Sunday, September 30, 2018

Gitdem Black Nashunulliss

We can learn even from a VICE news report, if we watch very closely. Or at least be reminded of something. In this case I was reminded that COINTELPRO will never die. Advance to about 7:30min into this video, and you'll see a graphic describing five separate incidents that ultimately led to the formation of some federalized, centralized state policy or another, which targeted "black identity extremists," a wishy crime of general, washy being which amounts to statutory terrorism, if the authorities decree it. The sum of those events resembles many other call-and-response religious interactions between on one hand the American State, and on the other, the golem of fraudulent anxieties and existential fears which the State manipulates into being, and which are generally regarded as being the will and mental condition of the people. Just the kind of fucked up devilish trickery that could only ever explain even a minority of people believing the accepted premises of Apollo 11, September 11, 2001, and any of the Rocky films. Smart people know that Buzz Aldrin is a lying psychopath, Building 7 didn’t disappear into its footprint simply because some British newscaster finally said the correct magical words, at the correct time, and Sylvester Stallone can’t box for shit.

I recall smelling loads of hot excrement about the hatchet attack incident in NYC and also the Ferguson "bombers" thing, (tbh, all 5 incidents stank to different degrees) and saying as much to others who could read, or think without consulting reddit or snopes. The events smelled this way only because i got me a sound historical idea about state operations of coercion and provocation, having always been fascinated by the national St. Vitus’ dance of the 1960’s, and having lived with purpose and mindfulness through the Wonderland events of non-11, but also just because these rank happenings came during the Obama administration. You see, if one paid any dignified, sober-minded attention whatsoever during those 8 years, they would know that the State had categorically lost its mind with such rubbish, hatchet-job Strategy of Tension Ops. They came in such number and frequency, it was like the twilight zone. Even with Sandy Hook as a showy primer, the majority of the country never came to properly understand drills, crisis actors, and the complete merging of deep state and news media. It was a scary, miserable time for any brain that had not been totally clouded over by propaganda or the private concerns of the estomago and lower chockruhs. Even the saucer-eyed neuroscientist who studied mind control for the military-connected university and who joined with Warner Brothers or whoever to stage the Aurora cinema shootemup, even his perfektly obvious state profile could not awaken very many of us. Even the Maryland Naval Yard Nikita with his message-painted shotgun couldn’t rouse in the republic much in the way of a precision-oriented political consciousness of outrage and disgust, or even the desire for a less vulgar, obvious, hammy script.

(He had painted part of this weapon purple, that detail seems to have been mostly lost in the memory hole shuffle. I confess to being confused by this incident, it even almost looks like an instance of the long-rumored internecine warfare within the US military)

Yes i agree, we should consider the wyrd story of Aaron Alexis, (11) just one more time very briefly, because it strikes me still as newsworthy, and satisfying meat for the best kind of philosophical inquiry. From the wiki:

“The media reported that Alexis had filed a police report in Rhode Island on August 2, 2013, in which he claimed to be the victim of harassment and that he was hearing voices in his head.[51] According to an FBI official after the shooting, Alexis was under the "belief that he was being controlled or influenced by extremely low frequency electromagnetic waves". A message later obtained by federal authorities from Alexis' personal computing devices said, "Ultra low frequency attack is what I've been subject to for the last 3 months. And to be perfectly honest, that is what has driven me to this."

Note also the portion of the wiki titled “Early Life and Service.” Now read the following addendum or correction from the NYT article. (The NYT is an important newspaper based in NYC.) Corrections at any level of journalism are always very interesting, and potentially informative in what we may assume is an unintentional and undesired way. For this is the empirical rule of thumb for the most credible and non-credulous investigators or scribblers of blogs, when they try these days to make sense of news reporting: No Individual Instance of Collective Reality (which last, bold designation is the business of “Journalism”) Can Ever be Totally Mutilated and Misrepresented by Subsequent Editing and Politically-Motivated-Scrubbing, Precisely Because Some Details Pertinent to Key, Objective, Verifiable Reality Will Almost Always Worm Their Way into the Earliest Reporting. Therefore, Always, always, always greedily consume the earliest reportage of any yuge or dire incident, for after this time, important details, facts, and testimony will be lost, abducted, murdered. But if we produce hard printed copies of some stories in their infant state, or if we mirror cache web-articles, we can have some access to a sturdier truth. The addendum, and make of the stunning contradiction what your keen, gumshoe’s mind will:

“An article on Tuesday about the mass shooting at the Washington Navy Yard, using information from law enforcement authorities, misstated, in some copies, the circumstances under which the gunman, Aaron Alexis, entered the facility before the shooting began. He used his valid credentials as a military contractor to get into the base. He did not “shoot his way in.” 

Certainly in those eight rooting, tooting years of BHO leadership, the nominally awake were much separated from all the other citizens who were still asleep at the wheel of life and real-politik. Further, the people who by study and experience almost reflexively regarded these dozens of "mass and active shooter" incidents as manifest rubbish from the get-go, were separated even further from both the dull crowd and the nominally awake...that's my studied opinion. During the Obama imperium, in other words, most people in the USA were exposed as being extremely gullible and devoid of any competent detective instincts. The unfriend button was pressed many, many times throughout the land, from a critical mass of contempt, going both ways, going every way. Alex Jones played his most important Controlled Opposition role yet during these years, as his consistent skepticism of the many obvious Gladio operations made by implication all the non-shill, genuine critical thinkers look crazy. A clunky but generally effective, media-based plan, of the kind that would work pretty well on our people.

Those two terms of Obama and his ruling faction fucked us all immeasurably. A meta-fucking. The Mandela Effect was effectively birthed, and Flat Earth Theory; the LHC dominated the ethereal and scientific alchemy worlds. On the Hoover Dam, a massive, playful Goat suddenly appeared, burning in some of the most brilliant lights that have ever shown on earth, advertising German Soccer in Cologne and all that might represent.

But on the specific gun-and-state-control operations, and of course the Existential Questions of Force and Independence they imply and entail: just think of how many addled, generally well-meaning but intellectually void knee-jerk liberals you know personally, whose views on gun control and the potential hair-brained, gun-toting wackiness of the citizen-individual were formed during this period of state coercion and false flagging. So many harsh political divisions were solidified during those years. Ones that in the deepest sense define the relationship between the citizen and the State, the behaviorally right-wing from left-wing, and ultimately the relationship of each person with reality: with one's epistemology and trust in collective experience. Collected news media certainly continued to reveal itself as an abject painted whore in service of capital and exceptionalist cliques of power. And that is simply no longer news at all.

Think of how few organized, militant black men or communities there are currently in this country. This is 2018, not 1968.

So another, and even the most salient point here, is that since Team Trump came to power, there have been so few such sadistic acts of political deception and gunplay, and nutters attacking cops with fucking hatchets. Such ludicrous operations seemed almost to dry up once Team Obama left. (Indeed, my opinion is that several dire actions can be identified that were directed formally against Trump and Co., with the Scalise shooting probably requiring mention, and various peculiar breaches of Potal security) In short, black people in particular became less overtly, cynically used in actual tension-ops, once Trump got to D.C.

Think of that shit the next time you hear some gut-level raging and contempt for the Trump imperium/administration, and the "racism'" it is always charged with. And i’ll ask you to keep in mind that i’m no rube or guppy in this line of reasoning and inquiry. I know pretty well what i’m talking about because i have a moralistic fetish for studying and keeping abreast of the state of black people in America. In the end, the question isn't whether the Trump Team does or doesn't express certain attitudes and operational methods that depend on racism and divisive crowd control. That is just an American tradition and a general political maxim, of sorts, throughout time. And for all I know, this entire century and beyond is a clever stage-play, and there are groups playing the dialectical pendulum into perpetuity; by this calculus, perhaps Obama was managed and controlled by the same groups who now manage the opposing white totem of state, the masonic German/Scotsman of somewhat dodgy heritage, Donald Trump. But what i can say for certain is that the Obama years, taken all together, were a truly evil stretch of time in which the darkest, cryptic forces of the State were unleashed totally on our sense of peace and security, and that a disproportionate number of those attacks relied on the use or role-playing of black people. I'm a student of almost every one of those dozens of rubbish mass casualty incidents, and they all reek of evil fabrication and they embarrass me, to consider how effective they were. We’re all embarrassed, even if we don’t know it.

Out Takes with Rick Grimes and an extra

(place any collection of random pop-culture industry photographs here, emphasizing occult hand signs and devil costumes ad nauseum, with particular focus on Lady Gaga and the control of Black Music/Hip-hop, R&B by masonic, Luciferian forces. All of that shit reached its full maturity during the Bam-bam era)

I choose to believe there are factions at play here. It helps me to digest my food and better disregard the slow but methodical murder of our bodies, minds and souls that modern conditions involve and may even depend upon. I refer to the cancerous food production systems and the evil corporations that are killing us all at a faster rate. This VICE video details indirectly how the Occult/Corporate/Military/Deep State is always far ahead of our simpering, self-satisfied habits of perceiving political reality. Thesis/antithesis/synthesis. If they can’t create from whole cloth their precious state enemies, (as is almost always the case) they will simply find those who consciously object to the state or just political conditions, and who organize a bit, and make examples of them. It stands to reason that if a given faction possesses any kind of moral righteousness at all, it may deserve some kind of pass for having to engage in dirty tricks and politics, and some animal-spirits wrangling, in order to survive at all. If anyone is curious about my boiled down attitude on this shitty state of grim affairs, i feel that Team Trump is materially less evil than Team Clinton, et al, but that TT remains evil in some recognizable way, yes. In a word, i’m ambivalent, and quite removed from regarding my own decided political opinions as necessary or important at all. Writing these anemic paragraphs is the most i can really muster. I feel like all this free time in our for-now capitalist heaven would be wasted, or even become a moral crime, if i did any less.

Yes, of course, the open race-baiting and reactionary value-signaling engaged in by Team Trump are to me among the top reasons to be distrustful of it. The mere obviousness of it all is to me something that doesn’t even need to be reconciled, or debated. But without dwelling on it or launching into some turbid exegesis on the objective reality of “Trump Racism,” it is worth saying here that it is quite possible to find a good number of black people who yet support Trump. Perhaps they know something the liberal establishment and hegemon do not. Perhaps they are somewhat more over themselves and their received or collectivist feelings than a lot of other Americans. I can be sure of one thing: most everything in this time is not as it seems. I have yet to hear Donald T. make a tremendous big deal about the eminent threat of black nationalists or “black identity extremists,” whereas the conventional wisdom would suppose that such a tack would be exactly in keeping with racist ol master Trump’s doctrines.

There’s one other thing i can be sure of. The first decades of the 21st century have seen a generalized increase in very cynical operations that have made definite use of black people, as pawns, foils, and avatars of subconscious and overt fear among the non-colored classes of the USA. Anyone who has read the bulk of the things i’ve written in the past 5 or so years will understand this without great need of further proof, or of a god-damned and fuckabout newspaper. Do not get me started on Katrina, or the Haiti earthquake, and don’t consider yourself all that woke if you can’t connect those horrors in their proper way to Jonestown or the ATL child murders, or that “duck in a noose” sniper nonsense with John Allen “Muhammad” after nein-11.

These are the views of one person who does not own a home or an Amazon Dot, and who is not too depressed at driving a car made in the year 2000, with body damage. Take only with supervision. That is a joke, it is just a joke. I love all the tribes of the human race, it should be obvious. It is our priesthoods and our crazy, self-absorbed ignorance that vex and trouble me.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

mac-don nulleds

Judy’s donuts in the rain.
across the street from her place is
macdonald’s, slick and gorged with human activity, one day after gameday,
on the Xtian sabbath.

three college males of the species exit,
looking dangerous, scowling,
as is the fashion of most milquetoast privileged whelps
of the late imperium who have been crated off to university,
and who fancy themselves hard, because they have dangling testes i suppose, and also
bc of their steady diet of violent urban music,
piped into the insulated stone ovens of their minds
since adolescence.
bc of the homocidal, goodcleanfun, online and in-line video games.

they are all adolescents and will be forever,
with angry looks like that,
signaling they are ready to throw down and hurt a fool,
after finishing their biscuits with jam.
they all ride sad, soggy little ribbons of longing.

I glare back, an existential challenge through a car window.
the fast food is attenuating the spirits
of these cheerless capitalist strutting dogs, making them flabby,
filling their cells with toxins.

...we all know about the birth rate of westerners,
but is it flagging quite drastically enough,
i want to know?

we men of the west have plenty of sperm
for pornography, and for the will to take, obsess over,
and exchange the nude snapshots of the ladies.
and the ladies of the west are clearly more and more
proudly and beastly like men.

But we can’t seem to reproduce together.
It is entirely deserved.
Robots should not have children and really do not need them.
Perhaps when we stop making war and disease and misery,
and composing operas as we breathe and flatulate,
that sing of how we would never do such things
and indeed are committed to exterminating all the darkies who do,
and also the meddlesome Slavs,
we can have healthy babies again.