Wednesday, June 16, 2021

In Defense of The Rights of Lemming-weasel Hybrids


Since 1865, they have us believing in famous actors sauntering into wondrously unguarded presidential booths, during wartime, killing the president, then somehow escaping a locked-down city, with a broken leg, across a locked-down bridge.
Since 1913, they have us believing in the rightful legitimacy of the Bankers' Coup of the Federal Reserve.
Since 1963, they have us believing in magic bullets and lone nut gunmen formerly employed by the military and seemingly by the clandestine State, killing the president, and then being killed while in Televised police custody, by a notorious mobster who had been allied with "rogue" police, and who then died of a fast-acting cancer while in prison awaiting trial. 
Since 1968, they have us believing in escaped-convict watt supremaciss with expert aim in Memphis and the wherewithal to make it out of the country and to London, after killing MLK, Jr. 
Since 1968 they have us also believing in repeat improbable performances in locked-down hotels, of lone nut gunmen finishing the job of the Kennedys, directly after one winning the nomination for POTUS. They cut that one kind of boldly close, rather like in 1980, or 2001. 
Since 1969, they have us believing in a ham-fisted, B-movie-level special FX Moon Landing videography experiment, partly in order to put to rest the proud, noisome, squawling ghost of JFK. 
Since 1980, again they have us believing in (logically self-contradictory, as their numbers balloon through time) lone nut gunmen, shooting a POTUS on the very same day that Continuity of Government Drills were being run, and a former CIA director/Oilman/alleged narcotics kingpin acting as VPOTUS.
Since 1993, they have us believing in "loose cannon" state agency assets who are on record as resisting their orders to plant live explosives at the World Trade Center, but were ordered to go ahead and do as they were told, resulting in explosions and death in Manhattan. Consider, then, Flight 93, motherfucker, and thereby, Aleister Crowley. Etc.
Since 2001, they have us believing in skyscrapers that collapse when they are struck by infinitesimally small and non-destructive missiles: in this case, commercial airplanes, and they also have us believing in 19 magically powerful, coke-huffing, stripper-dating-and-stalking, Miami private airport-lurking jihadi hijackers led by a former intel agency asset, who can penetrate and defeat the vaunted US military air and missile defenses, On The Very Same Day that at least 15 military air defense and hijacking preparedness drills were being run. The flight numbers of these impossible, non-dangerous-to-skyscrapers aero-planes, beginning with the first, Flight 11, then in accordance with basic numerological practice, thereafter sum up to 12, 13, and 14. This is called "magic," and they have us believing it only exists in the cultural pornography produced constantly by Disney, and on their many occult-themed TV shows. September 11, 2001, is nothing less than an occult mega-ritual and a dense, diffuse, global shadow-faction Coup. And of course there is nothing to see or fear in Building 7, so move along now.
Then, just as World War 2 inevitably and logically follows World War 1, they have us believing in uranium yellow cake, and suicidal British WMD specialists who do not believe in yellow cake, and also in manifest inside job anthrax attacks and Beltway snipers. Yes they do these things again and again, but only because they have good reason to assume the majority of us are stupid and docile and paralyzed by fear, generally inclined to go along, to get along.
And then there is the subject of the childishly termed "UFO" phenomenon, (perhaps only as childishly termed as "conspiracy theory" is, when it is systematically grafted to the act of critical analysis and thinking, and parroted for generations by the priestly scribes of academia and court-journalism) that brilliantly hyper-powered third rail of speculative and arcane Politics and "ancient" Human origins, with all of that subject's intrigue and shadow-State considerations, and it is coming at us hot and heavy, and if you think the subconscious mind and zeitgeist were well-trained in "9-11" Studies and Seeding Mythology decades before Nein-11, 2001, then you may be in for something shocking.
...So, we're living---some of us---in a very sad situation. Most of us are not aware of the sadness of the situation, though. 
It's the shame and embarrassment of our lives currently, that this period of history is known as the "Information Age" when practically nobody avails themselves of anything more than a meager handful of the shabbiest, misleading information, delivered to them by corporations and the governments seamlessly connected to them, and seemingly obedient to their aims and whims. There's no use anymore separating corporation from State. So then Why is that sort of information not more widely regarded as propaganda, and checked against the wealth of objective and contrary data available through the beloved technology of the internet? Ah...that is where "new tech" and services such as the forum you're using now, if you came here from face-buch, come in... certain forces have done an Endless-Run around conventional methods of collecting and sharing data, and conferring imprimaturs upon them, and also quite around and past philosophical argument where it is most needed...
When i personally bother to survey the "intelligence," or the awareness of objective fact and reality among my friends and acquaintances, and among theirs extended, (which we can do via FB, etc.) it's plain to see that the people who know the most are the outliers, and they are easily and often categorized as cantankerous or contrarian, or odd, and most often by that dreadful cipher of a slur and CIA-hatched terminology, "cunspeercy theerist." They are precisely the sort of well-meaning and intelligent people who the majority of their friends, family, and acquaintances regard as a bit wacky and simply not worth listening to. The ego is the enemy. Honestly, any grownup worth their looted pensions, calcified pineal gland, or incipient reproductive cancers should eventually put aside the childish outrage and contempt they are trained to feel when someone bravely arrives with ideas and facts that contradict what they have been told by the State and its various petit ministers and paid priests, in their honored and degreed fields. Enough with killing the messenger and the free, independent mind, or destroying their reputation.
They have us believing that we live in a TV-world, with TV-politician-industrialist-actors, and TV-royals, all governed by TV-cartoon physics, probability and epidemiology. Now go take whatever it is they have cooked up in record time and have called a savior-serum, though it tampers in an unprecedented way with your DNA and has reportedly already caused fatal or irremediable havoc on far too many to be safe, and which "they" are now pretending to want to give to poorer countries out of a charitable heart, gratis, and allow them to inject it into your body, and then you go call those who object to this situation, one in place since well before 1865, "crazy," and "dangerously antisocial," and you go ahead and make them feel bad about their efforts to think independently and use the skeptical mind they were blessed with, and about their genuine care for others, and for truth and justice. You know what to do. 
The conscious, reasonably moral individual actors who know better, and in some cases have helped to develop the novel vackzeen itself, are on record as saying that it is dangerous as currently constituted. Only a fool or a brainwashed child could survey these (limited and far from comprehensive) data points of The Lies of History, as well as the total arc of the Covid situation, and believe that everything is suddenly now currently on the level. The nature and draconian scope of the global covid-lockdowns betrayed everything one should need to know about the dishonesty and illogic of our current situation.