Thursday, December 9, 2021

Planned Death in the Age of Casual State Murder and Regularly Scheduled Psy-opz


Unmasked chirren on the prowl, lock your doors (AP)

These horrible, organized chickens of violent or at least coercive social terror will not stop coming home to roost around here will they?
In Boston an 82 year old man was chased onto the highway by a mad max posse of 30 wayward motorcycle and ATV jackal-human youths of the kind Murka has been methodically, aggressively suckling and modifying since about the 90’s, and to good profit and sense of completion for various murky-lurking parties that one could specify if one weren’t so tired of making obvious fucking lists, and corralling quite often pointless words, in bootless anger and frustration. Suffice to call them dark evil kapitaliss or whatever. The running dogs of the would-be lords of time or whatever...
alwaystoo these things could be
Less organic than they seem, in their syrupiness 
But reportedly these bloodmad hooligan chimeras bashed poor vulnerable co-morbid grandpa’s windows and ran his little car off the road and gave him some easy rough business which put him in the hospital for Thanksgiving. He had been out buying a turkey for a price that would have bought two last year. 
This is somehow not even a kind of hot headline delicacy or salacious national news story, as it once would have been in the blood- and piss-drenched Land of Hearst. To be honest, a lot in America seems magically incapable of being nationally reported, these days. You have to be a hip motherfucker to know about that cool story at all. About the mad max gangs of Boston openly causing mayhem in the streets well before midnight, and hunting Grandpa. I am not going to lie.
But it IS a more or less persistent national news item, or chewtoy, that some 54yo man in Knoxville who went by himself to the Janus-faced 6 Insarreckshun at the Capital is gettin his just due now that "friends and family on FB" (πŸ˜¬πŸ˜‘πŸ•ΊπŸΏπŸ˜š) reported him, bringing the FBI raid down upon his brief spasm of political activism. The local news piece showed he was cogent and intelligent, just a bit of an irritated, insignificant ideologue with serious politics, who was being swatted by The State itself in the background, live. Just one more aged Trump supporter who correctly divined that the election was yet another, and quite nearly as conspicuous as 2000’s, heaving blister of pus and media-managed fraud that perhaps warranted a protest. Or in his case an outright saunter through the legally opened Capitol building doors that waited for most of the quite casual invaders. Leaving a peculiar, strangely parti-colored or -skinned, comparatively small mass of agitated and agitator types to access the more serious points of der Kapitol, or slowly clamber up walls totally unnecessarily but making for great photos. (If a baby carriage emblazoned with "BLM" had been flung down the capitol steps by an Oath Keeper in a horned Klan Mask, this very sexy propaganda effort of January 6 wouldn't have been any more ridiculous and unpalatable, or impossible to digest without soiling yourself.)
This Knoxville man just kinda wandered around holding a Stop the Steal sign. Quite a definitive sort of meek protest. I doubt he even looked for a police station to burn down but then again he didn’t have a very professionally manufactured sign either. You could say the production values of his personal protest and brief tour of the Capitol's interior were not at all up to BLM snuff-film work. His version of "direct action" was rather more subtle and less amply funded.
Yet his story will be used in the aggregate sense, and will show up in many web searches and national survey-stories for any kind of “Jan 6 Insurrectioniss” propaganda pabulum. Because this is well into the round them up and rat them out phase of that bizarre operation. Got to teach this particular, articulate wanderer with a decided but withal very tame political philosophy a fucking Lesson by ruining and paupering him. Tearing him out of his trailer and stoking the public ire of his girlfriend on live global television in the process, as the feds searched for destructive URL’s and stuff. I don’t imagine the local camera crews were necessary or even fully explained, insofar as the info possessed by journaliss of the raid, but this is how it is now. News media are a vector for emphasizing obedience, punishment and shame.
There are other lessons in need of being taught. Such as that many of our young people are behaving like sociopaths or monstrous, naughty children written into existence by devious tv and even film writers, or just like systematically, psychically raped and abused youths who can’t be bothered not to apocalypse-larp around downtown, hunting and terrorizing old people on Thanksgiving. Half this dumb shitass place of the country at large has no fucking idea any shit like this is happening. I could cite a dozen stories merely from Baltimore and Chicago alone, receiving No national attention, that would make your white, black or brown testicles shrivel right up, if you are a biological male, and you never wish to visit cities again, even for a woke-race-protest. They don't know, because the average citizen-tool of 2021 lives in a steadily reinforced bubble of cretinous, State-directed fear and docility, one supposes. Streaming away their little minds and mashing apart the buttons of their own ravaged pleasure centers, all the while. The real nitty-gritty of terrifying if apparently localized social collapse is always kept from them, just like so many basic physics and logic lessons, and the truth of how them towers fell and somehow spontaneously disintegrated, making Manhattan redevelopment efforts much more speedy and affordable, and in the process helping a mafia mayor and various mob-connected dump truck removal outfits. I have become sidetracked again, but only because i get all my information from the internet, forgive me. No but seriously as well as frfr, some kinda spiritual holocaust is on the slow burn here, it really feels like. Don’t take your eye off the plague and collapsed economy ball though, and the other sparkly things proffered by the hideous, anarchiss woke corporate media and the politician and twitterbot classes, Sparkle-Puffs like something about “Black Trans Elders” holy fucking Gods someone get me a ticket out of here, and I do not mean by way of suicidal celebrity doorknob or fast-acting cancer. Don’t you take your mouth and eyes off the balls and I suggest you'd better learn Greek or Mandarin or Yiddish or some newer acronyms this shit is serious. 
Like like like like O dear my hardware seems to be like like like breaking down, i can't like directly or confidently like describe like like like anything anymore fuck fuck like fuck
Incidentally some of the oldest and most powerful money in the world is Shipping Money... the kind of money that doesn’t necessarily get bothered by a "disruption" and even enjoys a very big one, one supposes from time to imminent time, provided all the ducks and ships are previously in a row, and news media and its coverage are entirely bought and compromised, as well as academia, et al.
Get that fatherless procuress Maxwell, gitter!! Don't look at the vast architecture of honey-trapping intel networks behind the curtain, especially if there is any amount of tekhelet blue on that curtain, or if any names have been changed in the saga in order to strike a more anglo tone or legacy, or if looking behind the curtain more generally reveals that America is a satrapy of more ancient, Babylo-European powers and bloodlines who never actually, legally gave up control over the rental spaces of the "new Atlantean world."
I like gangsta rap and the wholesale appropriation and distribution of violent antisocial substrata behaviors, what about you who yo favorite rappa? Who yo favorite producer?
Donald Young, Larry Bland and Nate Spencer: Say.Their. Names, or Don't.


Bloody national public rodeo had a story recently and you’ll think I’m either making it up or maybe won’t get the very much pernicious non sequitor occult soullessness of the report, to be filed more generally under clymutt change propaganda: 
“Ever-one in SCIENCE world know the Albatross birdie mate for life but now SCIENCE people want to study Why Some Albatross Birdie Have Divorce.” 🧚🏻‍♀️🚚
If you think there’s some point trying to be made here about contrast and mutual exclusivity, there’s not. The elaborate confusion of our scenario doesn't permit for that very easily, or really for the execution of logical formulae, at all. The insoluble mass psy op is to some degree organic now imo. And the totality works pretty smoothly, with all its flailing parts feeding and complementing the others, or whatever, boomer
personally i dont struggle to make any kind of coherent sense out of any of this any more. I just choose to meet them sometimes on their level and dispense with the affected need to make an immediately graspable sense of any of their shitdevil madness. Many of the people wanting to make sense out of this hysterical campaign of inter-party, inter-generational ambitious evil are imbeciles anyway, and graspers
Reverend Al Sharpton, before and after shedding 237 pounds of FBI Informant Status, see below for informative link

Now as for the Jussie Smollett case and timely-arriving trial... while we are on the subject of Crown Intrigues or whatever, of glibly over-produced psychodramas playing upon the precious archetypes of race, sex, the fungibility and malleability of Truth and other Absolutes in an Age of Information Chaff and utterly cynical and obvious psychological operations, or whatever, can you believe this shit, brothers and sisters, sisters and brothers, and also swimming record smashers in between?! There is nothing new under the secret sun. Not even remarkable variations on the hackneyed themes. Just the naked seaminess of legal defense philosophical pretense in this awful but amusing matter, and the general, global weaseliness of it all....just the idea that yet another Chicago light-skinned brother of questionable provenance (Hollywood, in this case) earnestly thought he could pull another massive race-baiting con on a country as savvy as America, and go "Presto!! Yall Got a White Soo-premussy Problem For Real For Real I'm ngl." Meaning, the nerve of Smollett and his multi-racial handlers, to launch such an absurdly creaky campaign, even after the hallucinatory, 8-year Obama debacle of cause celebre pre-conditioning and BLM-Police tandem snuff-filming and race-war ginning-up episodes, in anticipation of the permitted Summer of Rage and Arson under the Trump wing of the show...this took enormous chutzpah, but to be honest the production values were much too poor and ham-fisted for a legit, "working" psy-op. And therefore it was probably from its scripted inception, i might guess, meant to stir outrage in many quarters equally, but also ping deep in the battered subconscious of The People, as something that was never meant to succeed or appear as anything other than another instance of national fraud and dementia. A fake Tawana Brawley-redux saga for a fake-ass time of dubious pandemics. Give that Jussie Smollett a job as a race-leader, by God and all His Holy Hair Attendants. 

And in conclusion, may we say that never in 47 years have we, the writer, seen such a constant barrage of High-Profile strategy of tension, Gladio-style court dramas come careening, careering, and smashing one upon the other in ultra-quick, close succession. It beggars all statistical possibility and quite directly suggests that the edifice of The Justice System and its ritual courtrooms, and its deft archetype-wrangling magic, overall, are among the many branches of civil life and government that can be readily employed in mass psychological operations, and the eternal attempt by master to herd the animal passions of poor mammalians like We, the harried and jabbed and impressionable ungulate resources. We are some dumb barnyard motherfuckers, utterly blind to numbers and patterns and the holy science of probability, completely hypocritical when it comes to protecting the Grands.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

how i learned to love the endless probes

Well I’ve seen
enough of your garbage

So i’d like to waive my right
to be involved
in any conscious way
with this evil charade
and brazen, unprecedented transfer of wealth
of yours

Im gonna
plead the fifth
sixth and seventh,
And keep on counting until I’m brought to
your village of
internment tinyhouses
on the margins of the urban bantustans
separating the infertile
from the resolved,
and the genetically unmodified
from those teeming with renegade
spike proteins
and possibly the infrastructural
for the coming
who secrete black goo,
whenever directed to
by Master, Inc.,
our clever little in-house
arachnid physiology managers
of the brave new future
which is exactly right now,
our little spider-monitors of the
social credit score,
so crucial
for the maintenance
and tweaking
of the Internet of "Things,"
or of "human beings," whichever you prefer

...or maybe i'll be brought
to the gallows, instead,
or the more efficient
and humane

Where I’ll
Plead and blubber
Just as you like it,
and then beg you
to put it in me again and again,
Just boost me
and boost me
until i'm all leveled up,
or very sick

But in the meantime you can have your
bumptious vacant-eyed foot-soldiers
of the new race-terror dialectic
go to some urban
or suburban center,
say in WI or MN,
and really
open up that society,
presumably by burning down a lot
of black-owned properties
so that whitey, etc.,
can then swoop in and purchase at
fire-sale Social Justice rates

in the mean-time
you can just sit back
and wait patiently for the elderly and infirm,
and the thoroughly co-morbid,
and the legions of newly-made opiod addicts,
and the recently hale but
now tested-upon,
all to finally die
and leave you their
wealth, pensions,
and maybe etheric soul energy, too,
who knows...
anyway, you can build a lavish bunker
or something
to pass the time

....but meanwhile
i'll be over here,
concerned a trifle over end times,
and tryna figure
out how to beg The State
to exempt me from the
deadly experiment,
in a way
that may preserve a bit of my dignity
and more importantly,

my decades of pension

i hear AIDS on the winds
and smell anthrax in my inbox



Wednesday, October 27, 2021

3 strikes and you're now certified as having some dignity, off with your facebook head

Hey you motherfuckers, we all live on Planet Bizarro in the Age of Obvious Orwell and The Lie That is Too Subsidized to Fail. The Age of the Loathsome, Seeping, Empty Virtue Signal and centrally manufactured and funded signboard. And Fowchee tortures monkeys and dogs for, what, "science?" I didnt even know about that until yesterday, about those critters. At least i know how to use the internet, if at my own pace. Some of yall not only would let these pigs and their brainless lackeys injekt your 5-year old with "emergency use vackziens" created by bribing, evil corporations who strangle the world and also Africa for profit, you would let them do so while positively crowing and fulminating about it and how noble and righteous an act it is, this surrender of your duty as parents, and how vicious anyone else is who disagrees with your stupidity and madness.

how bout that AIDS, motherfuckers. How about Katrina.. and Hayti, twice now, and Jonestown and the ATL child murders and Fred Hampton being done by the feds higher up than the po-po?

how bout that George Floyd, the brutal house-invasion ringleader of Houston who is reported to have once stuck a gun to the pregnant belly of one of his victims, and who worked "OT at a club as bouncers" with that same, sleazy, obvious corrupt cop who played ball in order to produce the George Floyd Summer of Rage Biopic Thriller, by kneeling on him for X-amount of prescribed time as it was god damn Openly Filmed. O-tayyy! Motherfuckers i could sell you anything and call it delicious cake and you'd gobble every crumb down in your tiny little mind-hovel of conceited ignorance. Neatly collapsing skyscrapers, Beltway Snipers, TARGETED anthrax attax that killed certain people whose names i'm among the resentful 2-8 per cent of the population that knows them, WMD's, AIDS, Trans-and-gay-nonsense and any old identity politics, tactics of pointless circular political division dialectics, you fucking name it. Vackzien mandaytes that are patently illogical, unscientific, probably harmful and definitely the definition of neo-fascist-corporatist over-reach and coercion. Yafuct. Yafukn cabbages

RIP Kobe and Wellstone and Prince Rogers Nelson and Beranton Whisenant and all those kids in Jonestown and ATL and every day in Chicago, Baltimore, and the city of brotherly love and Kobe's birth and LBJs ascension fukn yuk yuk, etc. Better give all those kids the ffizer jab bc we love the kids' lives so much and have the best intentions in mind for the greatest number of economic units and bloodfeed bags, o i mien people. The majority of us are quite eagerly willing to work this disgusting plantation until the end, it seems

Editor's Note: Ha my man AK called her a "soulless, dreadful, wretched woman.." lordy. I didn't make the video, i just shared the link and don't have an especially angry dog in that specific fight. Though yes ok i tend to agree with everything AK says, even if he sometimes lacks proper sympathies. It's YT, there is a profit motive, and in this case really who am i to judge Him too harshly. I haven't seen noir dealt with a fraction of what he probably has.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Bugger and Bother



“Since ancient times, people have wondered about what was smart and what was stupid.”
  ~~ Daniil Kharms said this
Please take the following with a large grain of something or other: compassion, generosity, or suchlike you may find lacking in my own words. I don't enjoy being harsh or critical or a curmudgeon or cynical. But as Lily Tomlin is reputed to have said: "i'm not cynical, i'm just trying to keep up." And making a sort of correct, moral fun of things is one way i cope. Note here already the effectiveness of the rune, C.
If people behaved better these days, and weren't so eager to believe the crudest and most pernicious lies and faery tales about our reality, and our political world, and our common human history, and the preventive, needle-point medical-biological purview of nation-states that govern allegedly by Consent, i wouldn't have to write such consistently critical things. I want to be a creature of love and light, and in my own way, i do try. Just this morning i bought poisonous MacDonald's food and extra coffee without being begged, for two homeless people in the cold. And they were inter-racially matched to boot and the white woman only had one hand, because her arm was lopped off at the elbow, and its nub was wrapped in a bandage. "Facts," as the parroty kids say these days, even if i'm using that heavy and controversial term incorrectly. But somehow i even feel that being critical, even censorious like this is a moral duty, (just like helping and feeding the homeless whenever possible, and particularly without being asked) and it isn't done enough. Lots of people are perfectly happy to gorge on their own personas, obsess over their social lives and curate the image they wish to project constantly on tech-platforms, (a form of engaging with society, we suppose) but all too often they are fuckers and morons when it comes to cultivating one's moral being, or the important ideas that make our human lives so meaningful and beautiful (definite and desirable versions of engaging with society). Ok, yes, i like writing scathing sentences and phrases because it amuses me. I don't really like insult humor but i do like Bill Hicks, Dave Chappelle, Bernie Mac and W.C. Fields, and anyone who gives a fuck. I was also exposed to Mencken a bit too early. 
Please also forgive me for the excessive use of the virile, pillar-resonating sigil, "I," in the following. I'm very little if not a conflicted, cynical, semi-certain solipsist, powered by a vainglory that is almost morally unavoidable, in these awful times of ours, fellow citizen. The age of the deranged and voluptuous wokists, hurling digital ostrakoi about as if they had the palsy, or restless bastard syndrome. It's not easy confronting this situation without relying on the subjective voice. We're going to be talking about the vanguard of our society: the educated youth what been sent off to university to work towards their mortgages, abortions, and seamy side hustles.

Her name is Ades, 20-something, into numerology

...There are many words to describe the way in which young people, especially, these days have a tendency to be scummy egotistical motherfuckers pockmarked with weird psychological infirmities and vicious little personality traits. Traits they downloaded---i can't be blamed for assuming---from the murky evils of the internet and the technological anti-noosphere of our sad, sick modern culture or mode of life. 
(sidebar-note: hemming in this sub-Mason-Dixon line university campus i've so long been attached to, are no less than 4 Lodges of the Frei and Accepted Maisons. 3 are within at most two miles of the center of campus, 1 squats exactly adjacent to it, a massive gray stone block with no windows, per its mystical hermetic charter. We've always thought that this one's position catty corner to the abortion clinic was a bit creepy. There's no accounting for city planning, we suppose, just as there's no accounting for all the many derelict and recalcitrant buildings which have gone up in flames in this city over the past 15 or so years, to be replaced by plush and over-priced high-rise domiciles for the students. The fourth lodge is about 10 miles down the road, and much more humble than the others. Not a bit of nearby arson, as proof. One of those first three is the former mansion of a city mayor, from the scarcely post-colonial times. There's a beautiful fountain statue nearby, decorating the plaza of one of the non-STEM sectors of the academy, of Zeus in bull-form, licking at the hand of a bareback-riding Europa, and sporting such mesmerizing, gigantic bronze testicles that nobody can pass it and remain (a virgin) clean or innocent in their heart. The water gushes and foams around the thing. The colonial academies have always yearned back for the touch and inspiration of Europe, wherever it can be found. It's no exaggeration at all to say that the iconic statue at what is probably the geomantic omphalos of campus could very easily be mistaken for an artwork one would find in Nuremberg in the late 1930's, at night, by torchlight. A handsome, practically nude 9-foot Aryan stud with an immaculate haircut, clutching the appropriate symbolic relics. The magic of regeneration is everwhar.)

Geodetic pillar, Belgium, wikipedia

Not my campus, but my how focused the near-ancients were when building buildings. We seem to have lost the knack. This Venetian Palace could have probably withstood even flights 11, 175, and 77

ery often in my private mutterings i end up calling them (the youth of today, at least in my country) pretentious and mercenary, for instance. As shallow as a pit left by a small pimple. The words affectation and posturing tend to come up. Anti-social sybarites, sensuous lemming-apes: cows lowing forever for the milkmaid and not the open range (that last is a joyous Mencken line, there). Chimerical beings, half jackal, half blue-ribbon-winning swine, with both the padded Samothracian feet and the genital longings of national basketball association basketball players, and great fluffy wings made of adderall vapours. We're censuring in general terms here. I'm sure your kids are great and i would love to baby-sit, whenever they get off work. Then they have that hideous tendency to clutch their super pocket computers in their huge, soft, genetically modified hands at all times, and when anyone threatens to speak to or make eye contact with them, they instantly look down at their beloved screen. Crossing the street, standing in line, bee-lining towards some useless course having to do with Business or kinesiology, or advertising the death throes of the old economy. Anytime will do for furtive avoidance-gazing with the head declined. Making a left-hand turn in an automobile at a busy 4-way intersection when they get the green light is to them a great chance to check Grindr or DM's or Seeking Arrangement or whatever. That's only a mild exaggeration, because i've actually seen this maneuver.

Now let me tell you what happened yesterday because it was quite telling. A real indicator of the times.

But first lemme tell you that the college gals these days, woo. Hoo boy. Fashion-wise. Many of them look like they're encased in colored, opaque saran wrap. It's the season of (athletic and pornoyoga-wear) sausage skin couture and pajama-like shorts that no decent infidel would wear even to bed in her little back room of the brothel. The ones being desultorily taken upon dates are indistinguishable from the ones roaming in packs late at night, hoarsely hooting and frightening the males: they all are wearing lycra leggings, or some new, even tighter material probably composed of nanobots or congealed syrup or hot sauce. My conservative Christian friend and i were just discussing these new sartorial mores. He noted that when the sausage leggings first appeared about a decade ago at least, that the matriculates often wore shorts over them. It's just like a moral, biblically judgmental man like he to take a shrewd notice of the steady decline in female garment modesty. He then noted that now the shorts have disappeared and been radically replaced by a shower of abdomens: the exposed mid-riff look is in, and the tiny micro-shirts are of course lycra or nanobot skins.

For the nocturnal hunt, mini-skirts are also as popular as ever but the haunches and asscheeks of the ladies are much more ample, as a general rule. Scanning them takes more time now. It's harder to ignore the asscheeks, as i've always tried to do, as a vegetarian. Tonight i saw a couple of metallic mini-skirts, coruscating like very far-off stars in the light of the many horrid restaurants and bars of the main avenue-strip, or runway. The average person has become much more glamorous since roughly non-11, 2001 when the dark portal-gates were ceremonially flung wide open, and since the advent of cacodemonic handheld I-technology that forges such a deeply personal attachment to the internet, and thus to other people's diseased imaginings of themselves and their attractiveness. 
There was never until the last few generations such a hot lust for dressing as if one were "going to the club," when really you were just going a few blocks away, on foot, to a completely shitty bar. The social media internet, on the whole, is nothing at all more than an embarrassing example of what a 2-3 year-old does when confronted with its own gorgeous, hypnotic image in a mirror for the first time, and what a 10-30 year-old with plenty of calories and too much free time will do when they realize they can upload their image instantly and endlessly to a public forum and gaze upon it for as long as their terrible little minds please.

I'm repeating myself here but it's true that we live in such a highly curated and competitive social atmosphere now, with the expected, dependent mass-spasm of anxiety, fear, auto-hostility and insecurity that results in so many young people being medicated in one way or another, or simply neurotic and anti-social in the standard old, untreated way. It used to be that one's morbid, asinine preoccupation with their own beauty or ugliness, or simple plainness, could be safely set aside once the day was done, or at least, while watching just old dumb TV, the discomfort and self-abuse wasn't so pronounced. The hunger to reform oneself in some other more desirable image wasn't nearly as predominant. But now these sad people caress their phones and social media feeds long into the night, often ignoring the living human beings they share their intimate time with, in favor of gadgetry. It's made something of a messy horror show of the entire, ancient question of the human ego and self-knowledge, and self-love.

Yes, yes, we're aware that the men are narcississ too



It's been observed that the clitorises of modern women have been so ravaged by sophisticated and powerfully vibrating sex toys that the organ has become desensitized to organic touch. This is a metaphor, also, i suppose.

So i was walking down my right-side margin of the sidewalk yesterday morning, happy once again to be leaving campus. A phalanx of rather similar-looking lady students was advancing towards my position. One of them was holding forth, using strung-together English phonemes to describe some routinely disagreeable sentiment, as near as i could tell, and she was the one nearest to me. The thing is, over the years i've actually noticed an increasing habit of college women when they walk in these clots, or units, or groups. First of all it seems clear that this kind of massing-up or group-ambling is only a thing among sorority women. (But it has to be said here that sorority women more and more resemble real women who haven't been formally contracted with oaths into gangs. Fashion-wise.) The habit is to ignore basic civility and the customs of the two-way sidewalk. They seem to have adopted the easily bridling aggressiveness of thugs and macho men, generally. This is one really good, oft-observed and durable cliche, so let it be stated: women are increasingly behaving like men in the sense of being macho, aggressive potty mouths and promiscuous sex-fiends, enabled to a fabulous degree by technology and record-high levels of male thirst. Anyway, the rule is: when there are three of us, we get to walk astride one another and take up the bulk of the sidewalk. The lone traveler shunted to the right margin just has to make do with their depreciated space. At the last second i had to contort myself in order not to knock the silly piping harridan in the shoulder. This has happened quite a few times when i have to perambulate campus, by foot. Each time i can sense their negativity and obnoxious sense of privilege, as i fall into the gutter. I can only be thankful that the gutters are always full of their discarded, life's blood Starbucks packaging, which breaks my falls.

It might not be worth sharing that experience with you except that it was basically repeated later that night at a bar, but with a male of the species.

The hole is narrow, like a shotgun shack. I went to put my garbage in the garbage can behind the bar, since i'm kind of a regular and have splendid manners. There was some pretty fella with long hair and slickster glasses helping to inject Capri Sun wombs with vodka, with a syringe. Kind of the signature and patently illegal drink that the place is known for. He doesn't work there, but must know the bartender, who's also a bit of a surly pipsqueak. I said "excuse me, sir." With automatic sincerity, because of the manners. He was standing in the way, utterly.

To my lingering annoyance, he not only didn't move or respond, but actually kind of glanced at me, and just kept infusing one poison with another. I skirted around him and threw the trash away. When i skirted back by him i manfully suppressed the urge to say some things to him that would have really lessened his self-opinion, and probably would have embarrassed him in front of the handful of people he may have been posturing for. 

One has the impression that we're all non-gendered sacred prostitutes now. Either of the Pornai class or the Hetaira, just depending. The old fustiness is dying. Boys are more and more like girls, and girls are more and more like assholes, or boys, and what a free, full-contact median existence we share. All of our poorest gendered qualities we're now sharing freely, like diseased milk among third-graders, once all the teachers have disappeared in some mystical calamity, and no one is left to guide us crazy, puerile, biologically mature simpletons.

..Let's not beat this classical and secret order theme too much to pulp. I wouldn't want to offend anyone, or wake up one evening to find that i was all tightly bound up and about to be thrown into a lake. But let's at least also mention that a remarkable thing once happened at the university in question, about 20 years ago. It was discovered somehow and reported in the skull newspaper that there was an actual, long-standing/skulking secret society in back of the formal institution of "student government." We don't need to correctly name the society. Let's say it was called The Shit-Beetle Society. It was really quite astonishing to consider. Just imagine all these princelings and starry-eyed future public servant heterai and sergeants of industry, meeting in secret and probably chuckling as motherfuckers with elitist pretensions do. The fraternity/sorority, as it were, ultimately was in a position of more or less secretly determining to some extent where funding was directed, and therefore to a real extent which little fuckabout cadres or "parties" held "power" or a kind of persistent relevance. More than anything else it seemed to represent an institutional running of an elephant and donkey show. The campus community took notice, and was a bit outraged, and titillated, and then of course moved on.

Once again, i am just very sorry for society these days. These goofy little boy and girl and perpetually upset gender-non-determinate wretches who remain locked in adolescence well into their 30's. Babbling constantly about tv shows and what they like and dislike, in their annoying, hyper-casual, languid, singsong valleygirlway. Using slang obsessively. Being rude and dismissive, characteristically. Thinking incivility is some badge of cool. Generally being terrified of the world, and with pretty good reason. Being awkward, spiny, and hesitant when having to deal with strangers, which makes me very sad, and sympathetic. I love strangers. The more the better, in this atmosphere.

I'm sorry for those who have to raise and moderate youngsters in this environmental catastrophe. People are flexing so extremely hard these days, even during the normal course of just walking and standing around. Savage, unnecessary competition among self-proclaimed "savages" and "demons." These words have entered the lexicon in an affectionate, admiring way, you know. Thank you for sort of allowing me to get these thoughts off my chest and into the internet where they will definitely be of some use or measurable benefit to others. 
Cour Owna Varrus Mary

Editor's Note and post-script: There's a lovely and quite younger lady i'm trying to establish a purely platonic friendship with lately, named Olivia, who is white of skin. She recently decided once again to reply to my occasional texts/provocations. It was to tell me that her "beautiful face. no more." She included photographic proof. You see, she went to one of these nasty college bars, the most current and popular one in the region as far as i'm aware. She goes to the bathroom, and while in the stall, she tells me that 7 black girls bust the door down and beat her ass quite thoroughly. Face busted up kinda, a fat-ass lip, predictable levels of trauma. The kicker is that she claims not to know who they were, at all. Either she created some secret enemy recently, or she was guilty of some insupportable slight that very night. I mean you know how tough and violent the kiddos are these days, even the women. Equal rights and justice, legal pansexual bloodsport leagues, being forced to compete with men on strange hormones on the track and in the wrestling ring, etc. Olivia has a good heart and has wondered to me about the world being so dark and scary. Olivia opined, after her bar battle royale, that she wishes women would practice what they preach and support their crowed-about credos of "women have to stick together" and "feminism." I do suppose she has a point, there, but still it's kind of naive of her. Many of these modern catty monsters don't give one loveless fuck about a "feminism." She'll learn eventually and at least her first lesson was the hard way, so she will probably never forget, just as she may never recover a portion of her optimism and her trust in others. One supposes that from time to time in our beastly age, a more or less arbitrary non-lethal lynching is required to teach white wimmen not to look salaciously at a high value black man. Perhaps that is the modern moral lesson we should take to heart, when we have a spare moment