frustration. Suffice to call them dark evil kapitaliss or whatever. The running dogs of the would-be lords of time or whatever...
alwaystoo these things could be
Less organic than they seem, in their syrupiness 
But reportedly these bloodmad hooligan chimeras bashed poor vulnerable co-morbid grandpa’s windows and ran his little car off the road and gave him some easy rough business which put him in the hospital for Thanksgiving. He had been out buying a turkey for a price that would have bought two last year. 
This is somehow not even a kind of hot headline delicacy or salacious national news story, as it once would have been in the blood- and piss-drenched Land of Hearst. To be honest, a lot in America seems magically incapable of being nationally reported, these days. You have to be a hip motherfucker to know about that cool story at all. About the mad max gangs of Boston openly causing mayhem in the streets well before midnight, and hunting Grandpa. I am not going to lie.
But it IS a more or less persistent national news item, or chewtoy, that some 54yo man in Knoxville who went by himself to the Janus-faced 6 Insarreckshun at the Capital is gettin his just due now that "friends and family on FB" (πŸ˜¬πŸ˜‘πŸ•ΊπŸΏπŸ˜š) reported him, bringing the FBI raid down upon his brief spasm of political activism. The local news piece showed he was cogent and intelligent, just a bit of an irritated, insignificant ideologue with serious politics, who was being swatted by The State itself in the background, live. Just one more aged Trump supporter who correctly divined that the election was yet another, and quite nearly as conspicuous as 2000’s, heaving blister of pus and media-managed fraud that perhaps warranted a protest. Or in his case an outright saunter through the legally opened Capitol building doors that waited for most of the quite casual invaders. Leaving a peculiar, strangely parti-colored or -skinned, comparatively small mass of agitated and agitator types to access the more serious points of der Kapitol, or slowly clamber up walls totally unnecessarily but making for great photos. (If a baby carriage emblazoned with "BLM" had been flung down the capitol steps by an Oath Keeper in a horned Klan Mask, this very sexy propaganda effort of January 6 wouldn't have been any more ridiculous and unpalatable, or impossible to digest without soiling yourself.)
This Knoxville man just kinda wandered around holding a Stop the Steal sign. Quite a definitive sort of meek protest. I doubt he even looked for a police station to burn down but then again he didn’t have a very professionally manufactured sign either. You could say the production values of his personal protest and brief tour of the Capitol's interior were not at all up to BLM snuff-film work. His version of "direct action" was rather more subtle and less amply funded.
Yet his story will be used in the aggregate sense, and will show up in many web searches and national survey-stories for any kind of “Jan 6 Insurrectioniss” propaganda pabulum. Because this is well into the round them up and rat them out phase of that bizarre operation. Got to teach this particular, articulate wanderer with a decided but withal very tame political philosophy a fucking Lesson by ruining and paupering him. Tearing him out of his trailer and stoking the public ire of his girlfriend on live global television in the process, as the feds searched for destructive URL’s and stuff. I don’t imagine the local camera crews were necessary or even fully explained, insofar as the info possessed by journaliss of the raid, but this is how it is now. News media are a vector for emphasizing obedience, punishment and shame.
There are other lessons in need of being taught. Such as that many of our young people are behaving like sociopaths or monstrous, naughty children written into existence by devious tv and even film writers, or just like systematically, psychically raped and abused youths who can’t be bothered not to apocalypse-larp around downtown, hunting and terrorizing old people on Thanksgiving. Half this dumb shitass place of the country at large has no fucking idea any shit like this is happening. I could cite a dozen stories merely from Baltimore and Chicago alone, receiving No national attention, that would make your white, black or brown testicles shrivel right up, if you are a biological male, and you never wish to visit cities again, even for a woke-race-protest. They don't know, because the average citizen-tool of 2021 lives in a steadily reinforced bubble of cretinous, State-directed fear and docility, one supposes. Streaming away their little minds and mashing apart the buttons of their own ravaged pleasure centers, all the while. The real nitty-gritty of terrifying if apparently localized social collapse is always kept from them, just like so many basic physics and logic lessons, and the truth of how them towers fell and somehow spontaneously disintegrated, making Manhattan redevelopment efforts much more speedy and affordable, and in the process helping a mafia mayor and various mob-connected dump truck removal outfits. I have become sidetracked again, but only because i get all my information from the internet, forgive me. No but seriously as well as frfr, some kinda spiritual holocaust is on the slow burn here, it really feels like. Don’t take your eye off the plague and collapsed economy ball though, and the other sparkly things proffered by the hideous, anarchiss woke corporate media and the politician and twitterbot classes, Sparkle-Puffs like something about “Black Trans Elders” holy fucking Gods someone get me a ticket out of here, and I do not mean by way of suicidal celebrity doorknob or fast-acting cancer. Don’t you take your mouth and eyes off the balls and I suggest you'd better learn Greek or Mandarin or Yiddish or some newer acronyms this shit is serious. 
Like like like like O dear my hardware seems to be like like like breaking down, i can't like directly or confidently like describe like like like anything anymore fuck fuck like fuck
Incidentally some of the oldest and most powerful money in the world is Shipping Money... the kind of money that doesn’t necessarily get bothered by a "disruption" and even enjoys a very big one, one supposes from time to imminent time, provided all the ducks and ships are previously in a row, and news media and its coverage are entirely bought and compromised, as well as academia, et al.
Get that fatherless procuress Maxwell, gitter!! Don't look at the vast architecture of honey-trapping intel networks behind the curtain, especially if there is any amount of tekhelet blue on that curtain, or if any names have been changed in the saga in order to strike a more anglo tone or legacy, or if looking behind the curtain more generally reveals that America is a satrapy of more ancient, Babylo-European powers and bloodlines who never actually, legally gave up control over the rental spaces of the "new Atlantean world."
I like gangsta rap and the wholesale appropriation and distribution of violent antisocial substrata behaviors, what about you who yo favorite rappa? Who yo favorite producer?
Donald Young, Larry Bland and Nate Spencer: Say.Their. Names, or Don't.


Bloody national public rodeo had a story recently and you’ll think I’m either making it up or maybe won’t get the very much pernicious non sequitor occult soullessness of the report, to be filed more generally under clymutt change propaganda: 
“Ever-one in SCIENCE world know the Albatross birdie mate for life but now SCIENCE people want to study Why Some Albatross Birdie Have Divorce.” 🧚🏻‍♀️🚚
If you think there’s some point trying to be made here about contrast and mutual exclusivity, there’s not. The elaborate confusion of our scenario doesn't permit for that very easily, or really for the execution of logical formulae, at all. The insoluble mass psy op is to some degree organic now imo. And the totality works pretty smoothly, with all its flailing parts feeding and complementing the others, or whatever, boomer
personally i dont struggle to make any kind of coherent sense out of any of this any more. I just choose to meet them sometimes on their level and dispense with the affected need to make an immediately graspable sense of any of their shitdevil madness. Many of the people wanting to make sense out of this hysterical campaign of inter-party, inter-generational ambitious evil are imbeciles anyway, and graspers
Reverend Al Sharpton, before and after shedding 237 pounds of FBI Informant Status, see below for informative link

Now as for the Jussie Smollett case and timely-arriving trial... while we are on the subject of Crown Intrigues or whatever, of glibly over-produced psychodramas playing upon the precious archetypes of race, sex, the fungibility and malleability of Truth and other Absolutes in an Age of Information Chaff and utterly cynical and obvious psychological operations, or whatever, can you believe this shit, brothers and sisters, sisters and brothers, and also swimming record smashers in between?! There is nothing new under the secret sun. Not even remarkable variations on the hackneyed themes. Just the naked seaminess of legal defense philosophical pretense in this awful but amusing matter, and the general, global weaseliness of it all....just the idea that yet another Chicago light-skinned brother of questionable provenance (Hollywood, in this case) earnestly thought he could pull another massive race-baiting con on a country as savvy as America, and go "Presto!! Yall Got a White Soo-premussy Problem For Real For Real I'm ngl." Meaning, the nerve of Smollett and his multi-racial handlers, to launch such an absurdly creaky campaign, even after the hallucinatory, 8-year Obama debacle of cause celebre pre-conditioning and BLM-Police tandem snuff-filming and race-war ginning-up episodes, in anticipation of the permitted Summer of Rage and Arson under the Trump wing of the show...this took enormous chutzpah, but to be honest the production values were much too poor and ham-fisted for a legit, "working" psy-op. And therefore it was probably from its scripted inception, i might guess, meant to stir outrage in many quarters equally, but also ping deep in the battered subconscious of The People, as something that was never meant to succeed or appear as anything other than another instance of national fraud and dementia. A fake Tawana Brawley-redux saga for a fake-ass time of dubious pandemics. Give that Jussie Smollett a job as a race-leader, by God and all His Holy Hair Attendants. 

And in conclusion, may we say that never in 47 years have we, the writer, seen such a constant barrage of High-Profile strategy of tension, Gladio-style court dramas come careening, careering, and smashing one upon the other in ultra-quick, close succession. It beggars all statistical possibility and quite directly suggests that the edifice of The Justice System and its ritual courtrooms, and its deft archetype-wrangling magic, overall, are among the many branches of civil life and government that can be readily employed in mass psychological operations, and the eternal attempt by master to herd the animal passions of poor mammalians like We, the harried and jabbed and impressionable ungulate resources. We are some dumb barnyard motherfuckers, utterly blind to numbers and patterns and the holy science of probability, completely hypocritical when it comes to protecting the Grands.